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Everything posted by ang3l2004

  1. Very full of emotion and how you feel,Good poem keep writing
  2. I admire the fact that you are a good mother and you are looking out for both of your children,I know exactly what it feels like to be depressed and have scars that you just cant seem to get rid of it hurts and it's hard but you have to be strong,I am glad to see that you made the right decision for you and now that you have done that you cannot go back,I am not saying you cant really just that you should not,Think about it this way you loved this man yes you had an affair he has hurt you and scarred you but dont you think if you go back that he will just hurt and damage you even more,Be a strong independent mother and show this man that you are happy now without him and you will not take abuse anymore,I wish you the best of luck and anytime you need to talk just Pm me on here and I will talk to you,I know how it is to feel the way you feel and it is the worst thing in the world just keep your head up and post when you feel you need to! Goodluck!
  3. I am really sorry that you had to go through that,But an affair was not the answer,You did not make any kind of mistake because you were not happy,Your children may be upset but there father is still there for them but they dont understand that he was never there for you,When you are emotionally abused and controlled like I have been it wears you out it takes everything out of you,It makes you feel like you are worth nothing and makes you feel real low,Mabe the best thing for you to do was to get out of it. Are you happy now?I know seeing your kids unhappy from time to time may hurt you but do you think this was the best choice due to the reasons why you left him?He may be doing what he is doing because you are gone thinking it will bring you back or get you so bad that you wont take it anymore,Be strong and be yourself,Make yourself happy and do the best you can do raising your kids under the circumstances.Do you feel that you can handle much more of what happened before again?It might even be 10 times worse or mabe even better but would you be happy?
  4. I really wish you the best of luck,If things do work out I will be happy for you and if they dont stay strong and I will be here to help the best that I can,Keep us posted! Good luck, Mabe thing's will turn out exacly how you want them to..
  5. Well if she is with someone and she says that she is happy with this person stand back and let her realize what she wants to do,If she wants you she will come to you that is what I am told everyday about my ex bf though I dont think he is with anyone but you never know,I would not be to pushy but show her you still have feelings for her because that is the truth,I hope things work out for you and hopefully mabe oneday you will get what you want and you to can work on things together
  6. Can you honestly sit down and say I am ready to give up everything I have worked for?Ready to move from where I live to be with her?Only you know if you can do it and if you can more power to you,I can tell you love this girl and if things work out I wish you the best
  7. Well I am in the same situation in a way,But 2 years is a long time and u still seem not over her in a way,There has to be some reason why she has not given you a chance to hang out,But only she knows what that is,Are you looking to get back with her in anyway?The whole phone thing not giving you the number I do not get because why would she only talk to you through email?I am not sure what to tell you only that mabe you should stop emailing her and then see if she contacts you,Or just flat out ask her you would like to see her and do something together because you have not seen eachother in awhile,Good luck with that hope things go well for you! Keep me posted
  8. She just has to get use to wearing them,Tell her to get some she really likes that are cute, Thongs are sexy so they are good to have,I have many pairs but she will just have to wear them a couple times to get use to them
  9. I agree with jabean on this one...Hope things get better for you soon!
  10. Awww I understand what you mean I am a petite girl and like someone taller then me it's just someone preference but hun that should not start making you feel the way you feel,If you care for him and he cares for you then things will be ok you just have to accept the fact that you are tall and beautiful and even though he may be smaller with no hips does not mean a thing! Good luck with your feelings and hopefully you can over come them!
  11. I see u are just interested in knowing others thoughts about it that's cool I agree with rich as well..
  12. Aww I think that is really sweet that you would like to move there to be with her and I think that if it's what you want to do and you will be able to do it with school and not knowing anyone go for it! But does she know that you want to do this?What does she think about the idea?That is just so romantic..Are you moving back there to be with her again and if so why did u breakup in the first place?I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide to do but make sure whatever you do will make you happy and you are not just doing it for her! Keep me posted!
  13. I think some girls look really pretty tanned but others look fake and dont look well at all,Everyone has there own preference and own ideas on what they like and dislike,I am not tan because I do not go to the tanning bed but in the summer when I do get a tan I like it,Some guys like it some guys dont it's all up to what you are into just my opinion
  14. It might help to her get over him by dating but I am not dating even though I have been going through a breakup for awhile now,It takes some time she will do it when she is ready just dont push her,I dont think the age makes any kind of difference at all just give her the time she needs,I know you think this may help her and it very well could but it could also make things worse for her,It's really nice of you to be there for her just make sure you listen to her when she needs to talk and be there for her because going through a breakup is hard
  15. Very nice poem keep writing I enjoyed reading
  16. Well it's good that you are doing better,That you realized it just was not right
  17. You mentioned that you want your ex back?What thing's have you done to try to get the ex back?So now you realize that it's over is that your decision or do you just basically give up?
  18. That's not always the case mabe for you but mabe not for all,Either way you need lots of time to heal trust me I know,Wish you the best of luck and be strong Also this is a place you can vent and ask for advice and just let thing's out that you need to let out.
  19. Very intense but keep writing ,It made me want to read the whole poem so kept me interested very good thanks for sharing
  20. Moving on is very hard,It can be really tough. But it will get much better after it has been rough. You will feel like noone loves you that you are alone, You will want to call them up hoping they pick up the phone. You will cry tears of joy and tears of sadness too, But you will never be alone because you will have you. You may hurt from a heart break and feel u do things all wrong, But you must keep your head up and try to remain strong. You have to guard your heart from many diff lies, So when you are holding on you soon find out that it dies. You have to stand your ground and make yourself whole, You have to mend your heart and dont give away your soul. Dont let yourself be played in a game that is for two, No matter how hard it is I would much rather be blue. So fight for your happiness and smile a big smile for me, I am going through a hard time but oneday I will get better and see .
  21. Very nice,I am glad to see that you did well,Very good luck! By the way I sing hint hint hehe
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