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Everything posted by AntiLove_SuperStar

  1. A load of rubbish, why not show healthy assertion and find out for yourself? Generalizations like that make innocents like me weep. I kid thee not.
  2. More than I have in this room. Dramatic deaths are overrated, anyway. I assue you.
  3. Myself and my boyfriend (who likes wrestling, football, growing a beard, etc...) will spend hours each week talking about emotions. Not just mine, his as well. He is not afraid to be seriously miserable/jealous/depressed in front of me, and I am honoured to have that level of trust invested in me.
  4. Oh, what a perfect lying jerk he is. You know what you have to do. I can't believe this. I don't even need to read it all the way through. What would HE think if you said "I love you loads, but I want to know what other men's C**ks are like, so can I sleep around?" You ask him that. DUMP HIM.
  5. Gosh, well, if my boyfriend were as wound up about everything sick and deviant I'd ever done, we wouldn't have gotten past Week 1. She didn't even know you back then, so its not as though she was even rejecting you - she didn't have the chance! And here's a comforting thought - even the "baddest" can reform. I have. 1 year 2 months of fidelity, I NEVER thought I'd achieve that.
  6. Yes, many times. But at the time, I was an emotionally messed SOAB. Classic example.....this scenario arose: 1) I got together with A 2) I went out with B at the same time, a little while later, running them side by side 3) I was also trying to get with C and D at the same time, D knowing about C, B having suspicions about A...but no-one could prove anything other than that. Not nice, really.
  7. When my boyfriend was 18 (he is now 22), he split up with his first serious girlfriend after a not-so-good 9 month relationship. He was very upset and so forth, but he didn't sleep with anyone else until he met me 14 months ago, and very proud of that fact. In addition, he is quite a manly man...but also fairly open with his feelings...so I suppose he just worked through it in his own time. He said in time, he realised he was more angry than sad (she cheated on him, etc). But although he didn't have close friends to cry on the shoulder of, he didn't have a relationship at all for the next two plus years.
  8. Well, homophobia is a terribly inconvenient life choice for you, you'll feel infinitely better if you just let go of that. Its a generalization, but most girls who have a load of lesbian friends are at least bicurious, generally. I say only GENERALLY, this is just what I've noticed. Of course she wouldn't tell you she was bi if a) you got jealous and b) you're homophobic! And then....yes, you have a trust issue. I think it was a little (cough) inconsiderate of your girlfriend to take the view "oh right, I can't wait until he's got the money, I'll just go away with my friends instead", but if nothing happened last time, nothing will probably happen this time. I'd put in a vote for direct talking though. Explain precisely why you feel a little uneasy. Six months isn't really terribly long. You probably don't know all about her yet.
  9. She Has Issues. RUN RUN RUN. Colossal ones, get out. Promise me that much!
  10. If it lasts more than a couple of days, to the doctor you must go. And drink plenty.
  11. Perhaps the reason lies in the sentence "...i have great outside life".... what have you got that's good? And if she's hitting you, she wants reporting. In all seriousness. It's NOT acceptable.
  12. My sullen attitude makes me hot, I've been told. Welcome To The Dark Side, baby!
  13. I used to have that problem. One of these responses should do it, use as appropriate - 1) "Why don't you?" 2) "What for, sweetheart?" 3) "Good idea, cos that'll help!" 4) "Being ordered about doesn't make me happy" 5) "I'm smiling on the inside" 6) "I used to do that, but it didn't do anything for me" Wow, I could go on.
  14. I'm a 36C, size 4 to 6. I look SO GOOD, apparently. But life is rotten anyway whatever shape you are, so why stress over it? Seriously? Now for my compassionate side to come to the fore . . . I know what it is to hate one's body. I hate mine. However, it is quite a ludicrous enterprise that only imprisons you. And, on a personal note, I love stick thin women (as a bisexual).
  15. I'm still baffled why I dream of a nice death most days despite achieving what others perceive as high standards in terms of family relations, education, personal adversity overcoming, etc, etc. I genuinely don't get why nothing does it for me. Neither does the shrink. Chuh.
  16. Dark Humour Of My Day: My shrink's English is fluent, but its his second language. He has a strong Indian accent. Portion of Appointment Transcript Today: ME tried many things, still hanging on, and rejecting meds, I think my only option is to cure myself". SHRINK: (leaning forward, solemnly) : "How often do you want to kill yourself?" On a more serious note, it wasnt overly helpful. I briefly saw a glimpse of a humorous and healthy outlook in those 10 seconds, I suppose.
  17. NO. I'm talking about my distress at my IRRATIONAL and *sudden* hatred of it. I don't care tremendously what others do, although this site triggers manically angry feelings sometimes. There will always be jerks of both genders. Absolutely.
  18. Hello, potential candidate for Asperger's Syndrome. Check it out, I'd place a high bet you have it.
  19. "Women seem to be interested in everything except sex?" Its THAT kind of sex attitude/generalization which is so awful. I know many women who enjoy sex. I know a few guys, shock, who are INDIFFERENT to it. I don't have the energy to sugar coat that. Sorry. I do definitely need professional help. Sorry, I mean even more professional help. I want to be alone, I want no one to touch me in THAT way.
  20. I promise you, this IS relevant. I am suddenly utterly repulsed by sex. It's a completely stupid enterprise that has become completely twisted out of all proportion. People seldom fall in love you *you* anyway. I mean, lets be honest. Nothing whatsoever has "happened" to me at all to make me think like this. It's a purely organic revelation I've had, completely unaided, in the past few weeks. it's part of the reason I can't bear to read a lot of ENA anymore. Sex sex sex, "how can I make her want me? Why does he look at porn? ETC ETC ETC". My boyfriend has done nothing wrong. I just now want to hurl when I think of sex. It seems awful. Its not a lack of desire, its active repulsion. I've never been abused. I havn't joined a weird cult. I've just had this realization. Why might that be?
  21. How awfully depressing. So much sex I feel ill. Just ill. I don't care anyway. I'm upset. I don't know. But I second the Ipod shuffle. Mine has saved my sanity on several nights!
  22. If it is the best thing in your life you face a stark but simple choice - change your life or damage yourself permanently.
  23. Would you care to elaborate on that? What reasons are there? What about when NONE of those things give you any pleasure or hope any more? Nice intention, I can see that. But it does not touch the abyss.
  24. I'm officially Not Here, but I couldn't resist replying to this one. To be blunt, don't bother being any more than friends, because you simply are not attracted to her. I doubt it'll develop either...."she's such a sweetheart" doesn't often later turn into "Whoaaa she's hot, I'm so into her". it just don't really happen. So to speak.
  25. I have yet to come accross any males fascinated with blondes. And that's God's Honest Truth.
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