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Everything posted by ang3l2004

  1. Yes I am a very forgiving and caring person and people seem to notice that and I guess you could say use that to advantage or mabe it's just me thinking that way,Thankyou so much for reading and reply to my post I appreciate that,I talk to him on the phone not to long ago he says are you coming tomorrow I said I dont know he said im tired of this @#$@#,I said what he said u saying you are coming then not come,I said well do you want me to come he says it really does not matter now but I think that is because he is mad.This is exactly what I am talking about,I am so distant and confused.
  2. Why do I always put myself back into the same boat the same boat that upsets me and tears me up inside right when I get better or start to feel happy again,I realize now that it is noones fault but my own,I do this to myself,My ex starts calling me or we talk I think things are going to get better so I try to fall right back into the arms of the person I think cares about me because that is what he says. It's so hard to move on and get over an ex that you love but I did that,It seems now that I crossed that line that line that I faught so hard not to cross because I was in love he starts to call and tells me he misses me tells me the things he told me after breakup,I always believe it,This time I told him how I felt I told him my feelings and deep inside I believed he listened to me,So what do I do I tell him I will come see him and in my mind I think that mabe this is a good thing. Two days have gone by I am supose to go see him but now I am not so sure I am doing so good I am fine alone because I know I have myself,But then again I have it in the back of my mind mabe things have changed this time mabe he is finally opening his eyes but the thing is mine are starting to close with him if you can understand that,I care about him alot and if the thing's he told me were true I would be the happiest person but this has happened so many times and each time I think it's real it is far from the truth. I have never thought like this before I was always so worried about him calling him wanting to see him and now he finally seen that it is not like that anymore but the thing is I dont know if that is a good thing or bad thing,I just feel so confused again because I dont know if I am doing the right thing or not,My heart is telling me that he does love me and he is telling me the truth but my mind is telling me if he loved me and all of that why would he do this over and over again so I am starting to see. I am supose to go there tomorrow that is why I am venting and want some opinions on what others think,I guess I could say I am a little depressed because it has been so hard for me over the past year but I just dont know what to do anymore,I have tryed everything I could to make it work our relationship,Now I am avoiding him in a way when all along that is what I wanted him to come back and things to be better. What is this all about?I have never felt this confused because now I am the one avoiding and not trying not because there is someone else or I stopped caring it is because I am so sick and tired of being hurt and being so available and get nothing from it not a thing.What is everyones opinion on this?Mabe ppl with experiece or just there advice would be greatful thanks
  3. I can tell you this much by you asking him over and over if everything is ok and it is you are going to cause problems trust me,About the crying and the not feeling 100% right that everything is not ok I think it has something to do with you not him,I do not know who you are but from your post it seems you may be insecure or for some reason depressed if u want to talk pm me and I will help the best I can.
  4. Eyeore is a good idea,She will probably like that!
  5. To get a girl that is right for you be yourself
  6. ang3l2004

    Pet Names

    I think that would be fine,If it takes alot for you to say those types of things then he will probably notice it and be happy to hear it,Glad thing's are going well with your man and good luck with that.
  7. Go and have a good time dont worry about her she is nothing to you,Let the anger you have against her go and stop trying to hide from places she will be at go and have fun doing what you always use to do
  8. I guess he would think it is nice because it would be fun to get high together probably.
  9. I agree with tbenson dont worry about it to much because anything you do will make him happy as long as you are there with him I am sure he will be ok
  10. You pretended to pass out because you were fooling with this guy but wanted to stop but he didn't want to?Hmm stay away from him because if he kept trying to push you that is no good,Dont worry about what anyone thinks as long as you know that you are not like that dont worry about what others think of you.
  11. Do thing's to make yourself happy,Sorry that you are feeling this way!I think you just need to do thing's that you like to do and pick yourself up mabe you wish you had more then just all the material thing's in life,Or it could be that you just simply feel that something is missing in your life and it's bringing you down..
  12. Get away now,You have put up with this for so long that you have no self worth no confidence,You have no freedom,Get out and make yourself happy because you know what you can do that,You can get out of this relationship and you can make yourself happy again and pick yourself back up and in time you will be so happy and look back and thank yourself that you did,Why stay into a relationship that is 1-not working 2- not making you happy,It is a waste of time and it is not healthy,You should not let someone walk all over you and tell you how to live your life because right there that is just going to make things worse,Even though you think she is a great girl she is not making u happy she is making you miserable and why stay??Dont think that noone is out there for you that you dont have friends that noone will care because you will meet someone that will treat you good like you for who you are and do everything they can to make you happy why fight for someone who is doing nothing but making you sad inside and angry?You really need to be strong pick yourself back up and get on with your life ,Dont put up with it that is just my opinion you already have put up with it for way to long good luck PM me anytime you need to talk ,I will be there to help you the best I can
  13. Honestly why would you want to get back with your ex boyfriend if he shows you no type of commitment and love?The love that you are wanting and looking for you are not getting.In my opinion I think that he has no reason to be mad at you because u were seeing someone he is an ex and you cannot let someone walk all over you and come and go as they please come back and leave when they want I learned that the hard way but I am glad that I learned.I understand you love him but if he is not showing you love in return and he is not making any attempt to try to make thing's work with you move on make yourself happy and enjoy life because life is short,Letting him go might be hard but it will only get better with time,I dont understand why you would want to plead or even talk to him.Sounds to me he does not want to get back together just by thing's that he has said to you,Just move on and be strong dont be someones doormat and live your life,You might still love him and want to be with him more then anything but trust me if he wants that he will come back and he will run after you,Dont chase someone that does not deserve it,Have you ever thought about the way that he treats you?The way that he makes you feel by the thing's that he says?Try thinking about having to deal with that if you get back together you probably would not want to!I do think that you should not contact him let him call you,If he does not call oh well just know that you have yourself and you dont need him.Good luck if u need to talk pm me
  14. So now you are mad at me and dont want to talk on the phone, But it only happens when I get better and then you make me feel alone. I cry inside because I do love you with all of my heart, But this is no game so please stop hitting start. Stop telling me that you miss me then tell me that you are mad, Dont make me feel like it's my fault anymore dont make me feel sad. I just want this to stop and everytime I stop calling it does, But then you call me and explain to me what are relationship was. I begin to go in this circle and my heart starts to pour for you, But then you just dont talk to me for a month and do what you always do. You are using me for my love if dont get what you want out there, But I am not going to be your shoulder anymore even though I do care. I feel the teardrops coming each time you play with my mind, Then this all starts over and you play me and then hit rewind. As I look back and see this happening to me it hurts deep inside, That you could walk over someone that loves you take away there pride. I wonder why I let you do this why I believe everything that you say, But I will be much more careful and live day by day. Dont be mad if I dont call you or I just oneday leave your side, you know that in your mind you have me until someone says I have died. By Thanks for reading
  15. Alot of emotion if u need to talk message me because I dont really know my dad either good luck!
  16. Well dont hurt yourself you are right that is very foolish,Your dad has every right to be over protective of you after what had happen because he loves you and he does not want to see his little girl hurt again,You are 16 you should not be drinking right now anyway because you are to young wait until you get of age to do that,Another thing is I am very sorry this happen to you and it was not your fault,Enemy?Who cares you dont need anyone you have your best friend and your family ppl that you can trust,Now that you are at this new school you can meet new friends and start over fresh to make yourself happy dont worry about anything else,It is good that those kids are in juvenille so for doing that to your parents cars,Just remember you need to talk to someone you trust get away from the alcohol and listen to your parents and make yourself happy the best you can once again I am sorry that this has happen to you and if u ever need to talk pm me because I will help you the best that I can,You are still young hun you are 16 you have a whole life ahead of you now you can start over and be happy with you just dont let anyone stop your happiness or enemys def,Be careful with what you do now and learn from your mistakes good luck
  17. Dont argue with him dont be jealous and ask questions he will only push you away because he will feel not trusted,In a strip club it is not what you think and even if he did not go he watches tv dont he there are plenty of other ways to see naked girls,You cannot be upset with him for going it is normal for guys to want to go out with there friends and have some fun without there woman,I dont think it is a good idea for you to attack him with questions or even act weird because it's normal,You should not get angry with him and start a fight or you will be more upset that you started something anyway trust me,Just when he gets home say hey did you have fun?How did it go?That's it then go on about your relationship and dont worry if he went there.I know it might be tough for you because it seems you have a low self asteem and feel that these girls are better then you and he will like one of them trust me he is with you he is coming home to you and he is your boyfriend you have nothing to worry about good luck!
  18. Hey you will be ok hun,He is one of many boyfriends that you will have throughout your life and even though it hurts really bad inside and all you want to do is cry it will help you grow more and more,He is not worth worrying about and stressing over,You are still young there are plenty of people who will want to date you,Just start doing stuff that you use to do worry about school,Hang out with your friends and go to the movies,Make time for yourself and have fun doing it!Goodluck girly!If you ever need to talk pm me I will talk to you as much as you need k
  19. Really you should not be worried about it because like you said yourself you dont love her anymore,Why tell her that you dont love her ?Are you sure you are just trying to make yourself believe that you dont love her by sending that email?Just let her figure thing's out on her own trust me she will
  20. Wow I never knew of this until to day and I have to say from my point of view that is just obsurd,I cannot believe they do that to innocent women that is just very crule and disgusting,I never knew that people could be so ignorant,I wonder why I have never heard of this before but do have to say that mabe it's kind of better I didn't ,I can understand why you would want to help them out because that is just I cant even explain myself ugh,Why do they allow those men to do that?I dont get it!Thanks for posting because when I was reading it got me interested in to what you were trying to explain and I feel that someone out there does need to look into this to find ways to help,I might have to pick up that book
  21. I also agree there is nothing wrong with your bf going to strip club,It is no harm to you and if you dont let him go he will start to feel controlled if that happens then he will just go anyway to start making you mad because you are trying to tell him what to do,At the strip club girls dance and yes they dance naked but always remember who is he coming home to?It really does not matter that his friends have planned this for him to have one good night out,Dont feel down about yourself or think something is wrong with you just because of this,Trust me he might not even like it you never know,Let him go and have a good time and show him you trust him and you are not worried about it,Arguing over it wont help either trust me on that one it will just cause alot of trust issues and bickering....
  22. I hope you are not talking about you and this was just a poem filled with emotion,It is a very good poem and you have talent keep writing because I will be looking for more from you!
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