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Everything posted by Dannysgirl

  1. What RayKay said, I was thinking exactly the same thing! Teddyboy, would YOU sleep with a gay man 'just to please' him?
  2. Um no, if a guy has sex with a man then he's bi or gay no two ways about it.
  3. Just a thought but maybe you're trying a little too hard? You're only 21 thats hardly geriatric! I didnt start having proper boyfriends till that age either really, just go out with your friends have a good time and take an interest in the women you meet. Don't worry, soon it will all click into place...
  4. I would just drop this girl as a friend, she sounds like an idiot and an attention seeker who craves drama you don't need this kind of hassle.
  5. Remember it IS october, she might want something warm!
  6. Pasta is a good idea. Pasta cooks in boiling water in about 15 minutes but you can make sure by trying some and checking if its soft before you take it out. Buy some fancy pasta sauce and that will be fine... Make sure you stir the pasta every now and then to stop it sticking to the pan... Alternatively Chilli is an easy thing to make, you can pick up mixes for that at the supermarket that do most of the work for you all you need to do is brown the minced beef and throw in some onion and peppers..
  7. I agree with Some_Guy. This relationship is not worth saving there has been too much betrayal and lying for it to work. End this unhealthy relationship and go strict NC.
  8. Thats a good idea, they would be able to give him treatment at home and perhaps give him a sedative in case he needs to go to hospital.
  9. NHS direct is a service in the UK that is open 24hrs, it is seen as an alternative to going to the casualty department. Why don't you call them - the number will be in your phone book and see if they think you need to go to the hospital? If so ask a friend to take you or explain the situation to the nurse and perhaps they could think of an alternative for you?
  10. Could you perhaps call your doctor, explain the situation and have him come out to have a look at you? Either that or call NHS direct if you are not registered with a doctor, they can sometimes give you advice over the phone as to the most likely explanation for your problem. However its going to be pretty difficult for them to diagnose you over the phone. would it help if a friend or a relative accompanied you?
  11. Go to the hospital ASAP, you need to get that checked out immediately.
  12. How much blood? do you have diarrhoea, constipation or hemorroids at the moment?
  13. lol! Many newbies ask the same question. It means 'no contact' and no, you don't have to worry about it!
  14. QTpie, Correct me if i'm wrong but you DID stand up for yourself on this one did you not? So if his aim was to 'make you stand up for yourself' why did he get so mad and storm out? If that was the true intention behind hurting you and bringing you down he should have thrilled shouldn't he? The sad fact is that this guy enjoys putting you down and hurting you. Telling you that is his way of 'helping you' or 'being cruel to be kind' is just his attempt to make his abuse acceptable to you and your friends and hide his true motivation which is to break you down and allow him to control you. If this guy had your best interest at heart he would be trying to build up your self esteem instead of destroying it. Do yourself a favour, dump this idiot immediately and find yourself some new friends while you're at it! Real friends don't put each other down like that. Take up a new hobby and find something you enjoy and are good at that will help build your self esteem. Good Luck
  15. LOL Billyjean I like your style! I think loveable hippy really needs to show her that this kind of behaviour won't be tolerated by her OR her husband. If anybody did that to my hubby they'd be picking their teeth out of the back of their throat! Not that I'm suggesting violence as way of resolving the issue in this instance! She does need to be shown/told by both parties that this behaviour is totally unacceptable. Honestly I think if it were me I would be using scathing sarcasm as a way to embarrass her and get my point accross at the same time... something like ' so will you be throwing yourself at everybody's husband tonight or just mine?' Hopefully something like that will make her realise that she is behaving in an appalling fashion and she should stop it before she makes herself look any sillier.
  16. Okay well if you live 45 mins away just mail it, driving that far is not worth it to give his silly pass back! I would just send it recorded delivery by ups or something and make sure he has to sign for it or pick it up at the post office himself if he's not there to receive it. Do not put any letter/message in it just the pass and nothing more. Good luck!
  17. I agree with lovesick, Lots of men use this kind of thing as a way of keeping the door open so please don't allow him that option! If you can post his parking pass through his door when he's not there so he can't say he didn't get it in the mail and keep contact that way.
  18. Take his gift back and buy yourself something nice with it! As for him not calling well thats definitely a good thing and be glad that you are not the one being yelled at and hung up on, I mean who needs that? Not you thats for sure. Good Luck!
  19. Well if this is the first time in her life that she has truly enjoyed sex with a partner who takes care of her needs then it stands to reason that she wants it all the time! Be glad that YOU are the guy she wants to do it with every five seconds! It doesn't sound like you have been together too long, I'm sure your girlfriend's sex drive will settle down to a more normal level in a few weeks or so until then I would say just indulge her or if you you're too tired for sex all the time maybe you could buy her a sex toy? But in answer to your question I don't think either her sex drive is too high given the circumstances and yours is definitely not too low.
  20. Oh dear, looks like this woman wants him back! I would go back to the store where she works and have a 'quiet' word with her while you are sober. She clearly has her sights set on your man and you know how determined us women can be when we want something! I think you should put her in her place. Your husband married YOU, he is with you now not HER and she should be told that is not going to change.
  21. Hi Lizzy, You need to begin strict NC with this guy to allow yourself to heal and move on. He is no good for you and by continuing contact you are just prolonging the agony and the inevitable. Do not answer his phone calls or emails although you can be sure he will probably begin to pursue you quite doggedly as a result because he probalby thinks that all he has to do is snap his fingers and you will come running but do yourself a favour and tell yourself NOT THIS TIME. You deserve so much better than him and but you won't find that person unless you stop puttting all of this time, effort and energy into this undeserving loser! As for his birthday present, either give it to somebody else, keep it or burn it. Do not give it to him because to do so will let him know you still care and by doing so he will continue to have power of you. Good luck, strict NC from now on - you can do it!
  22. Hi Jen, I have been in exactly the same situation except that it was my mother who was being abusive towards me. I made the decision to move into halls of residence two christmases ago and have hardly spoken to her since. After I left it felt like a HUGE weight had been lifted from my shoulders, I became healthier and happier immediately, it was probably the best decision I ever made. Living in that kind of environment probably will affect your grades because you are so unhappy so if you really want to do well and show your father and everybody else what you can do your best bet is to move out. The first thing I did when I made the decision was to go to the student union and talk to a counsellor, I talked it through with her and she helped me get into the halls of residence. She arranged for 300 pounds to be put in my account from the harship fund (you don't have to pay this back) because I was completely destitute after my mother's blackmail (long story). There are people at the student union that can and will help you, please go and see a counsellor and talk about these issues you are having with your father I'm sure they wil do their utmost to help you. If you need to talk free to PM me. Good luck to you, you DONT have to tolerate this!
  23. I would send him another just regular email on asking "how he is doing" and talk about my week. But, I have a bad feeling he won't reply because he didn't reply to other emails on my upcoming birthday when I told him what my plans where. I even ask what he was doing that weekend, if he had any plans? And no reply.. Don't bother sending him anything he's not worth it honestly, just block his email from now on. He's obviously only out for what he can get as raykay said. I'm sorry he's made you sad but its best you find out NOW what an uncaring selfish pig he is than get even more emotionally attached and find out later. Stick with your REAL friends from now on. Best of luck, I hope you had a nice birthday anyway
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