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Everything posted by gattsuga

  1. make sure you wear a condom.. having a stinky member can be quite nasty hehe... but i have to agree with the OP.. anal sex is pretty gross if you think about it. don't do anything you don't like... and if she really cares about you, then she'll have to accept that... or maybe she'll try and bite you and suck your blood.
  2. The guy sounds like he loves to be in control of you. Other than sex, does he control you in other ways as well? Like what you can eat, or when you are allowed to go out? I don't think any guy who loves his girl would rather watch tv than have sex. He's using sex as a means to control you. He loves to see you squirm for it, but even tells you not to masturbate to relieve yourself. Very selfish, and very controlling. It's time to step up yourself. stop obeying everything he tells you do to, and have some self respect. If you want to masturbate, just masturbate already!!
  3. FIRST of all. STOP all sexual activity. STOP taking his expensive gifts or cheap gifts. and especially STOP letting him have his way with you. Other than his words, does his actions say he respects you or that he wants to dump his current GF to be with you? He sounds like a spoiled rich kid to me. You need to take control of this relationship (if there even is one). Find out if he really wants to continue a REAL relationship with you. See what happens when you tell him you no longer want to sleep with him until things are settled between his current GF and yourself. I'm sorry, but he doesn't sound like he has any respect for you... let alone any woman. Any guy who pays for sex or buys stuff for sex usually means they don't respect you.
  4. having sex at such a young age probably left a deep impression in you. Since you only had sex with guys, you are now only attracted to men... and that's probably why you can't climax when you're with a woman. maybe you need some counselling, and sort out your childhood memories. Why did you become so sexual at such a young age. Did your parents know about it? What caused you to approach boys at your young age?
  5. okay, I didn't mean any offense, and apologize if I caused any. However, what about those people who did not live in a functional family, and ended up homeless and in the streets. I say society has an obligation to help these people, even if they don't think they need it. I don't think hookers are sex starved people, who love sleeping with men and make money. They probably do it for the money! You might think this is a reasonable profession, but a moral person, I don't think, would agree. you know the saying, the world would be a better place if we all helped each other. If you want to talk about laws, well laws are there to protect people. Speeding is illegal... why is that? protection. prostitution is illegal... why? protection. protection from what? from STIs, from physical abuse, from degrading society.
  6. first of all, you avoided all my questions. would you honestly let your kids be involved in prostitution and/or drug addictions then? lol, you can't say no, or else your previous posts about 'let them do whatever they want' is totally invalid. and you can't say yes, or else that would make you a horrible mother, and i hope child services gets notified right away.
  7. He probably feels really comfortable with you, and doesn't see the need to get married. If you're really adamant on getting married, tell him you're sick of waiting for him to propose! I can't believe he just brushed off your proposal like that... that makes me think he's scared to get married, or doens't want to. He's 34 already.... that's not young anymore. you're still young, and if he doesn't want to marry you, there will be other people. I think deadlines are not the way to go... if the deadline passes, and he still doesn't propose, what then? Are you able to just leave him after 6 years together? my advice for you is to start restricting his time with you. If you're sleeping together, tell him you decided that it isn't appropriate until after marriage. if he's staying at your place all the time, tell him he can't anymore until marriage. etc..
  8. wow... I'm glad you're not responsible for our law making, BUT i never mentioned anything about the law. So.... drug dealing is illegal you say. So what's the difference between a drug dealer and a hooker selling her body for sex? You are dealing sex in other words. How do hookers know if what they're doing is not damaging a marriage or children. Hookers are SEX DEALERS. And I can't believe you even tried the 'trying to commit suicide is not illegal' argument. I never even said anything about it being illegal or not. What you're saying is, it's morally acceptable for that person to take his/her own life. Do you not know how many people have attempted suicide? Do you not know how many of these people eventually got help, and ended up leading long and happy lives? If it was up to you, you'd leave these people to just die because you don't care! You don't care about others, you think 'hey it's their life, do whatever they want'. I would love to see you raise children, "oh samantha, you want to be a hooker? Go right ahead, it's your life, you could use the extra money" "Oh jimmy, you're taking meth? alright if that's what makes you happy..." puuuhh leeeeeezeeeeee
  9. If that's the case, what about suicide? if a person wanted to kill themselves, would you just say, "okay go ahead, it's your life" what about people who do drugs and alcohol. Is it 'moral' we let them just do whatever they want. "hey it's your body, take as many drugs as you want" that's just ridiculous.
  10. maybe call a real doctor and get input from them. i don't know how many medical degrees are lurking this forum
  11. In a lot of cases, experience is essential. You might have to start out at a lower position for a year, then work your way up towards the analyst position. Get some financial experience, whether it be at banks, or credit companies, and once you get a year under your belt, your chances of landing a analyst position is much better. Just apply to every single place, make sure your resume and cover letter are critiqued by career counsellors. If you have an awesome resume/cover letter, then getting an interview should be easy. Now the most important part is the interview.
  12. wow... that just sounds weird. the girl got married and pregnant all within a year. The way she broke up with you is totally disrespectful, and kind of makes me think she was hiding something. It could totally have been she was dating this other guy while she was dating you, and he wanted to go to her family's picnic, so she refrained from emailing you. i find it really abnormal that she wants to start a family so soon. Why is there such a rush? Honestly, if you proposed to her in that 6 months, she might've said yes... but do you think her feelings for you will be 100% what you deserve. It sounds unlikely she values the relationship with her husband over having a baby and getting married.
  13. it could be she's just not capable of a committment right now because of work. is she moving for work? or getting a promotion? why is her work condition going to be changed in a few weeks?
  14. legalized prostitution? in what countries? Thailand? Where children are forced into prostitution? If my country legalizes prostitution, I'm moving. Are you saying that a woman who has sex 10 times a night gets checked out 10 times for STDs that night? How often do they even test for STDs. The only difference between a hooker and a onenight stand @ a bar is the price. I would never touch a prostitute. not only because of the risk of STDs, because I think it's morally wrong, and degrading to both parties. what would your future wife/gf think about you if they knew you visited hookers... nasty Man it's sad thinking our society has little to no more morals left.
  15. Do you honestly believe that you two NOT having a 3-some is going to end your marriage? I think you just have to get over the fact that even though he fantasizes about an erotic 3-some, it doesn't mean he's in love with another woman, or is unsatisfied with your relationship
  16. Consider your $1000 lost for good. If he offers to give it back, tell him to drop it off at your friends house.. never give him an excuse to see you, or contact you.
  17. i think it's purely instinctual behaviour ,along with how society has smothered our minds with porn and seeing the act of 3 somes. our minds have these images engraved in them. Your husband probably just doesn't realize that you're feeling insecure about the issue. why don't you just talk to him, and tell him that you'd never want a 3-some cuz you think it's disgusting. that should give him a good enough hint to drop the subject. To be honest, being with two woman is just exciting... and he probably fantasizes about it. But it doesn't mean he wants to marry another woman. It's just his hormones. with you being bi-sexual, he might think you'd be up for that kind of 3some, and it would turn you on as well. letting him know it doesn't in a kind way would be easiest i'd think
  18. You definitely need to give him something to be afraid of when he bugs you. I think the best and most effective way to do this is get a close guy friend and have him threaten him. When he knows there's someone else out there who can stand up to him and hurt him, he'll probably lay low. Do you think this guy has the capabilities to attack another person? You were with him for 5 years, was he ever violent to you or other people? Or was it all just talk. It's sad, but this guy has obviously wrapped his life around you and ways to control you... if he's really that obsessed with you, then it's going to be a LONG time before he gets bored and moves on. There's not much you can do to change him, but the longer he's obsessed over you, the easier it is for him to just stay that way. Change your email, ignore everything he does.. if he makes these myspace accounts pretending to be you, just ignore it... pretend you don't even know it exists. Pretend he doesn't even exist and block him out completely. If he still doesn't back off and keeps harassing you, get your guy friend or friends to see him and talk some sense into him. "if you come close to her again, we're going to come knocking on your door, and your face"
  19. get the guy to buy them.. it's mostly his responsibility. and to reduce pregnancy even more, you should get some birth control pills from a doctor.. and your doctor should be very confidential
  20. do you have any friends/family you can turn to? someone who you can talk to and vent all your feelings/frustrations and hurt. i can't imagine what you're going through... but time is able to heal everything. we are able to forget, and move on... thank god. the road ahead is rough, but your life isn't over. your mind plays tricks on you, telling you you'll never be happy again, and you'll never find anyone else to love. but your mind is lying to you. can you try thinking of positive things? maybe your career, or goals in the future.. if you have no goals, maybe think of new ones. u can get through this, u gotta be strong
  21. hey.. what are guys then? mindless blobs of flesh that do whatever women say? we have minds of our own, and we choose which partner we want as well lol
  22. i think once you step into the 'friends only' category... it's very difficult to climb back out of there. it seems weird that he tries to spend time with you everyday... does he spend time with his current gf? has he made any advances towards you? flirted? or has he been a gentleman, and only treats you like a friend.
  23. well.. you're obviously very remorseful. i think you need go through the embarrassment of telling your doctor. for the good of your baby. I'm not sure if there's anything he can do, but if there is, the longer you wait, there will be a greater chance the doctor won't be able to help anymore
  24. yeah, you weren't together at the time, so she had every right to date/sleep with other people. how do you think she felt that you were living in the same house with your ex for 11 years? yet she somehow is able to look past that and start a new relationship with you. don't let the past dictate your future together... if you can get past this hurdle, then you may end up with a very fullfilling relatinoship
  25. Maybe drag him to marriage counselling. if he's unwilling, then he's unwilling to make the effort to make things better between you two. he doesn't respect your feelings obviously, and has cheated on you. he's in no position to make any demands, you should have all the power if he wants to change things
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