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Everything posted by brando

  1. I thank you all for your input. I am doing great so far. Just had lunch which is always a trigger... but im good. Funny how i begin to think how many cigs i would have had already today... Does this mean i need to give up my beloved coffee ??????? So many things that trigger cigs for me. I need to maybe replace the smoking habit with some other thing gum chewing, or the suggestions you all posted. I keep taking deep breaths. anyway im still doing ok... thnaks again guys
  2. I quit smoking as of today. I had to admit to myself i am addicted to nicotine, and i no longer wnat to smoke, and i am tired of smelling like an ashtray, and being winded from less streneous activities. Plus the cost of cigarettes are just ridiculous. Each day i will try to log here as many times as needed to help me get throught his. Any enotaloners who are in the process of quitting, or thinking about quitting, or who have quit please feel free to post. If you need to vent, support, or share your struggle, please feel free to add your words along with mine. (You dont have to be a smoker or non smoker in order to post. If you know of any stories of people who quit nicotine please shar ethose as well) Day 1. I been wanting to quit for a short time now. I feel the negative symptoms nictoine addiction has had on my body. I use to believe i enjoyed it, but what it is actually an addiction. It is going to take a strong will for me to break this habit. So hopefully i can get through this this time. I am actually thinking of a cigarette right now. But i have none, and lucky me has a co worker who recently quit as well. It is ony 9:41 a.m. a long way to the end of the day.
  3. Avman, I can appreciate the sentiment, but is their really a nice way of telling someone you no longer want them talking to you as well as you no longer want to talk to them.????
  4. Well my suggestion is too tuff it out and finish school. Youve come to far to not finish it. Who knows, maybe this year will be your best. Maybe you will find that group of reinds or that one friend... youve come to far to turn back now. best of luck.
  5. be straight up. Tell her your married. It was nice catching up but you r life is with your wife now. Say goodbye.
  6. I learned some time ago one saying that keeps me focused on fate.. Want to make God laugh, Make a plan.
  7. no bad news, Im glad you got through this. It is refreshing to see people come through the other side. Enjoy being single and happy. Thanks for sharing.
  8. These are all thoughts racing through your mind. They are not real. You need to stop and take a deep, deep breath. I understand what you are going through, but you will get through this, You can HANDLE THIS!. You will Get THROUGH THIS!. Why do you believe you make people miserable????
  9. I can relate to the shoulder injury. I slept on mine the wrong way or for too long, and i wake up sometimes with excruciating pain that lasts more than a few days. I try to stretch my shoulders gently, nothing to extreme to losen up the muscles. Help some, and eventually it feels much better.
  10. Loneliness and aloneness are two different things. You want to become confortable with being alone, loneliness is something one will never grow comfortable with.
  11. Hey O, I know how you feel, Im 36, so the 23 yo you messaged would have told me i could be friends with her grandfather..lol! I have the salt and pepper look. I meet too many women who are divorced with kids, or single (never married) with kids. I did this once already, and i am not willing to do it again. Please no offense to single mothers. So i can identify with how you are feeling. But don't let it get you down, obviously she is immature for saying that. I like Friscos theory. But i haven't come up with a solution to the flaw he mentioned.
  12. these things really aren't revenge. I am happy you all have moved on and are happy, but do you believe your ex's are really bothered or hurt by your successes and triumphs?? The best revenge is none. Seems immature to me to even think along these lines.
  13. it is because men are looking to raise families, and they aspire to be with an attractive women, so their children are attractive as well.
  14. Well i guess you can be greatful for not having any kids together. Divorce has become so common today, it is unbelieveable. Anyway, just to share, my ex wife wanted me to sign the house over to her. I couldn't stop but laugh at her after she had asked me. I can understand the coldness you are experiencing from your soon to be x, get use to it, it is a tool they use to get through the emotions. Things will get better.
  15. well, sounds like someone plated these thoughts in your head. Do you two do separate things apart from eachother??? Do you go out with your friends, and he with his?? Telling us he is boring is a judgement call. What may be boring to you isn't for him. Perhaps their is something else about this relationship, or yourself that is bothering you, and has little to do with him. Or perhaps the honeymoon phase is over for you two and now the relationship needs some fine tuning. Have you expressed that you would like to do more things with him?? Have you suggested other sexual positions that intrest you?? Do you have a voice in this relationship?? Are you two spending too much time together???
  16. perhaps you are looking at it all wrong. Maybe you are becoming comfortable with being alone, which is a huge difference than being lonely. You are fooling yourslef by believing this ex was the only one to understand you, you need to begin understanding yourself. Take what you can from this relationship and learn. After the grief you can look back at this experience and learn something valuable from it. No relationship is a mistake. No relationship is a mismatch. Things happen for reasons our egos have no idea are or have occurred. You will be fine, trust me. Trust yourself. Steer away from this darkness, stop blaming your ex for the way you feel, the way you are choosing to feel at the moment. The relationship is over, the pain was dished out, let it all go now, accept it and begin healing. Stay sober, clear your head from those intoxants, and you will see things clearer. It takes time, it takes personal strength, do not surrender. be well, brando
  17. 96gsx, you say you are willing to do anything to get her back, sometimes that does include letting go. Sometimes it is the only way for two people to get back together. Tough road to travel down, best of luck.
  18. everyone handles break ups differently. If the dumpee is acting happy and smiling and joking, it does not have anything to do with the breakup. I don't understand why we assume our actions effect those around us in a considerable way. Especially dumper/dumpee interactions. The dumper may be standoffish, due to thoughts of feeling guilty for ending the relationship, or is hurt due to the fact the dumpee is not reacting to the way the dumper thought they would be.
  19. One thing you can try is ALANON. Perhaps their you will learn most about yourself. Plus you will learn how his behavoir is effecting your life. You will meet others who live with alcholics day to day. One thing i read somewhere was the wives (usually) of alcoholic husbands wish for them to sober up, and after they do, by attending AA, the same wives no longer want the relationship, due to the changes and growth the Recovering alcoholic has gone through. The old saying applies here: careful of what you wish for......
  20. I love the rhythmn of this poem. Nice work bent.
  21. Syrix wrote : I read somewhere very good advice - it says that you shouldn't be worried wheter your date is going to like you or not, but that you should be occupied with the fact do you like him! It's a good advice, it saved me from a lot of stress. I read this as well, pertaining to meeting new people. It had to do with dealing with rejection, some are so worried about being liked, they never consider for a second if they like these people. great tip Syrix.
  22. Some women can even ejaculate as they cum..
  23. Yes. This happened to me. A very close friend i went through high school with decided to stop retuning my calls some six years after we graduated. To this day which is now about 13 years i never knew why. I saw his father and spoke to him, his sister and even his younger brother who i use to pick up from elementary school some days to go get ice cream or play video games. I uess things happen, people lose intrest, and find others to pal around with. Especialy since our career paths were different, he worked long hours commuting to Manhattan daily, so we saw less of eachother during the week...yadda yadda yadda.. No big deal. One door closes and another opens.
  24. Like Annie posted, if you are not listening to what he is asking of you, you are only conveying that you don't care about what he wants. This is important to accept and understand no matter what happens with this person, for other relationships as well. It is pressure, it is a selfish behavoir becuase of how hurt you are feeling.
  25. my experience is HS friends usually end up on different paths, especially with college, especially when most move out of state to attend college. Maybe im generalizing... still at that age if he dates his friends ex no big deal, best friend , friend whatever..
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