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Everything posted by Caterina

  1. I agree, but the logic that arises from liking someone is rarely lol, logical! They might do it, I am actually curious myself.
  2. I think BEING HONEST is a good idea. Just tell her that you don't think its a good idea to see her because she has a boyfriend. It will make you more alluring to, I bet by default.
  3. You like him and are sad its over. Its normal. This to shall pass.
  4. The friend is likely embarrassed because she probably knows that you know that she advised the gf against dating you. So, she wants you to forgive her and be nice but since you won't, it makes it uncomfortable for her.
  5. It depends. Sometimes cars can be turn-offs. Its kind of like a part of the whole package thing. Meaning, for me, there was this guy I was deciding about whether or not I liked him. The car alone didn't do it but the car combined with other bad things did. He drove a really old, ugly & embarrassing car and I just felt embarrassed with him in it. The thing is, that he was really proud of it and worked on it a lot. That probably added to the embarrassment. I think cars represent something. I am also usually embarrassed by ostentacious cars, because it seems to me that the person is showing off unnecessarily. I think that I like practical, non-noticeable cars. Its kind of like the needle that broke the camel's back for me. I have dated guys with crappy cars, but prefer a car that doesn't draw attention.
  6. Its obvious...he's thinking of you seriously, which means that he might be unsure because religion/ethnicity can be very important to certain people. The ball is basically in his court and he's deciding between religion and affection.
  7. Maybe he's busy, maybe he's losing interest...there is no way of knowing unless you communicate.
  8. I know what you mean...I have felt the same way myself.
  9. I agree. Why do you even care? You didn't like her in the first place...it sounds to me like you have an unnecessary "holier than thou" attitude. You want to elevate yourself above her even more when she already threw her dignity away by admitting to someone like you that she loved you?
  10. If he comes up to you, say "Um, is it not obvious that its over?".
  11. Maybe you should use it for self examination. See if you really are negative and if so, try to change that. Maybe later in life she will see the change. But, like its been said before, you don't attract with vinegar.
  12. Yeah, it probably has less to do with maturity and more to do with having the same place in life. Someone who is in college can't financially contribute, for instance, the way someone a few years older can.
  13. Basically, at this point you screwed up and no matter what direction you choose, someone will get hurt.
  14. If you've told her about what you think, there is nothing you can do about it. You can be there for her, and be kind to her when you see her, but she is old enough to make her own decisions, even if they are bad. However, keep in mind the idea that honey is more appealing then vinegar...be nice but firm with your convictions to your daughter.
  15. Sniffy11, You sound adorable and sweet and deserve the best. My Mom used to have a mantra that I think you should keep in mind. Its not something that is set in stone, but I think its a good concept for someone like you to have in mind. My Mom always said, "Make sure the guy loves you more then you love him." It sounds bad, mind you, but it might make you more alert to whether or not the men You love really do recipricate the same thing back. And men who like you more are bound to stay around and want to get married. Don't rush into a relationship because you want some permanence. Also, you might want to hold off having sex until you really know for absolutely sure that there is a strong commitment there. The right one will come when he comes. Enjoy your life, go to museums, lose yourself in your job...don't focus on pleasing men. The guy that wants women to be perfect has his own issues and you probably wouldn't want someone who is so self centered that he is always focused on how perfect women need to be to be for him.
  16. I suffer from loneliness. This happened after a bad break up a long time ago. For a long time I was afraid of getting into a relationship so I allowed myself a year to heal. When I dated again, I went through a very scarring, traumatic experience with a guy who basically used me. After that, I felt incredibly lonely...like I needed someone to validate my worth as someone lovable. I met this really funny guy. We started to date and instantly my loneliness disappeared. As time wore on, I realized that I didn't see myself in a permanent relationship with him for various reasons...he wasn't a bad guy in any way...he was actually great, but he had religious differences and lifestyle differences that began to grate on our relationship and I knew I had to end it. He agreed with me, however. But now, whenever we talk, he is sharp and angry with me. I think it may be because of the disappointments with the break up. Is it a bad idea to continue to talk to him? I care a lot about him as a friend, its just that our differences made a relationship almost impossible in my eyes. THe trials were too much. Is it better to stop talking to him or to continue? What would hurt him less and what would hurt me less? Not only that, but I now have a new apartment all by myself. I always thought that I'd want something independent but I really suffer from loneliness quite a bit.
  17. You will move on...you're hurt now but that won't last. Sometimes we have to allow the pain in order to heal...
  18. Guys who say stuff like that are trying to box you up. You are who you want to be. Anyways, its a blessing...do you really want some guy who goes around emotionally cheating with other women when he is married? Yeah sounds like a genuine true blue, true love catch you got yourself there. You are obsessing...focus on another obsession...what other things do you like to do? YOu are thinking you did something wrong...it was the guy who was in the wrong for approaching you in the first place.
  19. No, women want a great guy. But they might want a greater guy. Or someone at least more compatible.
  20. There are different expectations in each sort of relationship, of course. You don't make out with your friends, after all.
  21. Some people still want to be friends and can handle it emotionally. For instance, my last boyfriend and I broke up because we have political differences. However, as friends, he's agreed to come to certain political events with me and it is myhope that perhaps he'll change his mind. Meaning, sometimes there is hope in a friendship...but you have to be careful with that.
  22. I agree. I don't know about the girl, but this sounds like an issue between you and your boyfriend. So far, it doesn't sound likes she's said anything really all that bad. She actually sounds sort of friendly. The boyfriend shouldn't have tried to make you jealous...but he obviously succeeded.
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