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Everything posted by johnagent1911

  1. Yeah I could do that... Thanks PA. Now I'm nervous about calling her. I have too many problems. Maybe I should smoke some pot first? =) "Why do I smoke pot?" By: JohnAgent I'm a college student, I have many issues and to hold myself together I smoke pot. (I smoke to keep my mind off things.) I also drink while smoking, it usually goes hand and hand. Every time I do smoke/drink it's always with friends, and once I get home I go to sleep. The end.
  2. I'm high right now, so forgive my errors. Anyhow this chick and I on went on a date and I thought everything was going great ALL the way to the end. We were holding hands, and being close etc. etc. She told me to call her the next day I called but she seemed pretty distant, she was also pretty busy so she told me to call the day following. I did and it pretty much remained the same, I also said we should get together again some time but she didn't seem that interested. She again, told me to call the next day but everything seemed different but in the bad sort of way. So I didn't call, this was like a month ago. Well she has called like a day ago saying "Hey it's [insert name] call me back. Blah blah" Now she was never a friend or anything, just someone I knew however why would she call, and should I call back? I'm not interested in her as a friend so what should I do? 1911
  3. We're showing pics of each other now..? Heh, uh perhaps I'll pass? Too much work. Plus I have an image to uphold =) I'm not a 'nice' guy. .
  4. Yeah that's what I meant. It seemed as though you had a change in yourself. So how are they working?
  5. Yeah I have 2 warnings, if I get another I'm done. .
  6. GEEZ PADREAMER, No but seriously what happened? Are you getting out of hand? I don't why Av just didn't delete the posts that were 'flaming'. I mean what about the people just talking? Why lock our thread because of this small issue? Anyhow I hope people start it back up again. .
  7. I would personally start acting like I don't care. This is a sign of being insecure, do not worry about this "D" person. It will only lead up to bad stuff if you let it get to you. I would also make myself busy, so if she was like after "D's" do you want to hang out I'd say "Naw I told some friends I'd catch up with them." You get the idea. .
  8. Wow wish you guys were here. It's hard not to be social. (Living on campus.) I go to a honor's college and so after working hella hard during the day EVERYONE is out at night. People running around crazy. I have to leave my door open because of so many people just dropping by. .
  9. She'll call if she wants to, in the mean time I'd go about my life and leave it up to her. If she does call back say, "I was little busy." .
  10. I use to kiss my Ex on the ears, use to drive her crazy. This works the same for both genders; works on me anyhow. .
  11. My mom killed herself, and my father is no where to be found. True story. .
  12. Alright guys, I hope you're going in my direction. I'm currently going to start living my life literally around me. I will not be another person whining about how girls treated me wrong, it will actually be the other way around, "That Mr. Agent guy came over last night for a few drinks and I never heard from him again." Sorry guys, it's a kill or be killed world. I'm no longer going to try and be the understanding and caring guy. I've tried that. It doesn't work. I hope that when I get out of college I use my intelligence to use people, and buy cars. That's all that's left in the world. Buying crap I don't need and sleeping around. You don't have to follow per se but understand where I'm coming from. .
  13. I don't know about chemicals but maybe you're doing something that puts them off?
  14. Guys and girls are the same. We want the best looking mate, the end. 1911
  15. I would rather love and loss than to never love at all because you have all types of memories/experience, and you go through this time knowing someone truly cares for you. You can share/do what ever you want with this one person and it wouldn't change. Total acceptance. The world stops for all you care because you're with that person. I mean yeah it would suck to lose her, but you gain so much out of it. .
  16. The point of greatest intensity or force in an ascending series or progression. .
  17. Alright physicologists here's a question for you smart guys, what about the people looking for words to ACTUALLY save them? Huh? What about them? If we can help them find good in their life it might just stop them from taking their life. Who says it wont!? I remember one person who actually had a hand gun ready until he came to a site like this!(I have the site linked some where.) THIS is what the forum is for. "I say get over yourself, and stop trying to act like you are actually going to kill yourself because although it does happen not many people will seek advice about it before doing it they are usually too far over the edge. " Yes but we can prevent it from getting to that point. And what do you mean it doesn't happen to many? Have you counted? Do you have statistics? Even if it is fake(A post by someone.) you shouldn't take the thread lightly.
  18. I refused sex over many different reasons. I've refused it over headaches before. Sex is great and all but if I have a bad headache I don't want to do too much until it passes. If I was under stress I would like to just sit back and relax. Some times guys get bored with sex too you know. There are a tons of reasons why he might be like this. Ask what's his deal and nothing more. DO NOT jump to conclusions unless you want to fight with him. I know if I wasn't in the mood in the past week(Or month.), and all stressed out and my girl came up to with some BS about me cheating on her because I didn't feel like giving her pleasure I'd go off, I would be pissed. HOWEVER, if you came to me and ASKED why I haven't been myself lately this would be okay. .
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