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Everything posted by Dannysgirl

  1. So he refuses to invest any time or effort in your daughter upbringing? What kind of man who cared about YOU would behave like that? So he's happy to have a relationship with you but not your daughter? him having raised his own kids is besides the point he knows you have a child and he cannot have one without the other, that is just the way it is. Seriously he sounds like a selfish moron and I tell him to get lost and find somebody who will treasure you both. A man that thinks in that way has no business getting involved with somebody who has children anyway. If thats how he feels why did he bother in the first place?
  2. Hi Seabiscuit, This guy sounds like a complete nightmare. If I were you I would confront him on these comments he is making. Just ask him flat out, 'is this your way of trying to break up with me?' If it is I would appreciate it if you would tell me instead of messing me around like this. It sounds like he is staying with you until something 'better' i.e no kids comes along, I would dump him pronto. You deserve better.
  3. Its just, I feel that since relationships are sooo difficult and painful for me and I have already gone through most of the anxiety...to start over with someone else and go throught that again..I dont know if I can do it..that means being alone for the rest of my life...I dont want that. I know its not a good reason ...... Hi, The relationships you have had up until now including this one have been difficult and painful because you haven't been with the right person. Once you meet that person you just 'click' and everything just works. Trust me you will find that person eventually, you just need to be patient, it will happen when you least expect it and it WONT happen while you are with the wrong person so get out of this relationship ASAP!
  4. You don't HAVE to, its a matter of personal preference, do you WANT to shave down there? If so do, if not don't! My husband shaves his pubic area because he says he feels cleaner down there as a result but most of his friends do not, so not EVERYONE does!
  5. It seems like she is playing games you by blowing hot and cold in this way. I would continue NC and be very cool with her if you ever see her, she wants to see wether you want to get back with her and when you show her that you do it gives her a real ego boost. Keep up the NC and start going out with your friends more.
  6. Why can't you and Luke get together, you like him, he likes you so whats the problem here? Why have you decided nothing will go on between you when you clearly both like each other? He has even said he would feel weird seeing his friend with the girl 'he was supposed to be with' so why can't he be with you? I don't get it!
  7. He probably thinks you're 'crazy' because you've decided to give him the boot! and he's SUCH a good catch isn't he? What an ego maniac! Either that or he's trying to make you think that his behaviour is perfectly acceptable and you must be crazy for having a problem with it. Well he's not your problem anymore, let somebody else deal with him, although you can bet that if he treats his next girlfriend as he has treated you, he'll be kicked to the kurb pretty quick. I would text back saying 'you know what, you're right, I WAS crazy to date a knobhead like you as you can see ive come to my senses, seeya wouldn't wanna be ya!' and then delete any messages you get from him from then on and begin NC. At least then you will have the last word and will have wiped the smug smile off his face!
  8. Hi Briea, Please get away from that guy ASAP! I was in a similar situation once with a guy who continually told me I was fat when I weighed 75 pounds! (I'm four foot eight but that is still way underweight for my height. By the time I got away from him (we were living together for the summer) I was dangerously ill and almost had to be hospitalised. He also told me things like 'my ex looked like a playboy girl' and continually played on my height insecurites by calling me 'a midget' all the time. I was very lucky to escape relatively unharmed! This guy is no good for you, he is systematically destroying your self confidence and it will only get worse if you stay with him. give yourself the best birthday present ever and tell him to get lost. He does not care about you, that much is pretty evident. Go out with your friends and have a good time tonight. Go out and buy yourself something nice! Happy Birthday!
  9. Hi Littleone, Thank god you cut this scumbag loose! Who on earth does he think he is to treat you like that? What a complete loser. You are well rid of him. I would block his emails and delete his number. Better yet get a new phone number so he can't contact you at all anymore. Morons like him need to learn that the universe does not begin and end with them and they can't go around treating people in that way. You are so much better than him, and you will find somebody who loves you and respects you. Anybody who treats you like this does not care about you. Trust me, one day soon you will be with somebody who REALLY loves you, cares about you and treats you as you should be treated. When that day comes you will look back at your relationship with this guy and think 'what on earth was I doing!' This happened to me and probably to quite a few other people on this board too, love isn't supposed to make you miserable and unhappy. The whole point of a relationship is that you are happier together than alone if that is not the case whats the point? good luck and let us know how it goes. Whatever you do, DO NOT get back with him, he doesn't deserve you.
  10. Why don't you just leave it till you get back from your parents? Your mind will be much clearer then..
  11. Hi Freda, I would go on that holiday or try to change it to another destination and get away for a couple of weeks, you might as well if its already paid for. I would continue NC for now and do not respond to any of the texts, he was the one who said he wanted some space afterall and I think his latest text was just a way of seeing wether you would respond. I would leave it alone until you come back from holiday and then if you still want to, send the letter. At least then you can move on with a clear conscience.
  12. Well why don't you be upfront and ask the people you call if it annoys them? Say 'look my ex told me that my calling him used to bug him a lot, so I'm worried that I may be annoying you this is why Ive been calling less recently' just be completely honest and I'm sure they will give you an honest answer. More than likely they will laugh and tell you not to be silly!
  13. My own mother did this to me up until I moved out at the age of 24, I couldn't move before then because I was at university. The reason she did it was because she's a sad pathetic cow who has no life and wanted to stick her nose into mine. If things don't improve I would suggest you try to move out, you shouldn't have to tolerate this constant invasion on your privacy.
  14. Hey, I just saw you were from Pittsburgh! I'm not from here originally but I moved here from Britain to get married, so far so good!
  15. I know that if feels like this pain will never go away at the moment but honestly it will eventually. I know it sounds difficult but please try to distract yourself by going out with friends and gettting involved in new things that interest you. Eventually you won't realise that you were trying to distract yourself in the first place. Talk to sypmathetic friends and get it all out of your system. Have a good cry and let it all out, and above all be nice to yourself. One day all of this will be a distant memory, anybody who cheats is not worthy of your time, you will find someone else who will treat you as you deserve to be. You still seem to be in that first phase of the breakup process even though it was two months ago, the next step is to get furious and play angry break up songs for a while, after that comes acceptance. Trust that this won't last forever, it really won't. Good Luck
  16. Does this guy have any insecurity issues? I once dared a guy who was VERY insecure about his body despite the fact that he worked out religiously and wouldn't eat anything that wasn't 'protein.' Whenever we had sex he would keep his t-shirt on and he refused to sleep over after we had sex for a number of weeks I practically had to threaten him with break up unless he did so! Unfortunately my ex was also a pathological liar and a nutcase who ended up slashing my clothes up when I ended it, I just hope yours doesn't turn out to be the same!
  17. If your boyfriemd is being secretive and turning the volume down on his phone whenever Jim calls I would say that is a problem, either there is something going on that he doesn't want you to know about or he is embarrassed about this friendship. You definitely need to talk to him about it regardless. Try being really casual about it to start with and just ask 'how's Jim' when he gets off the phone, hopefully a mere enquiry of that nature won't encourage him to close up although its possible he might if he thinks he's going to be accused of being gay. I think its best if you are direct, open and honest with him. Tell him that you have no problem with him having friends gay or otherwise and you're happy he gets on so well with Jim its just that you find some of his recent behaviour a bit out of character. Don't accuse him of being gay again because that will only alienate him further wether its true or not.
  18. Hmm, I'm sorry to have to tell you this but the vagueness of her response and then the quick getaway immediately afterwards sounds a little like the brush off to me.
  19. Its more than okay to be friends with gay people, both my best friends are gay males and I wouldn't change them for the world. This guy's behaviour does seem a little strange, adopting a camp persona out of the blue is rather odd. Allthough I can see how that can happen, the gay scene can be very seductive and I can understand why he might want to emulate his new friends.
  20. I would just leave him a voicemail, you can't be certain that he will get an email. Maybe his treating you like dirt recently was a way to get you to break up with him?
  21. Having somrbody tell you that they love you can be very overwhelming so I wouldn't worry too much if she didn't say it back straight away. I'm sure that she will say it when she feels the time is right for her and at least when she does you will know that she really means it and is not just saying it out of a feeling of obligation.
  22. Well if he's not even going to have the decency the answer his phone and has been treating you like dirt, what do you owe him? If you get no response from him by tonight I would just be done with it and leave him a voicemail. It sounds to me like he's trying to break up with you by just ignoring you anyway.
  23. Hi Frustrated, It sounds to me like you need to give your boyfriend a good tongue lashing! What on earth does he think he's doing letting some girl write that she slept with him and it was great on his hand???? And then he as the gall to tell you 'not to be jealous' or he'll stop telling you things!!!!! WHAT? It seems to me that your boyfriend is really enjoying this attention and to be honest he almost seems to be in cahoots with this girl to make you jealous, he really appears to be getting off on it. Sit him down and tell him that you are not going to be treated like this, you deserve better and if he doesn't pack this behaviour in he can put his boots under this other girl's bed! Think about this for a second, what would HE say if you came home with a message on your hand from a guy saying how great in bed YOU were?? I doubt he would like that would he? I have been in this situation before where my ex would always be 'running in' to his ex girlfriends when he was out (without me of couse-funnily enough we never ran into any of them when we were together!) who would of course be flirting and inviting them back to their houses for sex etc and the whole thing was basically just to make me jealous because he was so sad pathetic and insecure that he needed me to get jealous to feel good about himself. a little jealousy in a relationship is healthy in my opinion but when a person is actively trying to make their partner jealous as yours appears to be doing then I think that is totally out of order and you should tell him to grow up. As for the girl, well if it were me she's be picking her teeth out of the back of her throat by now, but then so would the boyfriend!
  24. I think being concerned about this or not really depends on a few different factors. How does your boyfriend behave around his gay friends? How is his body language? Is there a lot of unecessary 'matey' touching or anything? If you are questioning your boyfriends sexuality then you clearly have a a feeling about his behaviour as stated by another poster. Could it be possible that your boyfriend is bi-curious? I don't think that you are being unfair by being suspicious, your boyfriend's reaction when you have asked him about it seems a little over the top to me. I would try asking his again in a non accusational manner and explain why you find his behaviour a little worrying, try to get him to see it from your point of view, perhaps then he will not feel so threatened by the question. Good Luck
  25. I'm a tiny, petite 4'8 inches tall and I've dated guys of all heights the tallest being 6'5. Now THAT looked weird! lol If anyone has a problem with it, its their problems not yours. Why should you care what other people think? You've got almost a foot on me and I never cared! Good luck!
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