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Everything posted by Caterina

  1. It might be the grass is greener on the other side syndrom. He might wonder what else is out there and he's known you for so long. Personally, from an objective view (which is virtually impossible to have when in a five year relationship of any sort), I'd start pulling out de tactics. First, I'd wonder if my friendship with him was worth the heartache of unrequited love. If it isn't, I'd cut off all contact even if it hurt. Or I'd start to cool off my feelings by becoming increasingly distant until I was able to cut it off completely. Secondly, I'd focus on other guys.
  2. I love your signature. I know what you mean about men taking that as a challenge. it used to annoy me so much.
  3. She's not ready for a relationship right now.
  4. You said that it would be difficult to move out...if its not, then I say go for it.
  5. I think hooking up with a roomate is a really really stupid idea for reasons that you already mentioned.
  6. He's possessive. I really don't like him. He is probably jealous but he is mean and doesn't treat you right.
  7. Its weird...I think all the guys I've dated only wore like deoderant. Maybe I don't like cologne or something.
  8. Yeah, I'd want to get out of any relationship where a guy is telling me what I can do or can't do. If you have a problem with the way she lives, get with a girl who doesn't like to club and don't try to change her. Although, Moms can sometimes tell things. Make sure you aren't rushing into liking her too much...don't let her walk all over you. What I mean is, take time to see if she's the right person for you also...not doing so much for her in the beginning so that she sees that you're the right person only.
  9. This decision is yours. You know her better then we do. It seems as though you can't trust her...I am really sorry this happened...perhaps you need time to heal from this. Her age doesn't really have to do with how faithful she'll be, I wouldn't think. If you thought her mature enough to date, then she's mature enough to know that cheating is wrong. I've dated eighteen year olds before and I'm also twenty four.
  10. I'm guessing that this feeling will be momentary. Its basically unnecessary shame. Everyone makes mistakes and who knows if what you said were really mistakes. THE PAST is the past, leave it there. Every day is new and its up to you to drop the baggage and look forward to a bright new try each and every day. We start out knowing nothing in this world, how is it that you expect to not make mistakes. YOu aren't crazy.
  11. I do that to people, and its non-sexual. She just might be an extremely touchy feely person. She's probably reaching for someone who will sympathize with her. Just, for goodness sakes, tell her that it makes you uncomfortable.
  12. You're very sweet and supportive...but give those good qualities to someone who is actually in a relationship with you, which she is not.
  13. Is this ex the first one you told us about...your "first"?
  14. What was her tone? Does she smile when she sees you...does her face light up or does she seem as though she is in a hurry to get away from you? She might not be interested, but you will never know unless you ask her directly on a NORMAL date...say two days from the day you first ask her. If she turns it down b/c she is busy, ask her straight up if she is interested or not.
  15. I think he's a flirt and not ready for a real relationship.
  16. Life isn't our ideals, and it isn't like anything we imagine it to be like.
  17. Find out what happened from your friend. That totally sucks if she stood you up. Well, at least now you know she's a jerk before you got too involved.
  18. I wouldn't tell a guy that I thought he was hot and smart unless I liked him. Maybe smart, but definetly nothing to do with looks, I don't think.
  19. 1. How do you get over your ex? In terms that you would not cry or sad thinking of them. Time and devotion to other things helped me to get over my ex. Also, dating other nice guys who were better then your ex or at least give you a good time is also effective to helping you forget your ex. 2. How long its takes for you to get over them? It took me about seven months to completely get over them and all the pain associated with them. We dated for two months. I had allowed myself to get emotionally involved before I was ready. 3. Does after breakup affect/change your perspectives/life goals? Of course, all experience does that. 4. Are you scare of entering into another the relationship again? Yes, but it has only remote connections to do with the relationship I had with him. 5. Do you eventually find someone who is right for you? Maybe...life sucks, though, so I don't know. 6. Do you have plan to live alone if you does not found the person you want to spend the rest of you life with? There ain't no way I'm going through life alone...I get too lonely 7. When you are still single at forties, would you consider adoption? Maybe.
  20. Interesting discussion, two thoughts and an added illustration. - I take back my statement about stay at home parents being lazy. I add an exception. If they have more then one child, they aren't lazy. I don't mean to be overly specific but because of the advances in the time efficiency of domestic tools/resources/organizational technology, I can't claim that it doesn't seem oddly connected to laziness that someone would make staying at home their aspiration . - When people claim that men and women are hard wired differently...we don't have enough evidence in that field to make claims that it comes from anything other then societal influence. Its been proven that the brain changes due to informational input and thought processes that come from the environment...including society. - I forget where I heard it, but I know of a study that gave girls a puzzle. They told one group of the girls that it was to test their skills in sewing and the other group that it was to test their skills in mechanical engineering. The girls who were told that it was to test the skills in mechanical engineering did more poorly then the other group. Now do the same thing with boys, and reverse the results. Both happened.
  21. We all make mistakes. We learn from them. I think you should get up and leave this one b/c there is not much left.
  22. If I was a lesbian, I still wouldn't want my partner to stay at home. That kind of dynamic is not condusive to current society, no matter the sex of the person. I don't want a lazy partner.
  23. Dang girl, you need to hook up with this guy then.
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