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Everything posted by johnagent1911

  1. I would but she is so far away... I mean this is the girl I really care about and god only knows how much she means to me. However, I don't think she would want this either. Who knows...
  2. I had an LDR too and I don't think I'm gonna hope for anything if I ever find myself in another.
  3. Well it's official. I found out this girl who I've liked for so long really likes me too. Now the only problem is she's leaving in 2 days. I don't know what else to say other then PA you were right; I should have made a move so long ago. I only have 2 days with this girl... And thanks to this thread I have a better understanding of myself. I still can't believe she's going to be gone in 2 days but at least we'll have tonight.
  4. I'm personally done with girls... I don't know what else to do. And by the way it isn't like I go around saying "I smoke weed; do you want to go on a date?" I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I'm not making any progress. Last night was it; I'm not being stood up anymore. I rather be alone then treated like an idiot.
  5. I drink and smoke pot... Thanks to college. No one here smokes pot eh? It's the only time I play video games. P.S PAdreamer, let me be the first to say you helped me out when I needed it. I look to read retorts from you. .
  6. I swear it doesn't matter how much they have in common with me it's like they don't find me the least bit attracted? I really don't understand.
  7. I don't know how the rest of you guys are doing but this whole not getting chicks thing is driving me crazy... I have NO clue what I'm doing wrong.
  8. Don't get me wrong I don't have sex with girls that have a pool of blood pouring from them however a lighter day isn't anything I tend to worry about.
  9. I didn't care if I had sex with a girl on her period... Do it in the shower.
  10. NC worked for me and really gave me all the 'power'.
  11. Class is only a mind set and nothing more...
  12. A true friend will let you use his car for the night if you're going to get some 'action'.
  13. So who is happier that you got over the fear? Him or you?
  14. Best thing to do is to just hear him out... Also don't try and 'fix' his problem. Just be there for him.
  15. Yeah I think I'll try and advance a little more..? I just want this to work out...
  16. Alright guys I've ran in to something the other night... A girl that I'm interested and I always hang out in the same group of friends. I think she comes out to see me more than the others, but I'm not too sure. However the other night while dropping her off instead of just hugging me, she kissed me on the neck. Now I know this could be a sign of friendship but is it? I think there is a lot of chemistry here but I'm still left unsure… Maybe because I over analyze it too much? Shall I go in for the kiss? I know I can get close enough for it but I'm still not 100% sure if I should. I know, this is stupid...
  17. I don't really know where I stand with a girl right now but she's cool and I'm having fun so…It seems to be going really well though. I have to start taking some risks though and trust me if anything changes I'll report back on what's going down. I think I'm to the point where it just needs to happen....
  18. I'd be glad this happened now and not later... I don't really know what to tell you other than go out and have fun with friends. Live it up a little and take care of yourself. Oh and by the way don't contact him and don't sleep with him.
  19. Shy guys just have to get past the first stage of meeting someone most of the time... Which is meeting you and making sure that you're in to them. We don't want to push anything if you don't want us to. After that I'm sure they'll lead. I know I do, and I'm shy at first. Don't give up on us. We need the 'good' girls just as you need the 'good' guys. You say you're looking for someone who will love you beyond anything in the world yet you don't 'like' the shy ones? Sometimes you get what you give... I know if a girl I liked would give me a chance, I'd change her outlook on life.
  20. I'm glad you said that... Heh I was hoping I wasn't the only one. =) Naw ant she isn't the only thing... But the only thing on my mind right now.
  21. I lose hope... For everything and everyone. I feel it diminish from my body -- I'm lifeless without it. I don't even remember what happiness felt like. Everything is disposed and old. I feel disposed and old. Nothing new will ever change. Nothing good to wake up for. With that said, I know this is the best I'll ever feel; depressed and no one here with me. Sure my friends will tell me "everything will work out" or "this is just a phase, you'll see.", and I know they mean well. However my loneliness cuts right through their words and in to my soul. Leaving me enslaved to my emotions. I wish she was here... I'd give up my entire world just to kiss her right now. I miss everything about her. And after all this said and these unforeseen feelings rushing through my mind I'm left sitting here writing in wonder... Has she ever thought about me? Will she ever look my way again? The idea of her and I together leaves me exhausted and weak. This truth only as a dream and nothing more. Does she miss me? I can only hope. Her voice is the only thing I want to hear right now... Nothing else has any meaning. I don't even know what to do with myself. Just another day... Just another reminder. Only if I could start all over.
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