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Everything posted by HaloDestroyer

  1. That was nice... I quite enjoyed its simplicity.
  2. Well... Have you ever seen the movie 'Labyrinth'? It's my favourite film of all time... David Bowie acted in it, and did half of the soundtrack (all the tracks with words!!) The most beautiful love song on the planet is called 'As The World Falls Down'. Get in touch with me if you'd like to hear it. P.S. Don't forget The Rolling Stones, and The Beatles. 'Wild horses' and 'Angie' by TRS. 'Let It Be' and 'Yesterday' by TB.
  3. For ****s sake!! WHY all this talk of flirting? You know, people that flirt as a habit don't usually have very long relationships - they can't stop flirting with other people... Alright. I suppose there are things that I do generally look for in a girl; 1./ A sense of humour. 2./ Pretty eyes. 3./ A nice smile. But, I've been with my girlfriend for a couple of years now, and I had various unsuccessful relationships before her. She walked into the room, and blew me away completely; she was pretty, seemed genuinely interested in me, and we got along fine - no awkward silences! If you take a genuine interest in someone's personal life (maybe a hobby, or an event), they will instantly clock the fact that you're making an effort. Hope it helps...
  4. Can we look at answering the actual question this user has posed, please? Robowar, this boy is basically leaving the ball in your court, so to speak. He might expect you to offer the option of FWB, but may not want to seem to keen on the idea by suggesting it himself. On the other hand, the idea may be a little bit of a shock for him, if he hasn't considered it himself. You run a little risk, but I personally think that he does want FWB, and is just itching for you to put that forward... Hope it helps... XxX-Ben-xXx
  5. I think you should stop thinking about it!! Love is a feeling, not a mindset. If you look into his face, and love him, then so be it. You're in love. XxX-Ben-xXx
  6. That's not true at all! Of course, slow sex is very much a more loving, caring approach... It gives both parties time to admire their partner, and to properly feel the act of love that is sex. Fast sex still comes out of love, though... It's just sometimes people like it 'rough and dirty'... Or even through physical time constraints!! Either way, sex is born out of love, and care. (In a relationship anyway) ***EDIT*** P.S. 100th Post!! ***EDIT***
  7. My heritage and culture demands respect to my family and my elders. Even so, by reading this, it seems as though you have chosen the right path. I hope everything gets better. Make sure that you and your wife never end up in the same position as your mother and father.
  8. This train sounds like it's about to go off the rails... The best thing you can do is talk to him. If he takes you seriously, and understands you, then he loves you. If my girlfriend was unhappy with anything about me, I'd prefer her to come to me personally, and say so, rather than just leaving me. If you want to keep him, you better straighten this out.
  9. God, I have this problem as well... When it comes to my girlfriend, I'm so paranoid... If she goes out, I always seem to interrogate her; 'Where've you been, who with...' I think you really need to build trust with your partner. With my girlfriend, I sit down, and just talk to her. Ask her how she feels... If she wants to say anything. If she puts it off, or she can't be mature about it, then I know I've got a problem. Hope this helps.
  10. Well... You a Led Zeppelin fan? Communication Breakdown. Your wife is acting like this because she does not feel secure enough to have a mature discussion with you. She probably fears it will degenerate into bickering, and is taking a harsh stance because she is sick of it... As for the third child... And the birth control? I don't have much experience here, I'll leave that open to anyone else? I hope you sort this out... Sorry I can't be more help. XxX-Ben-xXx
  11. Well, it seems like I'm the only guy posting in this thread.... Guess I better stick up for the team... Listen, Precious? Your boyfriend IS going through an extremely hard time.. Why is it whenever things get down to the lowest of the low, partners usually leave when you need them the most? I'm not sure you need to break up with him?! Just explain to him you're not ready for all this commitment. Tell him to back off, not **** off. Hope this gave a different insight. XxX-Ben-xXx
  12. I would... Decide on whether this person was important enough to me to forgo sex for her... Or whether I needed the physical side, and it was better to find someone to satisfy that need... Hope that helped... XxX-Ben-xXx
  13. This is really difficult. You obviously have her family on your side... She probably did what she did because you pushed her away; you took her for granted, and she was sick of it. She might have realised her flaw, and is trying to rectify it... Or she could be covering up... It could go either way. Anyone else got any thoughts on this? XxX-Ben-xXx
  14. Hey... My name's Ben, too!! Why do this? Kill yourself, that is? Everyone says it's the 'easy way out'. It isn't easy, is it? Think of the effect this will have on your family. On your friends. You don't need to do this. There are ways to turn your life around. It's never too late to start again. XxX-Ben-xXx
  15. Hey... I'm glad to hear you've stopped... It's more than I can do... However, I would not advise the method you have suggested of disposing of the razors themselves... Perhaps just the note? I'm thinking of the health and safety risks... XxX-Ben-xXx
  16. Ok.... update... There's this party, and she said she wanted me to go with her... Mainly because she doesn't know that many people... but I'm guessing she's got an alterior motive. What does this mean? Is she starting to like me more as a person, or what? XxX-Ben-xXx
  17. Alright, good idea everyone!! I'll initiate NC.
  18. I guess you're right. I'm gonna go call her back, and tell her all those things. Thanks @ all for the great advice!!
  19. Damn right. Iceman's always bang on the money.
  20. Thanks for your advice everyone. She just this SECOND called me, and was telling me about how great this new guy is... I don't think she wants to hurt me. I think she just wants me to be jealous. What should I do?
  21. Ok, here's the story... I've had this girlfriend for half a year. No problems, we had an extremely good relationship. Yesterday, we had an argument. Not even a bad one, just an extended disagreement. She was quick to end our relationship, and that hurt me. But what hurt me more, was, today, when she called me. I, of course, expected her to want to re-forge our relationship, and apologise. But instead, she informed me that she had met someone else, and was dating him. What the heck?! I asked her how long this had been going on, but she would tell me no details. Through our relationship, there were no signs of her having cheated. WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! Any help is appreciated. XxX-Ben-xXx
  22. Why do you even need to ask this question? I understand your confusion, but it is morally WRONG to stand by and allow a child's life to be ruined through actions which you *may* be able to prevent. Sacrifice your friendship for the well-being of the girl. You might not even need to do that. Your friend might see sense, and nothing bad will come of just talking to her. XxX-Ben-xXx
  23. Yeah... I have some advice... Uhm... It's kinda difficult... I mean. I've never really talked to anyone about this. Ever. About a year ago, I was in a relationship that had been going on for about 2 years... No problems at all, infact, me and my girlfriend of the time were considering marriage. But... I slipped into depression. Manic depression. I developed several complexes, including paranoia, and one that's akin to ShellShock. I did to my girlfriend what your girlfriend has done to you. I shut her out, slowly, and in the end, we hardly talked... As I got over my depression, the problem cleared up. I started dating again, and am now engaged!! Your girlfriend needs to exorcise her demons before she can fully trust you again. This WILL take time, but stick with her. It sounds like she needs you. I hope everything turns out alright. XxX-Ben-xXx
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