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Everything posted by johnagent1911

  1. People are always looking for reasons to go out and relax. I think you should have the party... I wouldn't see why people wouldn't show up.
  2. Mind games don't work on guys, they don't understand/see what you're trying to do. Hopefully you're learning that right now... I don't chase... It might be a guy like that.
  3. wait for the one that steals your heart than the other things you speak really wont matter... they kinda fade away. but what do I know right?
  4. First thing is first, start taking care of yourself. If she wants time apart, make sure you do not start calling and trying to make a solid relationship just yet, give her space. Let her call you. Let her "worry" about you. It's hard to understand at this moment I'm sure, but trust me if you want to get back on the path do what I say. Ask anyone on here about the "No Contact Rule", it's pretty much what I said but I'm sure they can follow-up on this alittle more. Now here is something I want you to do for me... Ask yourself is this worth it? TAKE SOME TIME FOR YOU. Get past this and find what you want. Trust me I've been there. But heed the warnings this girl is giving you. Can she be trusted so easy yet again? -1911
  5. I agree with slightlybent... Awesome post. I have to say though if she wants you man then wait for her to come to you. Play it cool and cold with her. Key phrase: "WAIT for her. DON'T chase." -1911
  6. They never win... No one will win. Peace will come to you soon and during this time take care of yourself. And who knows one day you may be the demon of your ghost, she might come back and she'll be right where you want her. If you want her... -1911
  7. Hey getting my wisdom teeth taken out in like 5 hours. However they said to me not to eat after 12PM. Well me being who I am ignored that and enjoyed a meal at 1AM. Does anyone know the risks I'm running? Also how bad was it for you? Haven't really talked to anyone about it... Would like to know more.
  8. Quit chasing her. If it's one thing I wish I knew(I was in the same place, I was stupid.) was that I should of stop pursuing her. Let her chase you. If she doesn't want to "date" you, go out and date someone else. And make sure you tell her you're going out too! Maybe she'll see what she will lose! Give her a challenge. Only if I know now what I didn't then. Is this something that rings a bell? Please read this site.
  9. I think you need to relax sexually... Sex isn't that big a deal you see. So to find that hot romance you want you have to be okay with being sexual. The whole great thing about lust is to go with your genitals, but it isn't if your not okay comfortable with yourself and feeling these desires? Again you rejected the whole idea of "sex" it self. You were taught sex is bad. You still have those feeligns/fears deep inside.
  10. Hey I'd take some time away from her and let her get her stuff together. I wouldn't chase her. If you chase her she's gonna run back to the ex. I say you let her come to you. If she likes you she'll prove it right? There has to be some signs to look for man. I just wouldn't go after her so fast. Leave it to the once or twice a week when you visit her. You have to give her attention and take it away. Don't just keep giving. Take this slow and you can end up with her. And if you have yet to call her I think you should wait on that too. Let her make the first moves. -John
  11. Don't be friends... I would pull away from this. I've been there before. Not worth it in my mind.
  12. Hey if you're really okay with this then it should be fine. It's not ideal but who cares? If your happy none of this will matter. It might get complex though.
  13. I think both of you should take a little time apart to get things back in order. You guys need to find out what you really want.
  14. You've only been dating this guy for 2 weeks. I don't think you have the right to be mad... Perhaps just me.
  15. If they don't want to listen to your reasons man. They wont.
  16. Hang in there man... Life gets a little better. I hated getting over my ex. But in the end. I feel better. Not much I can say to help... See the good in your life. Look for it if you have to.
  17. I have to agree with you that it seems out of context and kind of a non-poetry line. Even when I wrote I thought the same thing. It was that whole "old me vs new me" thing. But this is cool because I can go back and change it. Thanks.
  18. I was writing this for a class and needed some feedback. I guess this would be the best place... =) Thanks. -------- You can't explain it. Heaven's air in my lungs every bit. It's only faith in trust falling onto each other The sun acts to the earth as the surrogate mother Everything you see falls in systematic clockwork, From the birth of a precious child To the death in the wild. The world glows with its innocents. Falling asleep in the arms of a lover, In the bright green grass under the cloud cover. To know yourself, Kill oneself You can't explain it. Heaven's air in my lungs every bit. -John
  19. I tell you what you should do. You should go about your day not worrying about her. Don't talk to her unless she comes to you. Play it carefree too is what I'm saying. Just live your life and she'll come to talk to you. Do not chase her anymore. Don't call. Don't write.
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