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Everything posted by brando

  1. Yeah well id be careful with this one, to say yes to someone to shut them up is not a good sign. If that is even the truth. Don't walk into this blind.
  2. Never hesitate. Perhaps she was more than ready to date you, and you weren't. So instead of waiting she said yes to this other guy.
  3. you wouldnt want to use his pillow but you would sleep on his sheets....
  4. i know what you meant, but i think if you are involved on Myspace and an ex is also, it will take an incredible amount of self control to not be curious. No offense man. be well, brando
  5. So you are saying because a link to your ex gf is on there it is the worst invention ever?? That is a stretch, and you have nothing to hold against link removed.
  6. Hey it will no thurt, as long as that is the reason you are calling. No real rules here or etiquette (sp?) It is a decent thing to do regardless. Shows compassion despite a breakup.
  7. Good point Coollady...but i assumed this wasnt a concern. So much for assumptions...
  8. dirty talk hmmmmm... i know i enjoy it when a woman can express herself this way. It adds to the excitement and intensifies the experience. If you can't ask him how he feels about it, then when and if you two end up in bed, slowly start the DT and see what his reaction is. I was with a woman who did not enjoy it at all, just wasnt her nature. It isnt fun if only one party is into it.
  9. Saturday, Okay, now today is going to be a challenge. And tomorrow.
  10. Just because he visited prostitutes before he met you means nothing about how he feels about you. Perhpas he didn't want to be ivolved withanyone so he picked this path to travel down. No strings attached, no one gets hurt..etc.. Focus on what you two have today. He is committed to you, he proposed to you, be greatful for that. DN made a good point about him fogiving you for judging him. Ask yourself why it bothers you so much??
  11. Stop paying attention to them. By showing them it does not bother you, and you will be fine without them in your life may perk their interest. If this is the guy from a previous post whose involved with another whose head over heels for him, and he is indifferent, maybe he isn't worth persuing. What if he is like this with women who have a deeper interest in him all of the time?? Just posing the question....
  12. Why is it that we feel awkward or uncomortable arounf someone who likes us more than just a friend.??? I havent figured this one out yet. Is it us that has the problem with their feelings?? Or is it them becuase they feel differently, or may picture things differently? I can identify with how you feel, and i am sure it does make you feel a little uncomortable, but ever since i came to these boards i continue to ask myself why? We are not rresponsible for making another feel a certain way, or unfeel a certain way, they are only feelings, but when we are aware or are told someoone likes us in a romatic way, we act as if it was a curse, and end up treating the person differently, or avoid them. Just curious. Open for feed back maybe to clear things up for the poster as well.
  13. O, Grreat post. I can identify with how you are feeling. be well, brando
  14. SO day 4 now... i find i have my moments. If i am at work it is no problem. I can get through the work day without thinking about it much, if iat all. It is my down time, in the car, I commute two hours round trip daily, and when im home just chillin.. that is when the thoughts of wanting to smoke pop up in my mind... and then i start to get a bit crazy. I bought a jump rope months ago, and havent started using it since last Saturday...so i was poorly plaaning ahead for my quit day...But the last three dates the heat has been too too much so i havent used the jump rope. Hopefully now that it has cooled some i can jump rope again, to deal with the cravings, and reenforce positive habits in place of the bad one i chose for many years.
  15. If I was in this situation i would still date others. Especially if i was uncomfy with them dating someone else. Well before i would decide to stop dating them, i would mention wanting to be exclusive, especially if the signs are there and the sparks. A relationship that is on and off can mean they are having more difficulties than a couple should. They both like the FWB thing, they both try dating others but find themselves tallking and trying again. There is no safe assumption here. Sorry.
  16. If your really 35 then you two are that much closer in age, but overall i do not think it is a question on age. Maturity, mutual respect, support, all those important things need to be met regardless of age difference. Ladybugg has a point about ashton and demi, Susan Sarandon And Tim Robbins another older woman younger man couple. I think there was an article on MSN a few days ago on this topic.
  17. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!! No i avent put the money specifcly aside as of now, but i am planning on doing so. I want to see the money add up before my eyes to see what i once had spent on smokes. Again i do appreciate all of your support. be well, brando
  18. I think you should date others if the one you are most interested in is dating others as well.
  19. Day three... I missed day two. So i am still smoke free. I have had some moments where i thought i would go and buy a pack of smokes. But i pressed on. I will make no excuses, its funny how i start thinking different ways to control the habit, which i know in reality isnt controlable for me. I again appreciate everyone who has posted. The support is needed.
  20. Beec, i liked your last post here. Good. Not everyone stops to look at things this way. Glad to see you back.
  21. Uh..... I would pick up quite a few more books on this topic, it doesn't sound like you know much about it.
  22. threir is tons of information on the internet about abusive men. Also here on enotalone we have some great resources. Relationship Coach put together a great post on abuseive partners. May want to take a peek.
  23. I have a copy if the program...16 cds. they talk about nutrition, exercise and so much more. And not only is Lucinda Bassett the founder, she was also a client.... Great resources for dealing with anxiety and depression.
  24. Check out this link link removed
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