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Everything posted by johnagent1911

  1. "At 23 a normally healthy guy never has a headache. This is an avoidance tactic." What?! Maybe he's tired. Maybe he doesn't feel up to it. Things change, people change. Lets not jump to conclusions. How about asking him about this issue? .
  2. You know ever since I really got in to this topic I've gotten really bitter to the women around me. I don't mean to be but all the feelings, emotions and anger come pouring in my head, like a damn flood gate was opened. Like last night I went out with all sorts of friends(All male.) and when my female friends showed up it was like I had lack of trust. They wanted to know what was up because most of the time I make them laugh or we push each other around(Or something stupid like that.), now however it's different. I don't care talking to them, I don't care for them at all. But that's not the worst part, the really bad part is I'm really starting to like it. I like not caring how women feel. I wish I could some how increase it. I also got a call last night from a girl that blew me off like a month ago after we went to a movie one night. (Tell me that doesn't suck azz.) I have no clue what I'm going to say to her or even if I'm gonna' call her back. She said she'd like to talk, I said "Well I would like to, so I'll call you back in a month." then I hung up. I was rather drunk but it was rude none-the-less. Guys I just want to say I've been there. I've had all of those feelings. Same with you lonelynshy. It's cool to know I'm not some freak because I wanted more from a women that I'd care for, if that ever happened. .
  3. Again delete key should be in progress.
  4. Yeah big surprise here, I'm 5'9. I wish I was taller too; all my friends are of course taller than I am. Sucks because when ever we get together it ALWAYS plays a factor. Height plays a factor every where. Last night I was at a bar with some friends and again all the attention was paid to them, I was okay with it until they really started enjoying talking to them so I kind of felt left out of the social circle and just ended up leaving. I was okay with leaving due to I had class the next morning and I was already tired, but the issue still remained in my head… I started wondering; where are the girls who love life, for life. The ones that love art, the girls who enjoy reading? Ones who care for others in the world? Is this something as humans, we parted away from? Is there a true life long soul-mate? Do they exist? I enjoy simple pleasures of life. Laughing, joking, going out and just having fun. No expectations. This is what I think makes people feel like their alive. This simple pleasure makes us HUMAN and not some creature trying to survive. Men are all too well seen as "pigs". However, I in fact pride myself in achievements. Being the best I can be to everyone. I desire to be better than what I am today. (I've posted about this before.) I wish to find someone just like me, but some times I feel as if that concept is lost among the girls around me. As if many of them have no real core, no soul, and lack passion. All I need is one chance with a great girl but I don't think I'm going to be getting that any time soon. I've been jaded so many times I feel useless when it comes to women. Like no matter what I do/say they will not see any more than as a friend. I'm done with this. .
  5. The truth is, most people - girls and guys - do prefer to date people in shape, and who take care of themselves. Whether this is shallow or not, I don't know, but it's a fact that the majority of people do tend to place a significant importance on looks. If you are really unhappy with your appearance, why not take up mountain biking, kayaking, or some kind of fun sport if you dread the idea of monotonous work-outs at the gym? It will give you fresh air, you'll get proficiency at a cool sport, and meet new people. After a while, you'll feel better about yourself in general, and the dating thing will all come together. When we are happy, or at least reasonably content with ourselves, other people notice and are drawn to that. Good luck, and never stop trying to push yourself to be the best you can be! --------- This was posted by a lady on the forum. .
  6. Let her go, you're in the friend zone. You wont do any good telling her how you feel. .
  7. I personally think you're making too big of deal of this. But do what you want to do. It's your life. If you want to wait, wait. I'm not going to lie; around our ages guy, it's gonna' be hard to find a virgin. However, if you want this go for it. .
  8. I would personally ask her what's the deal... If you have an issue go to the source. .
  9. I enjoy being me, but still I lack in looks. I'm c0cky in what I do but I know my faults. I know I'm going to be pretty well off as far as money and friends go. I don't need a girlfriend, and I don't even look for one but it would be nice once in a while to know someone cares for you eh? I'm sorry to say I don't agree. Yeah it helps to have self-worth and that goes for males and females, but at the same time you still need the looks. Being confident will not purely win over girls. Yes it helps but that isn't the only factor. Do you think I run around in life saying, 'Oh poor me, I hate my looks', no I don't. I've been old I give out an 'I'm really sure about myself' vibe(Her words.), and this is coming from the girl that her friend's think I would be perfect for! YET she still will not date me based upon my looks.(Again her words.) Again as I stated before it doesn't really matter, I just wanted to let some of the people here know that I have been there. . If you don't believe me that looks plays another MAJOR factor what about the guys who have ZERO confidence yet can still pull the ladies? (My friend that's better looking than me DOESN'T know he's better looking, and in fact thinks he's horribly ugly but yet the girls still go for him.)
  10. I have a lot of female friends, and it's like every guy they see they judge RIGHT THERE! "Aw well he's ugly, hehehe I don't want to talk to him", this is all I hear for the most part. "Oh well if he's hot I'll talk to the stranger.", crap like this fills my mind as I sit there thinking 'What the hell? He wasn't that bad.' I'm sorry but if it was wit/humor that girls were after then I'd be a god to women.(And some girls have gone for it, thank the lord.) For my personality? People always ask me how is I can walk up to anyone and start talking to them. I'm a theatre major, I work for a theatre where all I did was improv. Now if you haven't the slightest idea what that is, it means I can be put on the spot and come up with jokes and talk to the audience.(Luckily for me I'm young and have talent or I wouldn't of even been considered hired at my theatre.) I'm at the COMEDY CLUB, I JUST PERFORMED with some buddies; I don't get the girls that give me their numbers. I get the ones that tell me "You were awesome! You were in Newyork? COOL! Oh, what? Get a drink later? No thanks!!!"[Followed by a look that can kill.] Society crys out that girls have it tough but what about the guys that are left back? We just have to deal with it. We're too tough. We can't cry.(Girls told me they wouldn't date a man that teared up at a movie! WHAT!?) But see I raised as a man, I do not b!tch about any of this because or I would come off as weak. I personally wouldn't want that.(Who would?) I'm not looking for pity. I don't care if you 'feel' for me, it doesn't help. I know that sounds bad but think about it; makes sense huh?(Not being rude.) I'm not looking for approval. I'm merely posting about what I've seen/heard in my times. Disability?(Even though I don't think this issue relates at all.) I pray for those people. I really do, and I don't even believe in god. The thing is if you have a disability, you're a tougher person than me. I race motorcycles. If I fall and I can't use my legs I will kill myself. I rather be dead than have a disability of any kind. If you think that's horrible, tons of people kill themselves over being disabled everyday. I'd be too depressed about life to worry about ladies and or worried about how I would like to end my life. . P.S I hang out with some pretty close friends and all of the girls in the group think that this girl(Another friend.) and I should hook up. 'We'd be perfect' but she wouldn't date me becuase I'm not good looking enough. True story.
  11. Unless you are damn near perfect looking you can forget about girls. The end. I have a friend that is better looking than I am. I'm not going to lie. And every time we go out and we meet up with some girls. Instead of one girl being interested in him and one girl being interested in me; All of the girls are interested in him. Every girl at the table. I smile brighter every time a girl gets played. Because if they don't see the nice guys, then screw them. Blah blah blah, though because it doesn't really matter. I'm no longer that guy. I don't mind if they don't want to date me, I can do without but when I was about 18 and in highschool this bothered the hell out of me. Still does every so often, like right now. I could go on for hours on this topic but it doesn't matter. -1911
  12. I rather have my foreskin removed then my heart... I think you took this issue way out hand. I rather have my foreskin removed for health reasons then a VITAL ORGAN TO STAY ALIVE. I been living for 20 years with out foreskin, and I don't regret it one bit. The end. -1911
  13. See it's funny because PA has had countless numbers of guys in her life so she doesn't know what it feels like to not find anyone. So in no way can she relate. It's easy for a girl to get involved with someone. For a guy it's 10x harder than for a girl... -1911
  14. Well I'm right where you are actually.. And to this day it still bothers me. Luckily I'm not facing the 'real world' yet for I'm still in college. However, for what? I don't know. I don't have any real interest in anything. I currently don't have a girlfriend but that doesn't matter to me simply because why should it? Why does it bother you? Why live for someone else? One thing is, I don't care about the whole being 'loved' thing because most of the time I don't even know if it exist. I went through the same things you did when I was with my girl. It was like reading part of my life. I did everything I could for her, but ended up getting screwed in the deal. I don't blame her at this point looking over at what we went through, but none-the-less it killed me.. I was so depressed. I didn't sleep or eat, it was like everything in life had stopped. Not a damn thing had a meaning. It was bad. She was my soulmate. Trust me though you'll get over it. You say nothing to live for? Good. Well how about just enjoying life around you? Life is simple. All you have to do is wake up, even then you don't have to. You're not required to do anything. You're not out to change the world. I think we tend to make troubles worst than they really are. I say go out and do what ever you want tonight, there are only a few mistakes you can do in life to actually be life altering. Go out and take some risks. Make some friends, you're truly free. I hope everything works out for people like us. It's really odd knowing that someone else out there is living the same life as you. -1911
  15. Shinobie don't worry. Trust me the girls that go for the 'pricks', most of the time you don't even want to be with in the first place. -1911
  16. Agreed, you don't have to shave it... But cut down on the hair itself.
  17. Uh guys pressured into kissing a female? That's a laugh. I'm sorry but the reason why guys cheat is because they think they can get away with it, and he is. Funny, if he was "pressured" into it, did he come out and tell you or did you find out another way? I would personally leave him. Cheating isn't a flaw... That's purely a choice. He did this, hold him to it. It doesn't bother you that he doesn't care about you? He knows that this would of killed you yet he does it anyhow? Think it over. -1911
  18. One thing you could do is keep water near by... I used this just in case it ever became an issue. Just take a sip of water before kissing her. I mean you don't need mouth wash near your bed, it isn't that bad. -1911
  19. "Finishes in me" okay well that's new to me... I don't know why you would find it insulting? I'm guessing you're a fan of pulling out? I really don't know where you were going with that. "When a guy finishes in a woman it means he doesnt respect her." Do a little research.. Because something tells me you're little lost. -1911
  20. With all of the lube I don't think you have enough friction... Remember your hand is a lot more rough than your girl. Try without so much lube. -1911
  21. I said you can't change a person... They can change them selves but you can not change them. Being mature is on their part and not anyone else's. -1911
  22. I say it'd be pretty funny if you asked him to wear one during your guy's dry run. -1911
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