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Everything posted by ang3l2004

  1. I agree with raykay make a date where it can show off your body a little,Go to a hot tub!!!!
  2. LOL I think that is so funny,How did that come about?
  3. Yeah you are right! Thanks for your reply anyone else have there opinions on this poem?
  4. Thankyou girl! Glad you like,This poem was quick but it was about the way I feel and how confused I am ya know
  5. Dont try to get close to me,Dont ever let me go. Dont hold on to my side,Dont let me fall so low. Dont pretend you are here,But please go away. Dont pretend to love me,Then hate me the next day. Dont yell at me when you are mad,Dont pick up the phone. Dont ever call me again,But you know that I am home. Dont confuse my mind,Let me see clear. Dont have sex with me,When love is what you fear. Dont come over today,Come over tomorrow. So I can see you,Then dwell on the sorrow. Dont pretend you are staying,Or even leaving. I am hurt,Cant you see why im grieving.
  6. WoW iT amazes me how much your stories remind me of mine,Take things slow but be cautious make sure you dont get you or him to comfortable with the fact that you are not together because he will feel he can have you without commitment,Trust me girl! I know it's hard just try your best to be strong if things do work out or even dont!
  7. Can you explain exactly what this poem meant to you?I really liked it
  8. You are doing so good girl now do not call him at all Told you he would call
  9. This is one of the best poems I have seen on here and that is because I can relate to it keep writing you have talent~
  10. The thing is I have been dealing with this confusion for 11 months that is when we broke up,So now I am just trying to figure out what the best thing is to do ya know,I do love him completely
  11. So he dont want to be in a relationship,But if he did it would be with me. He dont want me to move on,But he dont want to be in a relationship. He wants to marry me oneday,But he dont want to be in a relationship. He loves me and I love him but he does not want to be in a relationship. But if he did it would be with me??What do you all think of this I know I may be overanalyzing things but how I put it is exactly how it is!The thing is if he wanted to be in a relationship I would be there for him again because I love him,So what do I do?Do I move on show him im not going to deal with this?Be there for him and let him know that when he is ready im here?Do I tell him how I feel that I miss him and would like for him to decide?Or do I wait it out and deal with whatever I have to deal with to be with the person I love?Any opinions advice or experiences would be great thanks!
  12. Well not telling him for that long may hurt him a little because he always thought all along he was pleasing you,Now if you tell him atleast you would be being honest instead of keeping it in,I think you need to do what you feel is the right thing,Coming to ask for advice about it is the first step I think you want to tell him U just dont know how right?
  13. You and her both need to decide if you can make this work if you love your girlfriend you need to decide what is more important her or your ex,You both have the right to make the decision based on your feelings,It is up to her weather or not she can leave her husband,I wish you the best of luck because I know this must be difficult for you,Have you talked to your girlfriend about this situation?Does she know that you remain in contact with your ex if so how does this make her feel?
  14. You are welcome I can see where you are coming from and some of the songs have very deep emotion in them,So I can see how you felt,Dont waste anymore time on her someone in time will appreiciate you and your music so that you can write for them,Have a good weekend !
  15. I listened to your songs and I think that you are very talented and I think that you need to be strong and as hard as it is start doing stuff for you,Your songs are really good,Good luck with your career and never let that talent go to waste.
  16. I am really hurt and I am so confused, I have been left alone mistreated and abused. I dont have much more to give I already gave all I could, Not getting much of the same in return like I should. I know I deserve happiness and I see that happiness in you, But people say im brainwashed and believe what you say and do. cant help who you fall in love with so I gave my heart for you to keep, But not to be played with and do nothing but try and weep. I do still love you because you have my broken heart, It cannot be thrown around anymore it must heal and restart. I dont know what you want from me or even if you want me at all, But I begin to push away from you and stand my ground stand tall. I dont believe that this is still happening that you still have not come back, But when I think about our love there is so much that you let lack. I love it when you hold me or when you tell me you miss me so, It puts me back in this rut of you not letting me know. When you decide what you want and what it is you need, My heart then will stop this aching and this wound will not bleed.
  17. He may be waiting for the same thing you are waiting for lol who knows call him up what can it hurt
  18. Do you feel he is only worried about your looks??It takes alot more then looks to keep a relationship going
  19. Well you have alot of thing's going on right now,I can see exactly why you are so stressed,You are 21 years old you should be able to change how thing's are now,Start going out,Stop being so shy,Dont let bad things get you down,Do anything you possibly can to be happy be happy with yourself with your school with whatever that will make YOU happy,Go out and get a job at somewhere you would like to work just to get out of the house,Find ways to build your confidence up,Talk to your mother everything that you said in this post talk to her about it,Tell her the way you feel inside,You have to start worrying about yourself and do what you can to become independent,You do have alot of stress on your shoulders but I do wish you the best of luck,Anytime you need to talk pm me and I can help you the best I can just try to stay strong but remember life is what you make it and since you are 21 now you can make it whatever you want it to be!
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