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Everything posted by Caterina

  1. There are a lot of possibilities...she might still like you but know it won't work and doesn't want to go without your company if its possible.
  2. You're only fifteen. But your feelings are real. Trust me, there is so much more out there. Break up with him and stay away from him...he doesn't sound like a positive influence. You shouldn't be treated like a child or verbally abused. And he seems to be a poor example of a Christian.
  3. Honestly, there isn't very much of a guarenteed way to know that they like you for you and not just your body. One quick way I've found that causes them to leave is to tell them that I don't have sex. Sooner or later they leave and then you know that that was the reason they liked you. I've had PLENTY of guys try to use me for my body and then leave when they realize they aren't getting anything. I've also had PLENTY of guys who were genuinely interested in who I was as a person. There will be someone out there who likes you for you, I think you are just hurt and so are using the blame mechanism people use when hurt. Which means that only certain types of guys/girls "always" do whatever and whatever....but really, someone out there will like you for who you are. You can demand it and people will respond to that. Respect yourself because respect isn't natural for a lot of people .
  4. Which means what? Like he thought I was going to hurt him or something?
  5. There are some things you can prevent, and some things you can't. Pay attention to what she says she doesn't like and do it. Pay attention to her, really listen. Sometimes, though, the chemistry just fades and thats the problem.
  6. What does it mean if a guy was staring at you and then when you actually make eye contact with him he looks scared and surprised? This happened with this guy who was super good looking today. I was not looking my best, I was tired and frazzled and had my thick nerd glasses on. Not that it makes a difference or anything, but I am curious as to whether or not he was somehow attracted or was just surprised for some reason.
  7. Focus on other things...if he truly cares for you, he will come back. Don't make this issue yoru life right now.
  8. You're really funny, I also like your posts. As far as the girl goes, when you started to like her, you should have just asked her out anyways just in case. That way you would know. If she doesn't like you, there are plenty of other pretty fishies in the sea.
  9. You don't understand the pain of seeing someone you loved with someone else?
  10. He's just not ready...I think timing has a lot to do with romantic connections. Don't hope for anything and if that means backing off, do so. Whatever it is, prevent further feelings on your part from developing as best you can since he won't be able to reciprocate.
  11. With any risk, you should decide if its worth it yourself.
  12. To me, wealth doesn't make much of a difference. There are wealthy guys who are jerks and there are wealthy guys who are really sweet. I think it boils down to what people are looking for: meaning, wealth really shouldn't be a factor to consider if you like the guy. I think that some people who grew up poor/uneducated might like to date wealthy guys to vicariously live through their lives somehow. They feel as though they did without and by dating a wealthy guy it somehow proves their sense of worth to them. Either that, or they just want to live an easy & luxerious life, lol. NOt to say that there aren't obvious complications when it comes to wealth...wealthy people might have to worry about whether or not a person is using them for their money....sometimes I've seen wealthy people hide the fact that they have money so that people will like them for who they are. Then, there are flashy, wealthy guys. To them, a trophy wife type thing is th emost important. In a sexist, superficial society, men with the most money are most desirable, and women with the hottest bodies are the most desirable. A wealthy superficial man might think this way. HIs commodity is his wealth and the woman's commodity is her appearance. So people who try really hard to show both of these things often tend to adhere to the same dynamic idea and hook up. They might have a superficial relationship but to them they have what they want. Relationships have little to do with wealth though...generally people want someone who accepts and loves them for who they are. NOt what they can prove. The men you date might have thought that you were following the typical formula that they've known...meaning, you give them your body they give you money & prestige. But you want to assert yourself intellectually and they don't really care about that. Thing is, there are plenty of extremely intelligent men who are not wealthy. BUt if you want to assert yourself intellectually and have people respect that...just become a doctor yourself instead of dating them?
  13. Stay away from facebook...it has the tendency to do that...don't let your curiosity get the best of you. Part of you probably still cared for him, but you've broken up for a reason, right?
  14. Words are powerful. Anytime people label us to our face, they affect us dramatically. I've been called all kinds of things I wasn't. The best thing you can do is stick with what you know. Stay away from people who are negative...I feel really bad for you, no one really seems to understand or care well...which, I've been in that situation before. That girl who said that you were looking at the guy is another example of a total jerk. Honestly, she's probably forgotten her cruelty at this point. Go to college, life gets better. Also, most of my friends have never kissed anyone and they are 22, 23, etc., they just haven't found anyone worth dating yet.
  15. When you really like someone, they will shine above everyone else. For now, you arne't thinking about anyone special, so its normal to like both.
  16. Before I just threw out the option, I'd at least ask, "do you like me?" if he says no or anything else, drop it and move on.
  17. Its pretty simple. She hurt your pride and now your obsessing over what she said.
  18. Believe it or not, I can understand it to an extent. I don't know much of the context, but she may have been hurt b/c you didn't want to have a child with her...it might sound strange but she might be afraid that you are just using her for her body to an extent. It sounds like she might have slept with you before she was truly ready , although I could be wrong on all of it.
  19. He is emotionally abusive. You need to move out, move on, and never see him again. This is painful, will take time, but you must have the courage to do it. Look for love elsewhere...God, friends, family...but you sure as substance won't find it in him.
  20. If its meant to be, it will be. He is highly likely not over the last girl, unfortunately. Rather then letting that propell you in a anxiety driven sense, allow it to make you reflect on other things that you might want to focus on right now. Absense makes the heart grow fonder, they say...You shouldn't give too much merit to your decisions...its all fate anyways... Even if it isn't fate, life is an experiment...you aren't going to do things perfectly so don't overanalyze your actions. Trust me, if he really wants something, he wont let a few obstacles stop him.
  21. Don't think that all men will do this to you. You have to move on and accept that you were victimized. There is not much you can do about that. The best thing is to hold onto hope for something better and focus on what gives you joy. We can't always predict a person's character because some men are very good at being decietful.
  22. Thing is that you shouldn't blame yourself for what he did. Anything you feel...whether it be fits of love, fits of hate....are normal. You must understand that it will be painful for a while but you WILL get through this. Have hope...hope has a way of healing. Hope for the beautiful things in life and one day they come to you.
  23. I hope you're okay. It sounds similar to an experience I had a while back...it might take a while to get over her. Right now, you say you feel okay...but at some point you will miss her if you don't already. Thinking about her after seeing her and not talking to her is a good sign that you aren't completely over her. Going out with the other woman might help- if you're genuinely interested in her and ready for something. Make sure you keep things light with the new woman. I feel for you, sweetie...
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