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Everything posted by brando

  1. Yeah I agree with beec and majoraslayer, their are guys who will not cheat on gf's. It goes both ways men and women cheat. It isn't all one sided. As for beaker5, are you certain that he was unfaithful for the entire time of the relationship, or are you assuming this.?? I think he was always cheating at me with someone at some point during the relationship be careful here, you may be causing yourself more grief than necessary.
  2. It is good of you to be supportive to your ex, it also is assisting the well being of your daughters as well. Sounds like you made some progress, with your healing. Stay strong..and be well.
  3. I think it depends on the chemistry between two people. Sometimes it can happen right away, and other times it takes a while. I don't really have a timeline, so i gauge it on the attraction level, and the sexual intensity between myself and the girl im dating..
  4. Stop thinking that you may have to prove to an ex you get get a more beautiful woman. Go for a person you can talk with and relatre with, ad aslo attractive.
  5. Yeah Allie seems to have a point about her spare tire analogy. Its time you heal, release the pain, and accept the things that are now in front of you. Do the things you always wanted to do.. Have fun, live ife. Don't worry about what she is doing..worry what you will do. be well, brando
  6. Well i think you have taken the first step. Admitting your powerless. All i can offer is to have the awareness of why you choose to be addictive, and try other alternatives to avoid that pitfall. I wont suggest reading or running, that is your job to figure out what you need to do. But your at step 1...best of luck.
  7. Beaker it is all part of the process. As the others have said there is no time frame to get through a breakup. You will heal when you are ready. Just get out there and live your life the best you can right now. When thoughts of your ex come to mind, try to just release them and not dwell on them. You will get their. Sometimes As Rose2 suggested we dont miss the person, we miss that companionship. SO when feeling a bit better you can try dating, being in the presense of the opposite sex may help. I am not suggesting a relationship, but getting out and having fun. be well, brando
  8. crazy21, It is possible to create attraction with a woman, but you went to far originally and showed insecurities and neediness, a big turn off. After revealing this about yourself it is very difficult to get her to see you in a different light. If she threatened to call the police i would retreat and leave her be. Unfortunately this is over.
  9. Wow , California, sounds like you have some things troubling you. I agree with Rose2summer about maybe going to talk to a professional and seeing where these guilty feelings stem from. Your parents appear to feel you are deserving of these things. And it is okay to accept these gifts without feeling guilty or undeserving. Ther emaybe soemething that you believe about you to feel this guilt. A professional will be able to help you uncover those thoughts and feelings. be well, brando
  10. can you be more specific with how you are defining clingy???
  11. practice. Walk around when home with a list of compliments you have specificly written down for her and recite them out loud. Use different tones, different emphasis on the words, pract ice practice practice... and you will get over the self conscious part of it by hearing yourself reciting these compliments to the thin air in you privacy.
  12. I wish you the best, and i hope you bot get what you need from this experience. be well, brando
  13. The other thing to try and do is not get fustrated. Play her game back to her. Act happy, and as if everything is alright. It almost sounds like she is giving you enough rope to hang yourself by telling you to do what makes you happy. If you leave, it just may be the nail in the coffin she needs to let the marriage go. Very hard to say, you know her better than all of us.
  14. Their ar eno guarantees in life. It is just the way life is. So you can never date again feeling secure, alone, but with an unbroken heart, or you can get out their again and try once more... Id first deal with the emotions you are experiencing right now. The trusting issues, the fear issues, then try dating again. If you fell off your bike when you were a kid, did you get back on, or throw the bike away???
  15. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing. Go on living your life, enjoying everything you do, go out with friends and have fun. Their is no formula to winning back someones heart. You can do as DN suggested,and then see how they respond, after laying it out on the line though, that is about all one can do, the rest of course is up to the other party. be well, brando
  16. Smitty, If you leave your presense of course is gone, and sometimes the marriage at that point takes a wrong turn. Unless it is an agreed separation leaving your house is just that leaving. If both parties want to work things out, and want some time to themselves then a separation may help. I always believed in out of sight out of mind more than I believe absense makes the heart grow fonder. If you believe the statisics taken from divorces, it is found that once a couple separates, a reconciliation is less likely possible. My ex and I separated and we are now divorced. There are no guarantess though even if you stay. You BOTH need to want this marriage to work and be healthier and happier than it was. Best of luck, be well, brando
  17. this is tough. I have read when a married couple is facing a divorce, a separation is always a bad thing to do. So that is something you need to consider. I can't understand why your wife isn't overly concerned with working it out or not. She can go either way here and appears happy regardless. Is she alwyas this way with her emotions. ??? Maybe suggest counselling, or some kind of couples retreat. Tons of information on the internet.
  18. I forgot the weight of reality great line.... i can identify with the pain in this poem.
  19. Tne best part of these gems our ex's one time flung at us are the actions that come soon after. There is what people say, and then there is what people do... two entirely different things most of the time. Or is it just when people are breaking up that this phenomenon occurs. ???
  20. I think he needs to hear you say it to him. It is for you, to show him that you are putting your foot down, will not tolerate his behavoir any longer, and that you are done with this marriage. It will be more painful to stay, or prolong telling him. I know it will be hard, i didn't want ot hear it from my ex, but it was necessary for me to hear it and understand she meant it.
  21. Well she is 16 and stillin HS. She has all these years left, don't get jealous over it. She will be missing so much of her life to spend every night with you. You are the older, you are the man, let her know it is okay that she goes out with her friends. Perhaps you need to find a woman out of HS... someone who is at a similar stage in life as you. I just dont think it is fair for her to have to miss all the good times HS has to offer. Maybe you two should see others... let her develop on her own time. I know you both want to be together, but maybe you need to look at this from a different perspective, and be the one to show her that these HS years only happen once. Just my opinion. Besides you sound like you are still shaken up over your ex...take some time to heal from that.
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