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Everything posted by ang3l2004

  1. Well I know you probably have read alot about me and my ex and his bestfriend liking me and me starting to like my bestfriend.....Well I have learned alot over the years and I dont understand alot of things...I dont understand how people can be so hard and make other people miserable and be so rude....My ex broke up with me 2 years ago we were together almost 3 years he kept me on a string after we broke up and still does 2 years later make attemps to keep me there...It actually got really old quick and made me start thinking and dislike him he is an adult a 28 yr old adult who acts like a child and plays to many mind games with me and seems to hurt me over and over again me knowing that I let him do it everytime makes me even more mad but sometimes I fall right back into a trap that I cant get myself out of which sucks.....My bestfriend and me were real close like brother and sister and I stay away from him now because he has changed and is really not who I thought he was and I thought I loved him but he walks all over me.... Well my exs bestfriend was trying to get with me until my ex found out and became very over protective calling me yelling stating that it's not right im hanging out with his bestfriend without him there even though we were just hanging out as friends.....Told me all the I love you miss yous last week said he broke up with his girlfriend and that he cant love noone like he loved me that of course right there started making me think again and I hate when that happens but then 2 days go by I find out he is back with this girl after just talking about marriage with me AGAIN he is bi polar or something changes from oneday to the next and lies to me like crazy im sick of it... What do I do I am so tired of dealing with him yet after all the bs and drama I do still care for him that is the type of person I am I am just caring I let him do this to me over and over been going on 5 years now and it sucks and it breaks me down everytime... I wish I could meet someone who will give the same love and respect and devotion that I put into a relationship and I wish that whoever it is would be nothing like my ex nothing....So what do I do? How can I stop this cycle of endless pain how can I just not care when it's so hard for me to do? HOW can I just stop all the bs and finally be happy. I just want to be happy....In all honesty I would really like to meet someone but dont want the same thing to happen to me! I talk to men but blow them off due to the fact I feel inside I am doing something wrong or what if he comes back and he had me thinking this way! It's more or less brainwash I know it is im not blind anymore but I cant stop the cycle and would seriously like to I am fine I dont cry anymore I dont mope or call asking him to come back but when he does call and needs me im there and then 2 hours laters its treating me back or not talking to me until the next time... Someone please help me 5 years later I still need advice need answers need something can someone please give me there opinion thanks so much in advance
  2. You thought the grass was more green on the other side, You strung me along broke my heart and lied. I cried and cried and was weak for a year, I felt numb and pain and most of all fear. I thought I was nobody and just wanted to be free, Looking in the mirror it was not me who I would see. You would come and go and I would continue to let you in, But now looking back it was you who would win. You still tell me you love me when the time is right for you, I have moved on now and but yet i'm still blue. All of the games and the lies that you said, All the times you came over and we ended up in my bed. Every tear that hit the floor because you would be so cold, Even when you were having a rough time I would be there for you to hold. Times that you would walk away and come back into my heart, I am not angry at all that I was there for you from the start. Everything happens for a reason and mabe we will never be, Oneday when im gone it is me who you will want to see.....promise.
  3. wow I didnt expect that at all I expected it to be wrong in a way but mabe not.. He is real nice to me but now my ex is confessing he still loves me but he did me wrong when we were together at that broke my heart strung me along for a year 1/2 got with someone else moved in and now they broke up and he is talking to me again very confusing but this best friend of his told me he liked me would like to go out hang out but said he has been crushing on me for awhile now
  4. This guy that confessed he liked me all this time is my exs best friend though
  5. Here we go againn... My ex of 2 1/2 years and I had broken up a good year 1/2 ago if u dont remember my situation we broke up for a cpl of reasons he did not want to commit. There was many more reasons but 1 1/2 has gone by. I did no contact I have talked to him again we go on and off have been doing this for a good 4 years now. Now his bestfriend is trying to get with me might sound confusing or complicating but his bestfriend had moved while we were together we broke up and his bestfriend and his girl broke up now he is trying to get with me....The bad thing is he told my ex this the other night and my ex called me back confessing he still loved me missed me and all of that. well I know this may be confusing because im trying to make it short but his bestfriend told him that he was trying to talk to me and then that night he called me confessing his love for me still. Now I have been dealing with that on and off for years now but I told him he thought the grass was greener on the other side and was not because things didnt work out with the girl he was with after me...Now what do u do when something like this happens knowing deep down inside somewhere U still love this person but dont want to play games and on top of that the bestfriend is trying to talk to you!? I guess u can say I am curious why we would be going through this after so many years the dont talk to me then call the I dont want to talk to you then talk the I dont want to see you but then I do its ridiculous but somehow we always end up talking again one way or another and love always comes up......So now what do I do with this its way past no contact and way past trying to get back together its more like I dont want to get hurt again but in a way I still care and he does to or he wouldnt be telling me this yet he has dated other woman and left them because he says he cant love them like he loved me. What would you do?
  6. Yeah I texted him earlier tonight telling him that I would be around his area if he wanted to hang out to let me go no call or reply so I called him once I got around his area and he told me he didnt get the text well I told him I understand u have to work in the morning so lets hang out this weekend when u r off if u want to he said yeah sure he said he had fun the other night told me to have a good night and we left it there so I guess he does want to hang out again unless he is just saying that
  7. Ok so I went out last weekend and had a wonderful time,I needed to get away and get alot of stress of my mind because all I can seem to do anymore is think and think and end up stressing myself out So I go out to this club and have a great time met a cpl new ppl now I have been out of a relationship for over a year now and have not dated anyone but here lately I have been more open to dating and meeting ppl so I met this guy at the club and it felt really nice to be there and hang out with him and all of that we ended up hanging out and I had a great time we got something to eat talked and just had alot of fun together all in 1 night and it may sound a little to fast but to me the fun I had it was worth it The problem I have now is that it seems everytime I meet someone that I like or start crushing on seems to be interested as well but then somewhere along the line they stop calling or could care less now I dont know if it's just me thinking this way but it seems like when I am finally ready to date and I am intersted in someone it always messes up Now this guy that I met at the club I have talk to him once since we hung out and not since then dont know if that is a good or bad thing but I was interested so what do u think that means? I might be a little to into this just meeting someone but if u were in the position I was in that day and meeting someone that you connect with honestly you would probably feel the same way heh Is it good or bad that I am intrested in someone after 1 day hanging out ? Also why do men that you date or meet seem interested then seem to not call? I am just curious how that works from a mans point of view? Is it bad to meet someone out when you are having a good time at a club or bar? I just feel that mabe he is busy but either way I am just curious on what enotalone thinks? I have had a few crushes but never fell through with it I have liked a cpl ppl then realized they were not worth my time at some point but this guy I think is so what do you think?
  8. wow you are exactly right and appreciate you taking your time to read and reply I am going to do my best to end this because you were right it is draining me and I am letting it
  9. I would have to say this is very hard for me to do but I am doing it. I am distancing myself by not calling as much and not going around a person that I consider to be my bestest friend but he dont treat me the same. Background to make short we have been hanging out together 2 years everyday together but I am tired of the way I get treated sometimes and plus he is an alcoholic so to go on with my story he is almost 29 years old he has nothing in life but knows it and does not really try and I am there to back his up no matter what and I think I have more feelings for him dont ask me why. I am hurt and upset by me doing this it feels like I am some what going through a break-up or losing someone it's that bad. I feel a little empty because we are not as close as we were and I need some help sticking my ground and standing up for myself because I cannot live life treated this way by someone I treat so well so.... 1. How do I deal with walking away from this person I care about so much? 2.If I dont walk away how can I make him respect me without pushing him further away? 3.What do I have to do to make him see that I am really good to him because for some reason he cant see it but his and my family can??? 4.How is it possible for me to walk away when I am so close with his family too? 5.What makes a man treat a woman cold when she does alot for them? 6. His family thinks he loves me but for some reason is covering it up and wont show it now wont me walking away from him hurt him because he knows he can have me around whenever he wants or needs or needs something? 7. I want to walk away and show him I am not playing around anymore but how can I do that if I am so close with him the way I am and being we have known eachother so long?? I am kinda upset right now and confused on what I should do I love him to death but cannot keep doing this to myself but when I even think of doing this it makes me feel empty inside
  10. You say we are just friends and that is all it will ever be, But when I look into your eyes I just want you to see. I would never hurt you I consider you my best friend, I know you are broken hearted but you must let your heart mend. You live your life drinking you are drinking it all away, But yet I am still there for you each and everyday. I dont know why you cant see right through me that I care, But all this pain and heartache inside I cannot seem to bare. When I come around you I have a smile on my face, But when you drink another beer it's one more I can't erase. You think you are worth nothing but in my eyes you are, So erase the past and sober up and deal with a scar. I cannot control what you do but you are better then this, All I really want to do is hold you all night and give you a kiss. You can make it through this and I will be behind you if you fall, You dont know what the real thing is you have built a wall. If I could knock down the wall and erase all the pain you have had, I would mend your broken heart and make you from feeling sad. But for some reason we cannot cross that line and I dont understand why, So I am sorry to tell you this I love you but I have to say good bye
  11. Might be torn ligaments it is very easy to tear the ligaments because I have before just from coughing so much from having a cold.Hope ya feel better
  12. My eyes are burning from the tears that I have cried, I can't help these feeling that I am beginning to feel inside. My heart is cold and black from what has happened to me in the past, I cannot figure out if I honestly deep down want this friendship to last. I cannot tell you I love you and care because of the way you are, But I know that you would call me if I became to far. So how can I realise just what to do about me and you, If even if I am around you or I am not I begin to feel blue. I am confused on how you really feel about me, Mabe it's the alcohol that blinds you to see. How can I honestly fall for someone who does not treat me good, It's all the wishing and good points that is wishing me that you could. I care about you and want you to see just how much I care, But it makes me think about if I was gone would you wish I was there. So in the end of all this confusion and hurt that is within, This is a situation that just will not let me win.
  13. She lost her backbone and was miserable within, She became tired and afraid and started to become thin. Her eyes were filled with tears that dropped at her feet, She had a problem with men that she just could not defeat. She bottled everything inside and never left it show, She listened to the advice just to let things go how they go. She told her self she was sick of life and could not take it any more, She closed her heart off to everyone and locked that painful door. Her pain was so deep that it cut her heart like a knife, She does not believe in marriage anymore or becoming someones wife. She wants to live her life in happiness and joy, But she became to older men a door mat and a toy. She does not know what to do but live day by day, She lost all of her will to love and still feels that way. To get back to the way she use to be she has to fight this war, But on the way there all the hills and bumps to get there made her sore. So what she really needs to do is find out who she can be, To show all the other people who doubted her that it was just the same ol me.
  14. In my heart is where you are found, But when I look you are nowhere around. I thought we were friends mabe I'm to nice, So I come on here looking for good advice. I do whatever I can to make my friends smile, But if you are not doing the same is all this worthwhile. Inside of me I feel so disrespected and hurt, I feel as if I am being treated like dirt. When I am there for you it makes me feel good inside, But as a friend you just cannot let go of your pride. I told you I loved you and told you I cared, I was there to listen to you and when you were scared. I find it hard to just walk away from you, I made a vow of friendship and always stand by what I do. So oneday I may be gone and you will wish I was still here, Just mabe you will realize true friendship when it's not near.
  15. ok so I do not know how men think I dont think us woman ever will heh but I have a few questions... 1.How can you tell if a guy likes you? 2.Do men really hide how the feel when indeed they still may like a girl? 3.I have a bestfriend who I love now he is 28 and for some reason afraid or dont want to date any girl he is just against it we are together every day and we are very rarely apart how can I see if he likes me without asking? He seems like he does but he seems like he trys covering it up! 4.How can you break the ice on telling a man you like him without pushing away? 5.Do men lie to cover up how they really feel? 6.How can you tell if A man is around but really does not care about you at all? May it be player type or someone you talk to in general? 7.What can bring friends closer without ruining a friendship?
  16. Can some help us both out ?hehe
  17. I am 22 yrs old and understand that I am still young but I dont understand how liking someone can be so hard, I like this guy we hung out for 2 months straight became distant due to the fact of buying a house work and school. Now I really like him and "when" we talk I am so happy and "when" we hang out now I have a great and wonderful time with him, The problem is he dont let me know anything and I dont want to ask because I dont want to seem pushy or pressure him into anything.. So how can I find out what is really going on we hung out last week had fun it was like we were friends but more and it is always that way because there is some kind of spark there and u can tell but for me I feel something with him and I dont know how to go along with just being there if I know nothing! So what can I do or how can I know without being pushy and without pressuring him? He is 24 and goes to college has his own house and works and goes back to school moday Now I called him up tonight and told him I wanted to hang out today he said fine he will pick me up once he gets up and gets ready to go and we are going to hang out at his house, What are sign I can look for from someone who seems like they like me but at the same time is distant for some odd reason? Are there things I should look for when I am with him? I have a problem with not knowing and it sucks heh so if anyone can help me out on thing's I can say or look for and ways I can tell if its more or can be please let me know
  18. Thankyou very much for your help and advice
  19. Thankyou very much but I was in such a rush Well I have known this guy for about 4 months now He is very nice a gentlemen and when he drinks he came become very flirtacious with ppl which dont bother me he is having fun I did not sleep with him when he went to his house and we were intimate once but only 2 months after I met him I know this girl through friends and seeing her out but he invited me to a get together at her house and we left there together so I am assuming she knew we were talking,So from there he seems to be hard to read and to me seems distant but im unsure,She was dating one of his friends and he had mention to me before he had cut her off in that way and she was crying because she was starting to mess around with his friends. Now I really like this guy and I barely talk to him as much as I did being he is in college and he goes back this week sometimes, But the whole house thing I understand ,I know it's not all about sex but could it be he wants nothing more then to be friends with me but the problem is I enjoy his company and would like to see where things can go but how can I tell and understand when we barely talk or see eachother anymore?
  20. Ok so I was seeing this guy everynight for about 2 months straight had fun great time together hung out everynight stayed together before been intimate once but he also became very distant after some time went by well I stopped calling him as much and worried more about me then weather or not we would make anything or if he still liked me Now I am confused again he offered for me to come to his house he moved an hour away and bought a house said that when it was finished and everything was done he would bring me down well time and time went by and we didnt see eachother and barely talked, Well last week he called me up and said come down to my house I said im not home right now,Then the next day I planned to go but became sick so still didn't go to his house well just a cpl days ago he came to pick me up not to mention it's an hour away I went to his house and we watched football ate pizza and took his dog for a walk on a path well we didn't talk about us at all only that when he got his couch I can come down and we can watch movies because he didnt get all his furniture yet,Well it's been a cpl days since I have been there and I do the calling,After all that time he did do what he said he would and that is show me his house but it was a month or more before I seen him and rarely talk to him now I really like this guy and have liked him since the first night I met him So my question would be does it mean he could be interested in me still or that he just has not seen me in awhile and wanted to hang out? But to drive an hour to pick me up and take me home makes me think more but im unsure. Then yesterday I went in to the nail place to get my nails done and seen a girl there he had been talking to before me she said they met in a bar she worked at same with me and started going out to eat and hanging out said that he asked her to move in with him and all this stuff and that she was not ready for that,Well we were talking over christmas and he said that he had went to his aunts for christmas and passed through where I lived and I was curious as to why he didnt stop by to see me then but the girl had told me she seen him on christmas so it confused me She said that they talk 2 times a week and all see that makes me think that mabe there was some mind games going on with me there but mabe not because we were not together and he can do what he wants to do and so can I What should I do? I called him tonight and he said he was getting ready for bed and I said what are you doing this weekend he said well im getting my couch and I said ok well ill let you go to sleep he giggled and then we got off the phone Now since I LIKE HIM I am confused on what to think or do with this so if someone could help me out a bit I would appreciate it thanks
  21. Thankyou all for your replies, He is in a better place and thanks for takin the time to read
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