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Everything posted by AntiLove_SuperStar

  1. Yeah...maybe that, or my binge eating, or my anorexic tendenices, or my inferiority complex! It's clear you arn't judging me at all, and I appreciate peoples' concern for me. I'm starting to think that when I want to change, I will. Maybe.
  2. That's so funny. Yeah, because guys really have SO much testosterone that they should go sleep with as many women as possible... To any and every person - MYTH MYTH MYTH...if you feel like that, don't get married, and please stop being a jerk. Thank you and goodnight!
  3. Great decision to tell him - you'll both be thankful. If it were me, I'd choose a quiet and uninterrupted time - talking on the sofa/watching TV, or the like, and open with something like "Sex...I need to talk to you about it. It's important. . . . . . . ". Be direct, be honest. If you want to think it through first, as in how much detail, you could perhaps write him a letter, give it to him in person and let him read it in your presense. This is more intimate/trusting than sending an email or whatever, yet makes it easier for you, as you've pre-decided what you are going to say.
  4. He's a charmless hypocritical jerk...time to get rid?
  5. I can tell you that, contract or not, I'd never go back. That's what I'd do, anyway. Life's too short, psyches too easily damaged.
  6. Well, that'd largely depend on what the fights were actually about. Are we talking minor petty disagreements, or have one of you actually been behaving badly? I'm of the opinion that it's quite normal for couples (of any age) to experience phases of "not getting along so well". More details?!
  7. No, I'd say that if you truly forgive him, that's spiritually healthy. Don't ever get back with him though. He's probably still a SOAB.
  8. I think your ability to freak out over possible pregnancy is an indicator that you should N-O-T be having sex. If you feel you must (and I'm baffled as to why..at .15....oh well!), please to the good God above invest in something more foolproof than condoms...and keep using the condoms as well. Pill + Condoms would be a very good idea here, until doctor supervision. If you two love each other, why not wait until you are an adult to have sex??!? Human beings are so strange. And hypocritical 8-)
  9. It means- "I hate myself. I quite like you, but I'm a bit consumed by my depression at the moment, so relationships probably arn't my Number 1 Priority...but y'know, I love you and sh*t...probably".
  10. heh, my BF hates anal sex too. luckily , I share that opinion, so it's all gravy. I second the *toy compromise* option.
  11. Since I was nine, I've had a full blown inferiority complex. NINE. Isn't that tragic? Everyone is better looking, more intelligent, more wordly, more interesting, more socially at ease ETC ETC ETC than I am. That, to me, is a FACT. It's to the point where I can't go out in public some days because I cry when I see what I should be like, and I'm not. I'm insane.
  12. LOL I'm not ashamed, the whole world and it's mother knows I'm depressed. My family even make good humoured jokes about it. This morning in conversation I mentioned to a new lecturer we had how I'd had a nervous breakdown. I'm not in the least bit ashamed. I refuse to take meds that may make me fat, basically.
  13. 2 years, why the heck not? Oh wait..but don't use him as an Escape. That's kind of low.
  14. Thank you very much for suggestions/compassion. I've been through the mill with therapy, and journals full of rubbish sit in my room. It gets to a point in therpay where they're like *You have some fairly big problems, we suggest medication - there's not a lot else we can do for you, talking -wise*. And that's where it ends, as I refuse to take it.
  15. Would you break up with someone if- 1. You know they are regularly looking at all kinds of depraved websites/porn in secret. 2. You knew they were having an affair - an online one, but an affair nonetheless. 3. They saw you as a charity case. 4. You were sick of feeling guilty about the pain you know you cause them every day as you constantly haev to deal with depression and suicidal urges, as well as a couple of longterm illnesses. 5. They seem to like you, but you know you're only a stopgap until something better comes along. 6. You used to enjoy having sex with them even when very depressed, but over the past couple of months, almost anything to do with men, women, relationships etc makes you want to vomit. You still HAVE sex with them, but you know it's not the Real Deal. But did I mention I have NO evidence whatsoever for any of the above, my boyfriend of 1 yr 2 months is consistently loving, attentive and considerate, and I'm absolutely insane, hardly even able to distinguish fact from reality? He knows about all the above, it upset him, we talked about it, it's all kosher. It isn't, but I'm wise enough to know that repeated discussions of that nature simply drive people apart. Dumping him is an option, yet I'd miss him so goddamn much it puts claws into my chest. Thanks for listening.
  16. You read a lot of junk online. I mean, *I* write *advice* on here, so that's the standard you're looking at..the internet..yah. Don't people just do it if they're concentrating?
  17. Sex is important to you...which is paradoxically why you SHOULDN'T get a f**k buddy. Nothing will de-value sex faster and mess with your head quicker. Trust me.
  18. There are people like that at your campus. It's just that because you meet them face to face, you don't have the opening-up ease that comes on MSN. But people like her are much more widespread than you think. There are only so many types of people in the world. Nothin' is new.
  19. Its just that shes justifying everything shes done (leaving, cheating, lying) because I called her a few names or had some crazy fights the first couple years of our 4 yr relationship. See that bit there.....this indicates you have an emotionally blackmailing woman who manipulates your guilt, which seems to me to be out of proportion. Why put up with that? If certain people will cling to the past and what WAS said way back when, they need to make a choice - cling and wreck their lives, forgive but move on, or choose NOT to forgive and move on, or forgive and stay. But until she grows up a bit, you'll be in this limbo.
  20. This is why we keep mates and Signif Others as Fairly separate.
  21. Shock! Calling in the week! You may need to be a little bit more flexible. But yes, of course there are people in the middle.
  22. Well whatever she does, it's your BF's choice to act on it or not. Should anything happened (I am such a fatalist, I know), it's as much his fault as hers, definintely. Takes two. Rant Over, have a lovely day!
  23. I'm messed up sexually, but I'm still making a good attempt at monogamy.
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