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Everything posted by routerx

  1. You can actually get a really good workout from pushups.... Regular Pushup = chest and triceps Pushup from Knees = lower chest Pushup with hands close together = inner chest and upper arms Pushup with hands far apart = biceps and outer chest I once got in prime shape by just doing pushups and situps with running. You can actually get very big by just doing pushups if you want.
  2. Kiss them on the neck JUST below the ear. Wear nice perfume. In public, when standing, stand right next to him so he can feel you next to him. Those all work well.
  3. You should never leave school. The most important thing about school is that it teaches you how to finish what you started. Just like love, just like a job, just like anything, things get tough. The successfull people in this world stick it out. Please remember it won't always be this way. This is temporaty. You should stay in school until you are finished. The fact is, there will be times in your 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's when times are tough, the economy is slow, your responsibilities increase. If everything goes wrong in your life, you have your education to fall back on. Education is an insurance policy for life. To not obtain an education is ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISTAKES YOU CAN MAKE.
  4. If you pick them, you can get scars. I would really suggest listening to your doc. It's frustrating, I know... Make sure that your bed sheets are clean and that you aren't washing too much and irritating the problem. I've been there.. when I was a teen a I played sports and I had it really bad. It sucked. Be sure to get out and get in the sun when you can as well. It's funny how the body can sometimes self-regulate itself. Be sure to get out and about.
  5. Possible reasons, in order of what I think it most likely... 1) Need for a father figure/father love 2) Security and quality of life (trips, home, money) 3) Interest in the Person's Experience I'd have a problem with it I think... it would probably be a deal breaker.
  6. Love means you have a life outside of your mate. It means you are happy and you can offer them a good life. Passion/Lust means that you NEED your mate for a good life. It means you are not happy and you expect them to make your life better. I don't think it's wrong to masterbate as long as it's with a healthy focus and helps you grow closer to your mate. If it makes you draw further away or if you are using porn, then I don't think it's a good idea.
  7. I love it when a girl wears lingerie.... but.. if you had to go with something below... then I would suggest: french maid Just make sure you tease him... that's the key...
  8. I was in the military for 4 years and I have worked in the private sector for about 10 years, so I have some good experience under my belt. First, let me say that if this is volunteer work, only a few hours a week, then I don't see any problem with dating him. If it's a part-time job or a stepping stone to part-time or full-time work.. then... I can tell you that I have never seen a situation where dating someone at work was a good idea. I'm not saying it can't work out, I'm just saying I've never seen it work out. I have never dated someone at work if I valued my job. I can tell you that in the military, if a superior dated someone beneath them, it caused major problems in the division. So, I think you need to ask yourself if you can handle the distraction that comes with dating at your (part-time?) job. This is my opinion here.. but I'm just gonna tell you how guys thought in the military and how they would at the firehouse (I'd bet): If you dated him, I think would add to the case that men make that women should not be firefighters. I think women should be firefighters.. I just don't think men and women should date in office. I causes major issues.
  9. There's no info in your post. Did she break up with you? If she dumped you, then I wouldn't respond to her. If she has ethical or moral problems, I also would not respond to her. If either of those are true... Tell her she can't have her cake and eat it too. Sounds like she may be taking you for granted and not treating you as you deserve.
  10. Hi, I think it's a big compliment. Let me make a few guesses about you: 1) You feel at ease with yourself 2) You like yourself 3) You are an optimist 4) You can be trusted with a secret If all of those are true, then I guess you can now see why someone would feel at ease around you.
  11. Good idea. I would do it. It sounds as if you still care about her. There is nothing wrong with showing that you care about her. Don't wait it out or play games. Go for it.
  12. You keep talking about we.. we.. we.. but I suggest just focusing on your own actions because those are the only actions you can control. First, there really is no "we" because you aren't married. So, there is no commitment here. He or you could leave the relationship at any time, at any whim. You have built your house on sand. Second, it's really not about you. It's about the kid. You both should be doing what is best for the kid. I think you should get married and focus all of your energy on raising a healthy child. Do YOUR best. Don't worry about your boyfriend unless he wants to be your husband. You can't control someone who has made no commitment to you.
  13. You are at the point where it's time to change. Things always change, and you've hit that point. I was in a LD relationship and it didn't last. The reason was that she was not willing to move and neither was I. We were no longer happy with phone conversations and the relationship died. Sounds as if someone has to either move closer to the other person, or the relationship is at that point where it needs to change, but you cannot do it. That's the thing about long distance relationships... sooner or later... it's just not good enough anymore. Sounds like you're at that point. What was good yesterday is no longer good today.
  14. If she's dating someone, I don't think it would be appropriate to send her anything. I would suggest that you simply wish her a happy Valentine's day to her face. Put it this way, if you were dating her, would you feel it appropriate if someone else sent her something? That wouldn't be too cool. So, I suggest you play it cool as well. Good luck!
  15. routerx


    I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I would strongly suggest just talking with your doctor about it, because there are a so many different things that someone would need to know in order to give you proper information. It would be unfair to guess at something like this. A doctor can give you the info you need. If anything, maybe it's time you and your boyfriend get married if you are going to have kids together?
  16. You said, "He covers up the situation by forcing... sex to make things better and go away." So, are you saying he's raping you? Obviously you have legal recourse here, but it sounds like it's not rape.. you are just giving in. So, you are making the problem worse. If he is forcing you, you need to get legal help from the police, obviously, I hope you do know that. "He won't leave my place until he gets what he wants." You have a big problem that is not easy to get out of. The reason, you invited him into your home, so legally, you can't kick him out unless he voluntarily goes. thereforeeee, I think you're going to have to make plans to move out. I've bumped into this situation before in my life with roomates who would not pay rent, and I could not legally kick them out. My suggestion.. move out ASAP.
  17. I appreciate both replies. I can assure you she's not the type of girl that plays games and I'm not the type of guy to fake being a challenge to someone. If I like someone, I'm accessable. If they think that's wimpy, so be it. I think she's really special and I intend to make sure she knows that. Thanks anyway. I always appreciate comments.
  18. THERE IS NOTHING WEIRD OR COMPLICATED ABOUT THIS: Get as far away from this girl as possible. First, she's married. So, you really should not be following up with her anymore. If she decides to get a divorce on her own, without your assistance, and she wants to see you, only then should you see her. Until then, just say, "I respect marriage and I don't want to ruin yours even though it's not a very good one, I still respect it." She obviously does not respect marriage to jump into it so quickly or to be flirting with you while she is married. Key point: If she flirts with you while she is married to someone else... she will do the same with someone else if she's married to you. This is a personality flaw that needs to get worked out. I'm wondering why do you love her if you have never met her face to face? Why do you love her if she "forgot" about you? I think you don't know what a loving relationship is and you are settling for something which is so beneath what you deserve. I would run from this girl as fast as I could. You deserve a person who is WITH YOU and will not FORGET YOU.
  19. I wrote last week, quite a few times, regarding how to handle contacting someone I really wanted to date. I'm 35 and she's 32. Normally this isn't a big issue for me, but this woman is special. The eNotAlone members really helped me out. Basically, the consensus was just to "go for it" and not beat around the bush. So, I did. I didn't wait more than 24 hours after meeting her to ask her out.. and she accepted for a date on Friday (last night). I'm glad to tell everyone that last night went perfectly. We went out for dinner in downtown Chicago. We talked all through dinner for at least 3 hours. There was so much that we liked about each other, it was amazing. During dinner she said how much she liked the "Old Town School of Music" because she likes old time and folky music. By sheer luck (or karma) I happened to have 2 tickets to a concert there that evening. Also, I play violin/fiddle, so she dug that. So, after dinner, we went to see a Chinese instrumental group play at the Folk Center and then I got her home by midnight. I walked her to her door and kissed her on the cheeck (as I never feel it to be appropriate to kiss on the first date, I'm old fashioned). It was "the perfect first date". She works today so I sent flowers to her work letting her know how much I enjoyed spending the evening with her. I thought I'd just update everyone because you all helped me so much. Thank you!
  20. Laugh it off. I once liked the "Fat Boys" rap group. I never heard the end of it. I just laughed at myself with them. It WAS kinda funny. Be willing to laugh at yourself
  21. I'm 35.. some advice... The most important thing you can know is that it really doesn't matter how big you get because you will end up dating girls who have small vaginas and girls that have large ones. So, no matter how big you are (unless you are like 8" or something), there will be girls who wish you were BIGGER and there will be girls who wish you were SMALLER. I have had girls tell me I'm too big and also girls that I'm too small. The fact is, their vaginas were either too big or too small as well. It's a 2 way street. So, I don't suggest getting hung up worrying about it. Anyway... You are 5 1/2 inches, so that's an average size, not small, so you are okay.. just in case you were worried. If I had to guess, I'd say you're going to be 6" or more mainly because you are only 15 and have a few more years to grow.
  22. Hi, I've been there. You know what I did? If I felt like spending the weekend in my room...... I did. Sometimes you just need to spend time with yourself and get to know yourself better. The fact is, even if you are alone, you should NOT feel lonely. So, that is where you may want to begin. Go out and buy a book you like, spend a Saturday in bed reading it. Get to be your best friend. When that happens, you go back out into the world and you know, whether people like you or not, you like yourself. That confidence will be infectous to other people. I can only tell you what worked for me. That worked for me.
  23. Well, he says if he saw you at the club, he would leave, so it's your call. If you want to go to the club, then go. If he is so childish that he has to leave a club when you come, then that's his problem. Does he run away from every little glitch in life? Probably. My opinion, based only on the little data we have here, is that you care way too much about the opinion of a guy who doesn't care much about yours. Your opinion of yourself in life is now, and will always, be more important than what this guy thinks of you. Life your life on your honorable terms. That's a basic truth that we all must master before we really find true happiness and our REAL mates.
  24. Is it possible to ignore her? I mean, leave the room whenever she comes, don't speak to her unless she asks a question? Don't respond unless it is a valid question? Is that possible? It seems as if she is unhappy and she's dragging you down with her. I had brothers like this... they would hit on my girlfriends, they would be crude and say, "Can I screw your girlfriend?". It gets worse, but basically, unless they raise their standards on behaviour, I don't hang out with them or speak with them. Basic courtesy is expected. If someone can't do that, even if it is family, it's not your job to fix their problems.
  25. Each time I broke up with a girlfriend, I could not care less if someone else ended up with them. The reason was I knew if they ended up with someone else after a breakup, then I DEFINITELY did the right thing. My point being: If you break up, and each of you finds that no one else can satisfy your needs, you know you are meant for each other. But if you break up and then start jumping in the sack with others, what does that really say about your relationship with that person in the first place if they can move on so quickly? So, when someone "moved on" and dated and slept with others, I knew I made the right decision.
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