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Everything posted by ang3l2004

  1. Take her out on a nice date and give her a nice little kiss and if she dont accept then you know that she is not ready but try what can it hurt -=)
  2. I am leaving in about 10 minutes does anyone have any type of advice for me?
  3. I really care for my ex a whole lot still after awhile being broken up and still talking I have realized that lately in the past months I have been very distant with him which is not like me at all and he realizes this,He thinks I dont care anymore but it's not that,Everytime we makes plans to see eachother towards the last minute I dont want to go my stomach begins to turn upside down but I am unsure why.I am going to visit today and I am hoping I will have a good time because I have not seen him in 3 months,I told him how I really felt the last time we were supose to hang out which was a month ago but mabe that is why I am so distant,I would love more then anything to work things out with him but being away from him more and more is just making me believe he dont care never did makes me become angry and push him away when really he is trying to get closer again because I can tell,I dont like to play games and I will not play them so if this is a game after seeing him today if I feel this is a game it is the end of it because I have realized alot over the past months,Do you think that I am doing the wrong thing?Not that you know me or know how I am feeling but in others opinions is this the wrong thing to do?I get so confused one minute I want to see him and the next I dont because I start thinking about everything so I dont know which is right!I am going over there today,One minute he acts like he wants to be back with me the next minute it's totaly diff so I am kinda getting fed up with that to,I know I may have been putting up with this for a very long time because I am in love but I know that I am getting so tired of all the crap that happens,But now I just want others opinions or advice on a few things I mentioned above if you could help me out a bit thanks
  4. Very nice full of emotion good job keep writing
  5. You are right it does get worse before it gets better I am trying to be strong I wish everyone the same..
  6. I dont think that the xo was to much because I even do that to friends,But dont be to pushy because it could push her away,Next time try asking her out on a date over the phone to see what type of reaction you get,She may or may not be expectin something for V-day but you could still get her something nice to see how she will act,Are there any signs that she may like you?
  7. I dont understand why you keep pretending that you are here, When all I have left is memories and a tear. I wish you the best because I do want to see you happy out there, But I dont know if you truly miss me because u act like you dont care. Sometimes I wonder why I am still here when you want me to be, I think it's because I am nice and a great girl cant you see. When you call me and tell me you want me to come over and see you, Is it because you want to spend time with me or do the thing's we do. You wanted it to be like this you told me to move on in the end, But now it is different because love is the messages you still send. I hope this is not a game because I dont want another scar, I just want you to know that you make me believe you are not far. So when you decide inside what you want and need from me, Then you should call me because the future we cannot see.
  8. Is there anyway if there is lyrics do you mind posting them up I am interested in reading them thanks!
  9. Well it is not good to snoop around but then again if you had a gut feeling and went along with that then you had every reason to find exactly what you were looking for,He might be doing harmless chatting but then again it is not right that he is talking to this girl telling her bad things about you and hinting around times he works and everything like that,I would confront him once again tell him the way this makes you feel and let him know that you cannot put up with him talking to someone he dont know better then he talks to his own wife and that is just my opinion
  10. Thanks for your help!I aprecciate the replies.
  11. Omg I cannot deal with this,I just recently put up a post about me and my ex once again,Since then things are not going how I thought they would be and we are hardly talking again because we did not meet up that day,I have so many things going through my mind right now and im so sick of it all,I am currently having trouble with my car which means I might have to give it up and I just spent all my money in the bank 8 months ago to fix it up and get it on the road,I have friends who say they are my friends and act like it from time to time but only a few I am talking about here are starting to pluck me because I feel that they are not true friends for some reason and I was just thinking about that tonight I feel as if though everyone that gets a chance walks all over me,Not because I let them do it I am just so nice and very genuine when it comes to others,I am having my depression come back because all I want to do is cry right now and bust a hole in the wall because I am so angry at myself for letting me get back to this situation again,If I dont have a car I dont get out as much as I have been which makes things worse,I know people might say that I have done this to myself but they dont understand that I did not purposley do it I dont know what is going on with me all I know is that right now I am stressed and very very very stressed so I need some opinions on what I can do to get out of this cycle?I find myself getting like this after talking to my ex thinking things get better and everytime it fails for some reason,I am so mad right now.I also dont want to go out again because I my as well stop it now before I have to give up my car,I have not felt this bad in awhile I was doing so good I was going out going out and having a great time but now I dont want to go out I just want to give up on everything,I feel that I have tryed with everything the best that I could and nothing works for me so I am giving up,Sometimes I wonder why I am even here on this earth because nothing ever goes right for me and I just dont get it,My ex,My car,Bills,Depression and I dont want ppl to feel sorry for me that is the last thing I want,I am just looking for opinions on how to get out of this mess,I did not think that it would come back and at that come back this bad,No I just want to let this all out because I think I need to.My ex tells me one thing and acts a whole diff way until the next time we talk and things happen all over.I dont know does anyone have any advice or opinions for me because I am really angry and upset and I just cannot handle anymore of this or I am going to seriously have a break down
  12. Thanyou for all of your replies,Well something came up and neither one of us is coming over one another house today ,We are both very aggravated with that,But for some reason these types of things make me wonder if this is a good idea even though I know in my heart that right now the best thing for me to do is to meet up with him see how thing go and go from there,I guess you would say now that we are not meeting up that I am a little down but not to the point I am going to depress over this,We have been talking alot on the phone today about many diff things but weather or not it will end up us being back together is a diff story I guess I will find out soon....I hope that everything will turn out for the best and I also hope that I am not being stupid and I am making the right choices,In my heart they feel right but I am still having this little thing telling me they may not be such a good idea,I dont know if that is my fear of being hurt or my fear of losing him thanks for reading and replying
  13. Thankyou for your reply,Yes I would really regret not seeing him if it could turn out to be a great thing again ,honestly I have never cared for someone as much as I do for him and I have been there for him through the relationship and even after breakup even when he really was not there for me and it is not because I felt I wanted him to be there so I was trying to get him closer it is because my love for him was strong and when I say this I mean that I would do anything for him and be there for him no matter what,People probably think that is downing myself and putting up with whatever I can take but even after all the storms and the sadness I have been through and letting my mind clear and me opening my eyes I still see him there in possibly now and in the future,After people helping me after breakup I got better I was fine and realizedI can make it on my own but deep down inside I know that if there was ever a chance for us to work it out I would be there no matter how happy I am by myself and that is not because I need him it is really because I have always wanted to be with him since the first day we met,I know that mabe through the relationship at times I was not treated the best and things didnt go good but after this 10 months of me being alone I have learned that I could be by myself but would much rather be with the person I care about if things did get better,Has anyone ever experienced a bad relationship from time to time break up then some how get back together and learned from both parties mistakes and finally became happy not as 1 but as 2 again,That is what I am fighting with I am fighting to not get hurt again but really is it worth giving up on the person you love just because it was bad when things can in fact get better,I do believe that if it does not work I will be upset because my mind was so set on marriage with him in the future that I kind of let that go in a way but not fully,I feel that if things can be better and we both can be happy again weather or not things bad have happened in the past there are always ways to make things better just like after a breakup u have to make yourself get better why after all this time if it is possible try to make us get better?Am I on the wrong road or am I thinking wrong because if I am I would love to hear peoples opinions on this thanks
  14. Thankyou for reading and replying raykay I appreiciate that,I understand what you are saying and we were together almost 3 years been broken up for 10,I was always told he is stringing me along and he is leading me on,But you are right I am so focused on him even though for the past cpl months I have stopped calling and seeing him to make myself better which I did we start talking and I get back into this mind set,I know people probably think this is foolish but when you care for someone so much it is really hard to just let it fully go even though you know you should you just start to think about that what if or why did this happen,But now we are meeting up again today and I feel so happy inside about that but I know that it could turn out the way it has before where we stop talking again and it starts over but either way after today I am making a desicision based on actions and I will go from there.I have never been through this kind of deep situation in my life to the point where it takes one phone call to set me back into this situation again,Wish me luck please and hopefully I do the best I can
  15. Hey Hub, Thanks for your reply to my post,I dont know I just feel that mabe it is diff this time,I understand completely where you are coming from and appreciate the help you have given me all of you on enotalone that has helped me,I just get so confused but this time my head is clear and my eyes are open it is just it feels so much diff this time,I hope that if it does hpappen it will be for the better and if not then I can just keep making myself stronger and learn from my past mistakes and this is a part of growing up I never realized that it would be this hard,But I am going to do mybest to do whatever I can to make myself happy with or without the person I care for the most,I am glad that so many people has helped me on here or I dont know where I would be without the opinions and advice I have been given through these past months,Thankyou for the compliments about doing better for myself.Anyone who has or is going through this right now I wish you the best of luck and wish you the best I have been going through it for sometime now and after today mabe I will finally see what is right or wrong for me,I just hope that I make the right decision ,I will keep you posted .~~ang3l~~~
  16. So me and my ex are meeting up again today for the first time in 2 months,He had mentioned to me on the phone that we are married mentally lol that I love him and he loves me and that we are the only people who do stuff with eachother,I had said that we are not married how can we be married if we are not even together ,He still insisted that we are in love and that the only people that we do stuff with is eachother which made me feel confused,He always told me after breakup that the girl he wants to marry is me that he just does not want to be in a relationship,We have been broken up for about 10 months now in the past 2 months I stopped calling him because I automatically felt not cared for and started to feel that I should stop trying for something that I am getting no signs on what so ever,So now after talking to him I thought about this we have been through alot together even though we have been broken up we still remained close even if we did not talk when we did we would pick right back up where we left off,So now I am so afraid because if this is finally the chance to work things out or if its not how should I reaact to this?I really dont want to get hurt again and I def dont want to get myself involved into something that is just going to bring me back down,But if it does happen that we work things out I would be so happy because he is the only person that I felt inside I could marry oneday that I could see in my future,So my question is what do you all think of this?Do you think I am doing the right thing?I just dont know anymore because we have beenbroken up so long but even though I stopped calling the feelings always come back the feelings I have for him are so strong.Opinions would be appreciated thanks
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