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Everything posted by johnagent1911

  1. Cause girls can get it from any man, they don't need wh0res when they can get it any where.
  2. Well what keeps me going is my college. Other than that I'm pretty much screwed. -1911
  3. I think he only wants sex. I'd watch this one. -1911
  4. Yeah I've been there... I HAD TO FALL ASLEEP SOME NIGHTS TO GET AWAY FROM THE GIRL... And she'd try and wake me up to have sex. It was pretty crazy.
  5. Yeah you know it's odd because I think they want sex just as much as men some times. I mean, I had a girl who wanted it more than me. (She's 20 and so am I.) However, I dated a girl that was 29 when I was 19 and it was fun... She also wanted sex any time I wanted to. I mean any time I wanted sex I'd only have to ask... Hell sometimes she would reply something like "Oh I thought you'd never ask!"... Didn't matter. I'd wake her up at like 3 in the morning for it I really wanted to. -1911 P.S. Age plays a big part.
  6. Girls are just girls and sex is just sex... Nothing more. Nothing to worry about gents... I don't have a girlfriend either, but I'm not letting that get to me. Hell I asked a girl out and she accepted but I blew it later that night... Heh long story. Don't worry about it too much.
  7. I say why not give him a chance? This might be the greatest person you might be missing out on. Hell, if some girl who was crazy about me like you say, and even though I am more attrative than her(which is true in some cases.), I would give her a chance. I did it before and it was the best relationship I ever had. She truly cared for me, for me. I didn't have to dress up, or do anything to try and impress her interest. Her interest was already there. Give it some thought, but you are 15 so all that might not mean much. I know if I was still 15 and my girl wasn't hot, I wouldn't of dated her. -1911
  8. Well I face myself again. I'm so absent-minded. I don't see a point in... Anything. I don't know what to do with myself. I'm so lost. Is this what life is? Death, terror, war, and above all else money? Are you playing this game? Can I call myself out? I'm not trying to expand minds. I'm not trying to understand your thought process. I'm trying to understand why we are here, and why are we alive? -1911
  9. Hey, I think we all have had this problem... At this point, personally I would just lay low... Don't make any moves, and let her come to you. One thing however I wanted to say is that, you can get any girl.(No joke.) Just play your cards right. Relax. Be on the look out to see if they break up. -1911
  10. Girls want men... Not girlie poets. Nuff said. Simple: Male + Female = Sex Female + Female = No Sex(Unless she's into eating box.) Girls like guys... What's more manly than being a soldier? -1911
  11. Yeah the girls love me... I know. -1911
  12. Uh, why not stay with the guy you have now and quit all of this? -1911 P.S The title of this thread sounds like a really awful song title. Anyone else think so?
  13. I personally don't think there is a god. I mean it's okay if you do, I on the other hand think life is just that... Life. The western theory that we get rewarded after life is great and all but I don't think there is a reward, I just think life is what you make of it. Same goes with "every thing works out", it's nice but unless you work for what you want I don't think it's just going to "work out". No one said life is easy. However, everyone has the power to change what ever they want. Just think what if there is no god, would it really be all that bad? It'd be the same world. What do you believe? -1911
  14. ... I wouldn't feel right giving you advice... You're kind of young hun.
  15. Well, I suggest getting back on the pills... Why did you stop taking them? And/or what did you want us to do for you? -1911
  16. I'm pissed. Thanks for letting me vent... Hope I didn't get off on a tangent. Any advice? -1911
  17. I want an all out bad ass girl. I want one that will basically rape me, anywhere. That's the end of that.
  18. Oh my lord... Do you believe in victim patterns? Because to me, this sounds like it the most. I'm so sorry. That is horrible. I mean, rape alone is something that can basically 'kill you on the inside'.. I think because of these experiences it's only logical you'd have major trust issues. I don't blame you for not wanting to commit to anyone. I wouldn't either. Take life slow, do what's best for you. Watch yourself, this isn't your fault. Please take care. I'm sorry.
  19. I just turned 20 but like 4 months ago I dated this 29 for a while... It was alot of fun, very care free relationship. older women > younger
  20. Beer. Simple and done.
  21. Well, I'm a actor here in Florida but I'm in college so it's easy to meet people. One thing I've noticed is that we don't have a problem talking to girls(or people in general.) but moving into the next level is what I always had a problem with(Something falls through.). I know where you're coming from, it's like you have some type of unexplained luck. I had missed a bunch of girls because I never knew they liked me until it was too late or even didn't act on it. It's really had to find 'nice' girls that aren't taken. It really is. What I do is meet some girls that aren't single be their friend to get to their friends.
  22. Is there anyone truly happy with them selves? I know I'm not. I don't know why but I think that deep down inside, I hate myself. I think that I don't have anything really going for me. I'm not good looking, I'm not charming and I think I'm a failure. But why? Why is this? What should I do? How can I start to 'love' myself? Are you happy with you? -j
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