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Everything posted by toad4466

  1. Steroids for exema? thats like giving someone a plaster for the flu I think, Sudocream works well, and exfoliating is recommended (i really agree with that) But Canasten thrush cream works wonders on sore areas, I had bad exema under my armpit, it was a red rash, and it worked a treat! Ps dont put any purfumes or deoderant anywhere near your exema! Hope you are back too 100% asap.
  2. Its strange for me. As some of you may know, I have had a bad time of late, and I was about to give up with the idea of a new relationship after my last failiure. Well, as for my problem today, I guess that recently I have had some response and encouragment from girls, but I just cant make the real connection. Im not a bad catch (not being arrogant) and I have a reliability and mature angle on things, as well as a good fun/comedy element and domestic skills, but I cant attract real interest. People find me interesting, funny and flirt with me, but its not getting me what i really want, a partner to share my life and love with. People say that looks are more important these days (im not ugly, or fat but cuddly) and i must admit that I dont get out there and meet people as much as i should. But if anyone here knows Englands current problems with alchohol and obsessive partying then meeting someone at a bar, or a nightclub is a bad idea. I just dont understand people at all, I feel like a book in a cd store most of the time. Im a good read but no-one wants a book! Is it me? Do I really have nothing to offer? am I in the wrong environment? I just need to know the REAL truth on what girls want from a man, not some piffle about personality. Any advice, or if someone has a question, please post or Pm! Ben
  3. I think that maybe feath is more interesting to you than life, you need to do something asap about your life, make some positives and have something to live for. Remember that death is a way out, and thats what you are really thinking about. Dont give up, there are amazing things to see everyday! and some people do care about you! Ben
  4. honestly, the way you look and what you are inside, emotionally and physically are very different! she may look older, and you may be attracted to her, but remember that she is still just a little girl mate! despite how she might seem. Hope this gets better for you! Ben
  5. I have had the opposite experience. I had a relationship with a much older woman. But from my point of view, starting something with a 12 year old girl is not the thing to do. At that age people dont know what they want and need. My sister is 12 and she has no idea about life and relationships. Put it down to hormones and dont make a move. Its just far too young! And besides, she hasnt even begun to "form" into a woman, she is still a little girl mate! Ben
  6. Its amazing, i just can't understand it. Recently i have been through a lot, but i am recovering (check my history) and i am getting myself back to normal. I am a very charming and soulful person, i am not arrogant or imposing. I have struck up friendships with several women, and i always try to be me and not to push them. I know that sounds "cheap" but i dont mean it like that. But something always goes wrong. I cant understand how women can just not be interested in me! i know that sounds daft, but i am not a bad catch so to speak. But it feels that im just not "pushing the right buttons". Maybe looks are more important than anything else these days. I had a near relationship recently, and not that girl has just got engaged out of the blue. My previous 7 year relationship fell apart, and the only other girl I like lives miles away (you know who you are if you read this) Im just sick of getting passed over and being alone when everywhere you look there are happy couples. Its not fair but perhaps the nice guys really do finish last. What do you all think? Should I just give up? Am I out of date to what women want? Am I a loser? Ben
  7. In England it is illegal to have sex with a girl under 16, and for men 14. As for flirting, well that is not covered by the law. it is simply conversation with a touch of interest. Im sorry to hear about what happened to you, pm iof you need me!
  8. I have thought of my friends and family, it was quick, i dont have any friends, and my family doesnt care.
  9. I know how corny this sounds, but i have had such a bad time over the last few years. I have tried so hard to get on with my life, but i have been completely abandoned by everyone. Its so lonely for me. I have had a failed relationship, lost my home, debt, and my family dont even notice how sad i am. A few months ago, i tried to kill myself. I drank 2 bottles of wine and downed 56 paracetomol tablems, problem was i drunk the alchohol first, i puked it all up before it did any damage. I have tried councelling, and its not working. I need action, not "chatting" I have tried over the last few months to go out and make new friends, looked for a new girlfriend even, but it hasnt worked. I am fat and lonely. Its even harder in England to have friends and relationships, the people are so shallow, looks, and money are more important that anything else to girls, and "coolness" to the guys. I have recently bought a real Katana sword, and a whetstone to sharpen it. I am planning to kill myself again, im sobbing even now typing this. My family are in the other room and they have no idea, because they dont care. Im so desparately lonely i dont think anyone would notice that i had died for a whole week. Ben
  10. I know how hard it is for you, i have the same trouble sometimes. But the power within you will win. We both know that deep down. Keep getting help for this, and dont give up, Me and all the others here are there for you! Scarecrow
  11. Well, i have had some negative experiences with places. There is a bus shelter down my road thats so odd, no-one can stand or sit anywhere near it. As for me. I had a horrid experience when staying with a friend. The front room went as cold as ice, and this odd whisling noise started up! I cant explain it but we both were terrified. It was like something was there that wanted to hurt us! I cant describe it better than just saying i could feel it.
  12. Hair is a natural growth on males, stubble, back, head, ever bottom! lol! But you have a fear of your body's changes bought about by your past. Believe me when i say, if you shave too much, it comes back worse! My only advice is this. You have to accept what is happening, and confront your fear. Look at Chris Martin, the lead singer of Coldplay. He has stubble, and hair in certain places. But No-one judges him. Just go for it, call it craven cowerdice if you like, but people will just ignore you. In the swimming baths, on the beach, people are very accepting and no-one is judging you. If it is a massive problem, talk to your Gp and take it from there. Ben
  13. I have had a rough time of late (check my history) and I feel so alone. Its strange that I feel this way, there are people all around me. But i dont connect with them. I have several friends, people who talk to me, even hug me when they see me, but I have hardly anyone who calls me to see how I am, or ask me for a drink, you know the story. It feels like I am going mad sometimes, like I am so hurt that I am spiralling downwards and I cant pick myself up. What is wrong with me? I am talking to a coucellor, but its still early days. I feel I have more in common with Batman villans than people sometimes, and I cant make a proper relationship with people. Even worse, I am starting to hate the world because it rejects me. I am a lovely person, so caring and friendly, but life treats me like dirt. Am I edstined to be alone, and how do you cope? Sorry this is so miseralbe. Ben
  14. I have had a similar experience to you. After my split from my ex (who was also ill, with something called endometriosis) I realised how lonely i am. Please remember that these feelings are made worse by your regection, you feel abondoned and this feeling runs deep. This is effecting everything. My advice is to stay strong, get a good hobby, and why not ask some work friends to have a drink. start slowly, get to know people, and form new relationships. Try and find common ground with people, and i think you have already started trying that! Just keep going, keep talking, and if it helps, go and talk to a pro, its nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. Ps, you can PM me anytime you need anything! Ben
  15. Well, first try and remember that your cousin wont be attached to you 24/7, different class, different friends. Maybe you should ask your cousin if they have a problem with you, if they are asking you about the school, maybe they dont hate you. If the feeling is mutual, just agree to go to school, but remain separate. If you feel things will get out of hand, speak to your parents and explain your concerns. If your cousin understands then they should leave you well alone.
  16. I would love your feedback on this, it took me only a little while to write. I am in so much pain, its hard to write, so what do you all think? Here I walk, on this ground, like a twisted shadow from another land. Never at peace, always alone, searching for a proper home. I hum to myself an age old song, and I seem to be alone, Why can't I find a proper home? Because in this life, I am alone. Ben
  17. To tell you the truth, its not likely you will find a meaningful relationship in a club anyway! try a bar, and just keep trying, dont give up! Ben
  18. I know that people feel sad sometimes, and people get hurt etc. But right now i feel sad all the time, i can feel it in my ribs and stomach. it hurts. I feel so alone because all my friends are gone, and I simply cant make new friends. Im sobbing right now. My whole life has fallen apart in the last 3 years and the only thing that makes me smile are the Crow films, and Batman villans! I dont know why, i just like them. I have nothing, absolutely nothing, no life, friends, family or girlfriend. And i am never going to have those things. What do i do? is it me, am i bonkers?
  19. Well, I can only say my perspective, but from what i have seen and know most men are very good at "guilting" their lovers into sleeping with them. I would be careful if you have had the "oh go on" story, or the "its a sign of love" speech, or if he tries to fill you with alchohol. If your other half uses things like that, thats all they want from you. If you say yes too soon, then you could end up feeling used, and this will effect future relationships. Think of yourself in this matter, dont be pushed, and if you feel it is time, start slow, be sensible, and please dont be bullied.
  20. I know its not right, its not easy to talk about. I have grown up with my brother all my life, im 25 and should be able to understand him, but i dont. It feels like everything in my life has been ruined by my brother. Hes so selfish and such an awful person. He has got himself into debt, and has joined the armed forces. Now we have creditors ringing us up 24/7 asking for money, even i have bailed him out of hundreds in debt to keep him out of prison for his spending problems. I will never see that money repaid. Well it goes back a long way, he has always used me as a way of fitting in, when we were children he joined a "gang" and told them all sorts of things about me so they had a target, someone to bully, just so he fitted in. He doesnt care about anyone but himself. Even now he is back for the weekend, my parents are on holiday and i finished a shift working at a bar, the house is wrecked, littered with beercans and fag-butts. It will take me hours to clean up, and i have to work tomorrow, when i asked him to help, he pointed out that my parents left me in charge, its my responsibilty. He even stayed up for 2 hours just because he knows that i like an hour to unwind after a busy shift. The worst thing is, he thinks I have a problem, its all me and he is fantastic! The question I am trying to ask is simple, should I hate him, because I do! Its not right, this goes beyond sibling rivalry! Has anyone experienced something similar? What should I do? Thank you for reading this. I need your help. Ben
  21. You haven't mentioned much about you and her. Just him and her. I would say you are clutching at clouds. You fancy her and want her to like you, but with no interaction between you she wont even notice you. I would leave this one well alone or if you want to know the truth get the confidence to talk to her, see if she wants a casual drink? If she says no then you will have to leave her to get on with things. But dont beat yourself up.
  22. Dreams are often just trying to tell you things, not like if you have a dream about eating a pizza, then you should. I mean that If you have a dream about running away from something then you might not be facing up to something important. I would get a book or talk to a dream expert. Locate the problem and deal with it. But also remember that some dreams are just weird! and they pass with time. Sometimes worrying about dreams before you sleep makes them happen! PM if u need anything Ben
  23. I understand the diificulty of this situation. But always remember that people who keep secrets and behave sneakily are not good. A relationship should be open and well communicated, this guy seems to care about himself and try and throw you off his trail. Think of him as your Landlord now, and dont listen to his charming mush, im a guy and I know what a powerful weapon this can be. But I guy who is so deceptive should be given a wide berth. If you dont feel comfy with your living arrangments then move out! It will be akward and stressful, but you deserve better! Ben
  24. I split up with my ex of 7 years about 6 months ago, so I know the pain you feel. At the moment your ex is confused because of the breakup with you and her mixed up feelings. When people are confused they make mistakes and hurt a lot of people. She will continue this pattern until she is sorted, and if you keep seeing her it will get worse for you both. My advice is to let her go. Back off and give her time to sort her head out. It aint going to be easy as you have strong feelings, but if you back off you will heal as well. If she wants you then she will choose you. But in the meantime, think of yourself mate! If you need a chat Pm me by the way! Ben
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