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Everything posted by tough_girl

  1. Well, I don't think any of you love each other yet. I reckon it's at a crush level. If you think about her all the time, it might be infatuation. If you love each other, both of you would want to make the other happy, both of you might be able to do something drastic for the other and some other points. To attain that level of love, I suppose both of you would have to have more contact like going out together or talking to each other more. Unfortunately, she seems to be married and my advise would be not to get involved if you can help it. Chances are her parents might get mad, a confrontation between you and her husband may occur if you get involved. I wish you good luck.
  2. Hey there, geewhiz. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter and your dilema. She is obviously stressed out by the mean kids at school. She is still a young child and might not know how to handle this. She might be enduring all those things and keeping it in her heart. Like a pressured balloon, when it is too pressure, it's sure to explode. Not knowing where or who to direct it to, I understand who she turns to. As you are her mother, she trusts you and confides in you. She expects comfort, words of wisdom and action from you. I suppose you could talk to her teacher if the mean kids in school is bullying your daughter. I'm quite sure that your daughter wants you to hug her but she is afraid to put away her pride and anger. She feels helpless and when she went to you, she expects to be taken under your wing. Does she have any other friends in school? Asking them to keep your daughter company might keep the mean kids away from her. Mean kids in school is a common thing and most students have to deal with it. I hope everything turns out well. Best of luck.
  3. Hey Shinobie, A lot of people do care about you although you don't realise it. Of course your parents care about you but they're not the only ones. The people who have taken their time to reply to this post cares about you as well. I understand how you feel about life right now. There is not many things that are promising to you but it actually depends on how you look out on life. I'm sorry to hear about the way your friends are treating you. I get the impression that you're a very level-headed and nice guy. If your friends does not know how to appreciate you, they don't deserve you. You'd be better off without them. I know you think that I'm messing up the friends issue. Everybody needs friends. However, nobody needs bad friends. If they look down on you or put you down, just lift your head up and walk away. Nobody can hurt you if you don't allow them to . It's not worth giving up your life for people like this. You deserve better, trust me. Depression is a very confused feeling at times. I've gone through the storm before and I understand how you feel. The only way I got through it was to eat loads of antidepressants, in my case chocolate. I even enrolled myself for a martial art class. It worked, at least for me. Maybe you'd like to try something else. Don't accept all the negative feelings that are being thrown at you. You need to do something. Don't just keep all your feelings inside you. When you get pressured, you get upset. Find a way to let these negative feelings out as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Life is worth going on. There are times you feel like giving up and letting go but there are also times when you wish life would never end. Just because you don't have a girlfriend, it doesn't mean you're bad or anything. I don't have a boyfriend myself. That's all I ca say now. I hope the post helped you in any way. Feel free to pm if you want to talk. My heart goes out to you. Always remember that someone will always care about you and there is always something to live on for. I give you my best wishes.
  4. What do you actually do when the guy or girl you like is messed up? When they actually like another person and you as well? I just need opinions. How do you actually guess if they meant it or if they are just trying to get the best of two worlds? What if the situation is a cyber relationship?
  5. I'm a fifteen year old high school student and recently I have doubts of my health. My late grandmother died of colon cancer and I fear I might be facing the same thing too. I had this fear last year too but this time the signs might be showing more. I start feeling pain and discomfort. To top it off, I have a very important exam in 12 days. About a week after that, my family and I are probably going away for a holiday. So, I don't really have any time to see the doctor and get the scan. Futhermore, as my late grandmother passed away due to colon cancer, I'm kind of scared about this. Recently, I've just lost an acquaintance and I don't feel like dying yet. There's still so many things I want to achieve in life and all I have in me now is fear. I'm scared of so many things. I'm a loner but lately I've felt so lonely at times that I wish a stranger would come up and hug me. My parents never really did offer me that kind of consolance. I'm just pretty lonely, scared and a little in pain.
  6. I'm sorry to hear about your condition. I really hope you feel better. Like Mermaid has stated, I get the impression that you're a really nice and sensitive guy. You don't find many of them out there anymore. I'm sorry to hear about your dog as well. I'm also an animal lover and it hurts me extremely to hear about other animals' death. *pats* Just at least know that you still have the time to show your affection for her before she dies. I also understand how you feel about losing your childhood home. I remember when I had to move away. I was so emotional but I got over it soon! I hope you will too. Best of luck!
  7. I would advise you against that. That kind of girls have been sleeping around with loads of guys. There is a huge chance that you might meet one that has disease. Sleeping with her would only allow you to catch the disease from her. Think carefully.
  8. Well, most of the people that way are a little self-pitying. I do encounter some of them in school too. I don't actually walk away from them or anything. Instead, I feed them back with their own medicine.
  9. Well, I have to agree with Scout. We shouldn't jugde people by their appearances. What I think is that you should befriend all the friends that come along including the unhappy ones. I don't know about anyone else but I actually feel happy when I'm able to make someone's day or cheer someone up. I feel a sense of happiness myself to watch a person I know go through the healing process. I feel sorry for the sad people. As for happy and cheerful people, they do make me happy and I do enjoy hanging out with them at times. However, if they're already happy, they don't need us, do they? I suppose what I'm trying to say is befriending those who really needs your friendship might make you happier. However,not all happy people are happy on the inside too. So, I suppose I just enjoy both the sides and personalities. Whatever that needs happen, happens.
  10. I'm sorry to hear about your condition with your mother. Although I've never had that experience before, I feel your agony. I suppose you could leave your mother be until she changes or seeks help. From your post, I can see your mother emotional blackmailing you when you screamed at her when you could take no more. She was playing hard to get when you tried to contact her after your small stand-up. If you really want to, I think it's time for you to take her out for lunch and a talk. Tell her and let her know how you've dealt with all this throughout your childhood. How many difficulties you've ploughed through. I applaude you for your will power. It takes a lot to stand up to the problem you are and were facing. I can see that you're a really strong person and has a strong personality. I'm certain that you can get through this problems as well. I guess that confrontation is best here. You can't always be there to watch your mum without her ever learning. Let her know how much you've hurt. I hope it works out either way. You're a really strong willed person. You can do it!
  11. Love is real I notice that most of you concentrate more on lovers kind of love. However, there are many kinds of love out there. Such as family love. No matter what, I'm sure most of us has felt family love before and they'll always be present although arguments and misunderstandings may arise. You can't run away from that kind of love. I believe that no one can survive long without love from anyone. I believe that most of the human beings are being hopeful because of the love from their families, friends and lovers. There are loads of love out there in the world. There is someone loving you even though you don't realise it. Believe me, at least someone out there loves you. As for the lover's kind of love, you will feel it soon. Although you may feel as if it's untrue through your experiences, true love is true and it remains pure. I understand that someone might have hurt you before but that only shows what you felt wasn't true love. I suppose I have rambled a lot about love by now. All I wish you is good luck and never give up!
  12. I don't think you should stop dating anyone just because of your scar. You need true lovers who loves you for your personality and not your looks. I suppose you could be nice and tell most of your dates about your scar the first time. If they accept it then that's someone you might want to spend your love and attention on. I feel that everyone is 'dateable' no matter what, so don't put yourself down. You're different because of your scar but that doesn't make you weird. It makes you beautiful and special because not everyone has it. Keep the quote in mind and always hold your chin high if anyone teases or degrades you for having that scar. They are the people not worth spending a second on. Good luck!
  13. Hey there. I agree with what Empathy has stated. I understand how you feel. Like there is no meaning of living our life and when the road ahead seems empty. I felt that before but I did not choose to end my life. Like Empathy has stated, there are many people who still care like us. I have to agree that every human inevitably has to die but they usually have enjoyed their life fully. Every beginning has an ending but the only difference is it's meaning to us. I take it that your life is a little uneventful. My advise is to spice it up. Usually, I feel a sense of accomplishment and glory when I accomplish something like getting high marks for a certain subject. So, why don't you do the same in different ways? You could set some easy goals and you'd feel better when you achieve it. And you're wrong about everyone hating you. I don't hate you because if I do, I won't be replying to this post either. I understand what you mean by the world being unfriendly. I have met loads of unsuitable materials for friends. I even stopped trying once but that was the time when I met nice friends. So, I suppose the quote 'Best things happen at the most unexpected times' stays true. Do not hate yourself. You might not like what you have in yourself for now but you can always change your bad traits. IF you are only changing because you don't fit in with the crowd, then I suppose you shouldn't change. That's all I have to say. If you need to talk, feel free to pm me. I wish best of luck. Don't give up!
  14. Well, I don't really understand your reason to leave your house. What I can see here are danger lights flashing here. If you two are constantly fighting over the same thing, I don't really think both of you are ready to move in together. I notice from your narration that you seem to be the party giving more than receiving. You do not want to question him about your problems for you fear of evoking his wrath. Is this not what you are compromising? All I can say is that you should talk to him first. Like you've said, he needs you financially and emotionally. I do hope he is not taking advantage of you. Until you are sure that he cares about you as much as you do, I suppose it's better for you to stay put in wherever you are.
  15. Hey there, I just want to let you know that you're not alone. I feel the same like you. I have a group of friends which I usually sit with and talk with in classes but when it comes to hanging out, they usually leave me out. At first, I felt lonely and deprived of care. Soon, I came to see, just like Mahlina that there are other friends out there for you although I have yet to meet them. I guess that you could be alone by yourself if you feel better. What's the use of feeling pressured when you're out with your friends, when you can enjoy yourself alone. I hope it works out for you. Good luck.
  16. Okay, I have this acquaintance that I've got to know for only a few days last year. He's going to pass on in 3 months. I don't know how to face it. I don't know what to say when you know that someone's days are numbered. I feel so torn. LAst year, I faced my granny's death. I don't know how to face this!! How do you face someone you know,talking to him as usual when you know he's not going to be there in 3 month's time. He doesn't even live near to me. There's nothing I can do... I need advise. I'm broken and torn.
  17. Well, that's what you should do. Just go up and talk to him about a few things like the weather and others. Well, you two could be friends first and maybe take it from there. I suppose that guys do like girls who are conversational. Well, good luck! I'll be cheering you on!
  18. I don't know why at times when things weigh down on me very much, i just can't take anymore. Like when there's a dead line and when there's just too much to do. i feel like crying, screaming, hiting something or whatever to let my anger out. However I had not managed to do any of these except crying because my parents would know and they'll think I'm crazy. If this is depression, it is not my first one. Everytime I cry, they'll just ask me what is wrong with me. When I tell them I don't feel well, they'll just tell me there's nothing wrong with you, don't be crazy. I just can't takle anymore of this. Them not acknowledging my problems. I don't know who to go to. What should I do? I have a very important exam coming up in 2 months time. I try to study. I really tried but i feel so depressed!!! Earlier in the year, I almost thought of suicide. Wondering how blades would feel against my skin. I just need some advise. Anything would do!
  19. Thanks for the replies but I am trying my best to last 2years. And I don't think they'll let me go overseas or something. All my family members will object it and because I'm under the age of 21, I will need my parents' approval. I really have no other family members to go to. They don't really like me much and I have very few relatives. My grandparents like to keep a clear name in their circles, like my parents and they do not accept failure or problems. You wouldn't want to know what my parents said when I tried to confide in them. They told me that I should get over all this acts and that it is nothing. They told me that I'll live. I know that I will but I do not know how long. Sometimes I feel like there's nothing to live for. I have an important exam this year and I feel all the pressure piling up on me.
  20. One look at the title and you'll think this is going to be a funny story but wait, it isn't going to be. Alright, first to let you readers know how distressed I am, it is 2am in my place and I'm typing this. My brother has been very mean to me eversince i was 12. That was the first time when my academic achievements were quite high and his weren't very nice. Eversince the day I received the results, he has made it his hobby to be mean to me. I am civilised to him, I give him serious help when he needs it and all i ask is him to return it. But all he does is to make my life a living hell. He is very much older than me and he's the only male sibling I have so my parents are always on my side. His every whim is tended to by my parents seriously but mine is always pushed aside. I'm an asian, thereforeeee most modern families, even mine favour the guys more. His word has always overuled mine. I just want to runaway and disappear or rather I want him to go away and disappear. In about 2 years time, I would graduate from highschool and by then I just want to get away from my parents but I know I will not survive. I don't know what my parents are doing but there are restricting me. Not letting me out of the house, being over-protective about my enjoyment, I feel like an estranged animal. One about to go crazy and kill! I was to endure all of this, I want to be patient but I am afraid that I can't take anymore. There's no use in going to a school counselar because they take our problems too lightly. There is no use seeking for help from psychologists too unless they are online because my parents won't allow me to attempt it. I want to run and disappear! I just feel so much envy for my friend who has a nice bro and family. Eventhough she does not do better than me in the tests, her family still loves her so much. Whatever I do is not enough until I threaten suicide or anything. Tell me what to do, please. I am breaking apart and it's now 3am.
  21. Lol... that was funny! Heheh.. I was thinking that i might go into business next time. then again, I'm not sure of what I want to be when i grow older.
  22. Well, i don't really know but I hope you don't wait too long. She might think that you've lost interest. Excuses like you've lost her number or something would only make her think that she's not important to you. Good Luck!
  23. Hey, guys. i'm a 15 year old and I was thinking about taking up a job after my exams. Has anyone have any ideas about what kind of jobs that would provide good experience? If there isn't then, what about the most enjoyable job? Well, if you could too, please tell me about the pros and cons I might face in the job mentioned. Thank you.
  24. Well, I used to be hit by father last time when I was small. I don't know if I infuriate him or anything but it happened a lot last time. But now as I grow up, he stopped hitting me and i guess I can accept him now. What I am trying to say here is not to submit ourselves to what other people inflict on us. What I am I trying to say IS that we should learn how to forgive if that someone learns how to stop. If he/she doesn't, then it's time to get help. Talk to somebody close and maybe make a report if the abuse is bad enough. If you are staying with the abuser, then I suggest you move out and live with someone else. I hope this has helped and I pray you be strong. All the violence that has happened to you is not your fault! Do not believe that it is. Get help if you need it. There are some organisations that can help u.
  25. Hey k33, I am sorry that your first and second marriage did not work. As for your second, problems are arising or had already arised. But do you still want him? Do you still want to try and save it? If you want to, have you already tried talking to him? Asking him the problem? What did he blame you for when you said he said you were terrible... If you want it to work, then you should find out the problem and try to sort it out. Comunication is vital. And if you think that this marriage is truly over, then I think you should move on. Do not worry about your flaws , for no human is perfect. All of us have our weakness, but if someone loves us enough to accept us, it's enough. If your husband continues to harass you or blackmail you, then it's not you fault or your lost. It is his lost and not yours. Don't worry about marriage so soon, k33. When you married your 2nd husband, did you feel for him? I'm sorry if this hurt you, but it sounds like a rebound for you. If you want to start over again, don't rush. Take you time to settle down first before you start looking for another man. I hope this has helped you.
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