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Everything posted by AntiLove_SuperStar

  1. Lol, I'm not bothered what they think..*I* know I'm not a snob. I was searching for a way to illustrate my problem, then: "I have no social skills and detest small talk" - I just heard that quote from some documentary on TV in the background, how apt! Think it was Howard Carter.
  2. Last night, my boyfriend went out to the pub/a friend's house with a few friends he's known since he was 12 or whatever. Several of his friends have met each other's girlfriends, and I gather that they have double-dated and whatever. Here, I must emphasise that our social lives are entirely separate. I don't really have one as such-I hang out with people at college, and I have a group of old friends from when I was 14 or whatever who I see...rarely. He, on the other hand, is 4 years older, went to different schools, different area, went to Uni, etc. Naturally, thereforeeee, no overlap exists at all. And I love it. I have problems with emotions, people, and my emotions in relation to other people. I can "do" friends, but the thought of a lot of socializing/my boyfriend meeting any friends of mine makes me want to be ill, for some reason. Long and short of it, BF started to mention how a couple (meh okay..several) of his friends really wanted to meet me, how they'd seen photos but he'd been with me for over a year now and they're curious, especially as he says how happy we are, and so forth and so on, and why didn't he bring me to the dinner they are going out to have on the 29th, why wasn't I with him last night, etc etc. At this point I used the cutlery on the table of the restaurant to demonstrate the distance I wish to keep between my friends/his friends/me/his friends. I don't have any problem with him seeing friends or whatever - but me, no, I DO NOT want to meet them. I didn't quite feel I could say "Yes, dear, but I'm an ugly, uninteresting, freakish, changeable bipolar SOAB that only appeals to a narrow minority and I DON'T want to be paraded in front of 10 random 22-year-olds". I did say the above, actually, I'll admit it. He was slightly upset. He said would he ever meet any of my friends. I said if I ever made any new ones at Uni or whatever, maybe, but I'd rather eat a whole jar of ...something foul. He wasn't mad, but he doesn't get it. I don't understand. I really don't. It's not a legal requirement, is it. I appreciate that if/when we get married, I'll meet his friends and I'll be pleasant/sociable, but only bare minimum, because I just don't want to be. I'm not that kind of person. vent over
  3. I think you are sliiightly insane - well, to have an aspiration to put a puppy on a level with your own life. Blacks...animals....no way. Black people are humans, THATS why those who persecuted were being stupid. Animals arn't. I'm not politically correct either, and resent the implication that i'm a brainwashed little whatever. I am not. I have reached my conclusions based on watching animals/people etc. I reckon we should just agree to disagree, we are obviuosly miles apart on this one.
  4. He's not perfect if he'll cheat on his GF, is he? Do you want a man like that? No, you don't. So he isn't perfect.
  5. You're unlucky. A lot of the world doesn't work like that.
  6. huh, I wish. My boyfriend hates having sex with the lights on, he thinks he is fat (ARGH, he is NOT....sigh) and whenever it looks like we're about to have sex he'll say "Uhh....can you turn the light off, honey?" Sigh!
  7. I've cheated on many of my exes, but I'm now in a faithful one-year-and-a-bit relationship. I don't know what that tells you - that bad people can reform, or at least try to?
  8. In my opinion, SHOCK!, yes, human beings should be more important - to other human beings! Absolutely, I agree with ethical farming, and only eat free range meat. I don't think you realise how I'm on *your* side here - I won't even buy leather shoes, goshdarnit! However, whilst I respect animals in the sense that I encourage/support free range farming etc, I will not place them above my life, or on a level to my life. Animals and humans are just DIFFERENT. Sure they can feel pain and have emotion, sure they are flesh and blood and so forth, but you just can't compare like for like. I mean...you just can't, it seems absurd. And I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't give your life to save a puppy, in a "its you or the puppy" scenario.
  9. Of course I want attention! I'm surprised this produced three pages, but the good news is that I'm worrying about other things now and am having more sex than just about everyone else I know. Hoorah. I never felt I needed to have sex with anyone to earn their love. I've had people tell me how much they loved me after merely dating them, maybe a few kisses. I'm entirely clued up on that aspect. Simply put, a lot of people sicken me, I suppose.
  10. CAT- Coital Alignment Technique. Google it.
  11. Too effin' right, orion. I'd be more willing to help a less attractive person sometimes, because I might go so far as thinking "I'm gonna break a mold, I'm gonna even up the score". Too much generalizing about men here, too.
  12. I've left feeling fine many times, and yes always with someone else waiting for me. If my ex was really lucky (sarcasm) they'd already have been cheated on. You really DO get human scum walking around. But we can try and reform.
  13. I don't really urm cover anything. Most peculiar, actually, given my body issues. But I don't bother to cover at all if someone "catches" me naked. Example - this morning, I was walking round my boyfriend's house naked, and then I realised that his curtain hadn't been drawn in his hallway, and a couple of people could see me from the street (its a bungalow/ground floor setup). I moved, but only in my own good time. And I didn't cover up.
  14. Bom de Bom, you think you're doing alright, and then you hit a nasty stone that trips you. Today wasn't bad at all; in fact it was almost approaching "Good". I had felt a little down and angry, but its fairly par for course. After bed-shopping for the new house buying a Christmas tree and decorating it with my boyfriend, I had a sudden revelation that I didn't want to stay there "all weekend" as I had planned. I'd been there from Friday night and was going to stay until college on Monday. I had no qualms about this. No problems. I love my boyfriend, we've been together a long time, we were going to do various pleasant things of various natures. I was looking forward to it. So why did I suddenly feel a cascade of panic/depression? I hinted as much, and although he made a couple of disappointed remarks (he'd been looking forward to seeing me all weekend, etc) he happily took me home. Then It All Went Wrong. I have a cold/mild viral infection anyway, and I had a flash of feeling hot as I went upstairs. Then I caught sight of a bruise on my leg. Cue Mass Meltdown. Within 5 minutes, and for the next 30-40, I was convinced that: 1) My skin was blistering all over (twisted in front of mirror over and OVER to check this out) 2) I had appendicitis 3) My boyfriend loathed me I was panicking, panicking, panicking. I held onto myself and told myself it'd pass, it was just (i say "just"!) a little delusion/panic attack. I had to do a lot of breathing/distraction, but I got through it. I hate this. I didn't ASK for this. Moan Moan Moan. All I Want For Christmas Is A New Brain.
  15. I have regrets that keep me up at night, at the grand age of 18. Thats when you know you need help/changes.
  16. You are both addicted to the drama, to each other. Its utterly toxic and I know I have not the long eloquent strategic approach of SuperDave, but just move on.
  17. War isn't comparable to animals. I mean....you'd equate killing a bunny to shooting a woman in a war zone then?!
  18. My BF is English and is one of those unusual ones that is circumcized (medical reasons as a toddler, I think he said). I love it, it didn't even really occur to me.
  19. And yeah, I'll be interviewed...you could paper the Sistine Chapel (sp?) with my opinions...
  20. "If you're a jock that wants to settle down..." Dude, PLEASE don't write another goddamn stereotypical selfhelp book! I admire your basic intentions though - focus on how relationships arnt crucial to life/keeping your self respect/safe sex/etc? I worry about how much teens determine themselves by relationships these days, that'd be what I'd focus on. And how so many of them take real crap off their partners because they are too insecure to demand decent treatment.
  21. You didn't ....there's no easy way to tell you this, but its useless to think you can make any kind of difference by not eating meat. I was vegetarian for about...4 years? And I still don't eat red meat, but thats merely because I hate the taste and texture, not through moral reasoning. If you eat it, you like it. Stopping eating it won't change a goshdarned thing on the planet, unless you become a fulltime ecowarrier and recruit hundreds in a campaign...you get me. If it makes you feel better to not eat it/only eat organic meat, why not just do that? Nothing wrong with vegetarianism at all, the point I'm trying to make is its ridiculous to feel guilt over something that you have such a minute impact on, something thats already happened, etc etc etc.
  22. Why do you have to meet someone in the next year? So many people think they couldn't do better, so they hang on. May you never regret trying it. Never settle.
  23. "Hello, I love you. So, I wanna sleep with someone else". This tells you everything, really. Yes, it will wreck it for the simple reason you don't want it and he's bit of an idiot.
  24. It would seem ridiculous to me if I'd been with someone for years, and that I was in this situation given that I was a sexual person. I really don't see how this is truly reconcilable after all this time. Personally, I say Time To Walk.
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