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Everything posted by mercurydreams

  1. By the email alone, I would take it as, she cares about you a lot, your a good friend still and she just doesn't need all the bad relationship stuff right now. But by what the best friend said, she may feel more for you then her email lets on. She still has feelings for you. She said it is the hardest thing she has had to do. You don't say something like that unless you have some feelings for the other person. Just be there for her. As she said moves are stressful and emotional and overwelming. If she wants more to happen, I am sure she will make it clear.
  2. That is a hard one. Religion causes so many people to split up that are otherwise perfect for each other. Tell him you felt hurt that he said he thinks you are going to go to hell. Ask if he cares. If you are wondering why he is not trying to save you, maybe he thinks that the direct aproach will scare you off. I know religion is a difficult topic to talk on when your views are different. But if you have been together this long and see a future together you have to talk about it, or later on it will just come between you. Don't argue about it though. Just tell him what you believe and ask him questions about his beliefs. Even if the religions are very different, you might find that you have some common beliefs about some things.
  3. If you were in love I would say chances are that he was actually wanting to learn sign language, but since it was just a few dates I think that he was just trying to get some. Guys will say anything to impress you if they think it helps their chances.
  4. Just be sure that you are not dependant on him. Make other friends there. Have your own place. Be able to take care of yourself. When you first go there you are leaving your friends, family and everything you know. Then if you split you won't have him either and so be prepared to have your own friends to go out with. Not shared friends. That is too hard then in a breakup.
  5. I met my current guy online. People tend to look at you funny when you say it though, like ugh an online thing. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. If you really care about her tell her your true feelings. The distance is hard though once you get into a romantic relationship. It is hard because you miss the simple things like wanting to hold hands or hug him just. As far as the age difference, you have to be careful because certian things can be agianst the law or just plain wrong to do with a minor. Tell her your real feelings. If she says I love you chances are she is feeling the same. Since she is younger though, what love means to her may not be the same way you view love.
  6. Practice it first. Do it in front of the mirror. Get your moves down. link removed link removed,12750,166930_286099,00.html
  7. link removed This link should clear it up for you.
  8. It is really possible she may still love you. She might just be confused about her feelings for you. I have told my bf before that I can't say that right now, when I was confused. Give her a bit of time. Don't totally give up on it yet. Let her sort her feelings out.
  9. If you are going to tell them start by saying that their daughter is going through a hard time and she needs their support. That they shouldn't judge or give her a hard time, because she is having a hard enough time right now.
  10. Well the name is depression. Something that may feel forever and feel the worst thing, but it is temporary. It goes... eventually. It might help you to see a doctor. I know no one wants to be on medications, but they do help. And since you are a cutter, therapy might help you. I know I cut too. It helps to talk about why. Even if you don't know why yet. Try to hang in there. Even when you really don't feel like it. Life does turn around and get better. It always does. Depression is a really hard thing to go through, but your not alone.
  11. I would say you are depressed. Not looking forward to things and apathy are one of the main signs. Depression often starts as just lack of intrest and not caring much about what you used to. It might do you good to consiter medicine. I don't mean that you will have to be on it forever. You might need something for a few months just to get you back to your old self. Talk to your dr. Tell him how you feel. If he recomends meds ask about welbutrin. It is mild, no side effects such as weight gain either which is nice. That is one of the best meds you can get on. Or consiter therapy. That often helps depression, if you don't want to try meds.
  12. I have a friend, she was 43 when she had her first and 48 when she had her second. It was high risk, though.
  13. I have the same problem. I have depression and it makes me not want to do anything or go anywhere. I have been through this many times already. Recently it has been worse. First off, I am not sure her meds are working. Or she might need to add and anxiety med, since a lot of derpression meds cause anxiety. The best thing for depression is: a constant sleep schedule. Not too much not too little, and the same times daily. a good support system. She seems to have that in you. Just someone to talk to and who cares to listen. Who she will let see her at her worst. the right meds. I have been through close to a hundred meds and thousand side effects, before I found the right one. She needs a good dr who will lister to her when she doesn't think things are working and is willing to listen to her sugustions for a different med. Know your facts. There is a lot of meds out there, that may be better. Know what the drs don't tell you as far as side effects. And then the most important thing when it comes to depression, is getting back to your life. Often depression leads to reliance on others and fear of, or lack of intrest in what seems common tasks. Start small. Say honey can you help me out and do this. Something small that she has stopped, it may seem like a common, easy to do thing to you, but to her it might be the hardest thing in the world. Help her to get out more. I know she won't want to. Doesn't feel like hanging out with friends. Either you don't want them to see you that way, or you just don't want to see anyone. Start small, have a few friends over for dinner. As she had an abusive past, that may well be the root her depression stems from. Until she deals with her feeling on these issues she won't be able to perminantly shake the depression. I recomend that she get therapy. Just talk out her feelings. This would also help her self confidence and esteem. Hang in there and offer her as much love and support as you can. She will come through it.
  14. It could just be that they have become good friends, but to me it sounds like he likes her and might be messing around on you. A guy can have a girl as a friend, that is just a friend. I say talk to your boyfriend. Tell him that you are worried and don't want to be taken for the fool. Ask for the truth, whatever it may be.
  15. Less emails mean nothing. Maybe you just talk more on the phone or in person that when it started. Me and my guy are close as ever and almost never email anymore. As far as anniverserys, tell him you would like to. He will never know unless you speak up. And since you guys are like best friends then it shouldn't be that hard. Just say, you know our anniversary is coming up... maybe we can do something special for it. Let him know that it is important to you.
  16. I think she likes you, and that you should go for it. Never know how it will work out till you take a chance. It is hard when you have been in a bad relationship in the past that takes your confidence. But if you like her and from what you wrote, she likes you, then have the confidence in yourself to try it out.
  17. What you need is self confidence. So what if you are not big. Not everything in life is about stuff like that. A lot of girls like guys that are a bit smaller. Consiter therapy. Just to build your self confidence. It helps a lot. Self worth is not what other people say, but rather how you feel about yourself. I know that it is hard to ignore people when they say stuff or when you feel out of place. But things get better as time goes on. Try working out. It not only will help you bulk up a bit, but it relieves stress and makes you feel better about yourself. Try not to worry about what other people say. Relize that you are just as good as any of them and don't let them walk all over you. Everyone is equal.
  18. Don't let your breast define who you are. First off there is no reason you need to get bigger ones. And no, from what I hear all of those enlargment pills and such are just another way to waste your money. link removed
  19. I am bipolar. It is a hard thing to tell people, because it is labeled a mental disorder. People often tend to view you as weird or dangerous. Tell them that there is nothing wrong with you. That it isn't a bad thing. You are getting help, as you would for any medical condition, and are doing well. Let them know that you need their support. Not critism or being treated weird. Nothing has changed. Your a bit depressed, and hey manic moods can be really good for getting the house cleaned.
  20. If you really love him, then trust him. Love is all about trust.
  21. You are right to express concern. The best thing you can do for her is be a good friend. Parents aren't the way to go. She doesn't need lectures and more of a headache. She needs support from people who won't judge her for her addictions. When she is able and ready, she can choose to stop. But only she can make that choise, and she has to be ready to. Other wise she will never stay clean. Just support her and offer non-judgemental friendship. Tell her your concerns. It always helps to know that someone cares.
  22. Lots of people hae a foot fetish. As long as you both are into it and not one gets hurt, kinky fetishes can be fun.
  23. scratches from the cat. or cut your leg. no one sees that. be careful it is addictive. always make sure what you use to cut is clean. dont need infections. have a cutting kit. neosporine and bandages.
  24. I have stopped. last time was several months ago. Only times I ever have done it is when I was forced, or when my boyfriend pressured me into it.
  25. I need advice. Several years ago, I was raped. It went on for a year and a half, and a lot of things happened that I am very hurt by and ashamed of. Part, including being forced to preform sexual acts on a dog and have them done to me. I told my boyfriend all this and several months later, he asked me to get licked by a dog. I told him no. He knew what it did to me. I kept saying no but it ended up happening anyways. Several times in fact. The last time, he kept asking me to and I said no. I have trouble saying no to him. Then I said I trust you enough to do what is good for me. The hard part is, that as much as I didn't want it, I sort of liked it. Then after I felt horrible. Suicidal and self injuring. But anyways, the last time, after I said I trusted him to do what is good for me, first he said no. But then he kept bringing it up. And he wouldn't talk about anything else. I asked what you are thinking about. And he goes honestly? And I go yeh. He goes I am thinking about you getting licked and stuff. So I said you really want me to? And he goes yeh. And then I did it. I didn't want to though. Then recently I told him I viewed it sort of like rape... I mean it isn't but it feels like it to me. I don't know why he did it when he knew how bad it hurt me. So is this my fault then? Am I just some sort of sick dog wh*re? We were talking about it and he goes the last time when you offered I was just so horny I couldn't control myself. So then I ended up saying I was sorry that I said it felt like rape, when I was the one who wanted it. Who is to blame here. Am I just wanting it? Or did he sort of make me. I mean he never held a gun to me or held me down and made me. But I always do what he says, and I just can't say no. I mean I told him no I hate it and he know what it does to me... But in the end I always do it. So anyways what do you think?
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