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Everything posted by ang3l2004

  1. I am really sorry that has happened to you,I know what it feels like to be mistreated it can put u down and do so many things but u have to stay strong and keep your head up! Anytime you need to talk pm me ill be there!
  2. Yes I believe that to be the truth
  3. Thankyou all once again for the replies and advce and caring enough to give me insight and help me out I appreciate that with all that I have it is very nice
  4. I would say be honest with him tell him exactly what you told us,Then start no contact mabe that will help you a little bit,If you are not happy there is not much more u can do but just tell him and let him move on and you as well
  5. Well I hope you feel better about your hair!!When it grows back im sure u will be much better but right now just dont worry about it -=)
  6. If you really care for her and dont want to hurt her be honest,It seems that you have been very honest with her but be honest,Ya never know what can happen so mabe the spark can come back,If you are that upset about it mabe u can work things out and help eachother bring the spark back
  7. I think that you will be fine,Be confident and dont worry to much about that,It's the motion in the ocean not the size of the prize,Good luck
  8. Only you know if things can go back,But I have been told once you go back it's never the same,Do you think you work through that and deal with the way things are now?
  9. Your hair will grow back soon dont worry,Do you think it really looks that bad?You are probably just not use to it yet!I am sure it will grow back quick just dont worry to much
  10. Can I ask you something?Do you all after reading my posts and everything believe that I am being played and have been and if so how do you tell if that is the case?I really need to stop this and I need help so I am asking if I need help and post can you please help me out thanks
  11. Thanks so much carter for your response,You are right though I am a very sincere and caring person and when I say that I love him and would do anything for him I mean it,I always have and still do and I know ppl think that is wrong and I know myself it may not be right but it's a tough thing to do when I have put so much into it ya know,I appreciate all your views and responses on this and am very glad that you can be honest with me so I can see what I need to do,Thanks so much!
  12. Thankyou for your replys I will get it checked to see,Thanks all for being so nice being honest
  13. Getting over it thankyou for your reply,I am glad that you are doing better as well,It is so hard for me for some reason I just dont understand why I am the way I am at times..
  14. Thankyou for your reply ray kay,What do you mean by way past time u think that it is just way to late for anything to work now?
  15. Wow thanks for your honesty and your reply to my post,I dont believe I have ocd though my mom does and I really dont know what it is,I dont mean to obsess over things and dont mean to post about him every other day I just need to get this off my chest and let it out whenever it comes up,You are right I do let him do the things he does and I know it's not good for me to do that but I honestly do believe things can get better,I have not called so I know what I need to start doing it is just so hard for me for some reason,Honestly deep down inside I know things are not good and that the way he treats me sometimes is not good but when he is nice and things are going well I love it,What makes you think I have ocd and what are the symptoms?I hope that is not something that is serious?I do love him so on my part I care so much that I try and try to make things right.What can I do to stop this and the way I am towards him?
  16. I agree with getting over it,If that is how you feel and something urged you to send the message then mabe it is good that u sent it
  17. Anyone have any opinions insight stories or advice for me mabe something similar,When I start feeling down about it I post so I can let it out on how I really feel!Thanks all who are there for me and help me when im down
  18. Ok well I am going to post because I need to let some thing's out as of right now and vent and hoping someone out there can help me out,The other day I called my ex he told me to leave him alone that he dont want to talk to anyone that he dont need friends that he just dont want to talk to anyone until he get his head straight I understand and respect that but at the same time I love him and dont want that to be the last conversation we ever have... Another thing that bothers me is that I was just there lastweek,He called me ask me to come over to spend sometime with him,When I got there he told me that he missed me and asked me to stay tonight,He was the biggest sweetheart that I had ever seen to me,I ended up staying the night and we ended up sleeping together that is another reason why I do not understand why he is acting all mean towards me and dont want to talk to me now? I was with this man for 2 1/2 years broken up for about 11 months now and I know you might say move on and dont call get over him I realize this what I want to do is move on and then when we are both are better get back with eachother.That is my heart I cannot just walk away from the one person who made me happy.I know people might think im stupid for being there for him but I am very distant about it. I have not picked up the phone to call him since he said leave him alone but he has not called me either but that's normal for him,He is mean one minute and nice the next,He shows and tells me interests of getting back together in the future but does not treat me like the woman he wants to marry one day like he says,He is riskin our love our relationship and possibly our friendship and that is why I fight so hard for him because I dont want anything to jeoperdize none of the above..... What should I do now?Can someone give me some insight on what I can do and how I can deal with the fact that he just simply does not want to talk to me now because he is unhappy?He keeps telling me he is unhappy and that is the reason he is snappy also! I dont know sometimes I put so much into and put so much of me out there with him and dont get the same....Any advice on what I can do and how I should go about looking at this situation????This has been going on for 11 months now on and off but when it's on I love how it is!
  19. Well first off in my opinion 26 and 16 is not a very good match so if you do like him which in your post you sound like you do a little bit because why would you sit in his car for an hour? heh Well I dont know does he acted interested in you in anyway?Or you him?
  20. Good poem shows how you really feel..Keep writing
  21. If you ever need to talk or need to vent about anything feel free to pm me and I will help you the best I can!!!
  22. I am sorry about your loss,I hope you feel better soon!! About your friend she is going to do what she wants and even though you are just trying to help her out which is a good thing she may just not want to listen,She will learn the hard way if she does not stop doing what she is doing.
  23. I agree with tanned,Normaly the state takes a kid only if they are mistreated or not being well taken care of or possibly the mother is not fit to raise the baby,But if that is not the case it could have been a false accusation and untrue,In those 15 days they may evaluate what is going on?Check to see if the baby was taken care of?Or look into weather or not the mother is fit.Either way I am not sure because I dont have a child just would be my opinion but I hope everything turns out for her and you and the child and sorry that this has happened im here if u need to talk and wish you and your family the best of luck!
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