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Süsser Tod

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Everything posted by Süsser Tod

  1. I'll always advise to work on a relationship. However, you should always keep in mind that it might not work, and be objective, don't want to get yourself stuck in a relationship that is going nowhere just because you're used to being with that person.
  2. I miss making her orgasm, feeling her skin, her breath, her heart when she does it. I miss how she holds to me when she orgasms. But what I miss the most is the intimacy, being together, lying in bed naked, just cuddling afer that much pleasure.
  3. Well, looks like it is time to reconsider the relationship. People change, change is the only constant, and as both of you change, you may also drift apart.
  4. Just other way to say, what goes around comes around, or karma is a female dog
  5. After 9 months you're "considering leaving"??? Bad news, if it hasn't changed in 9 months it is not going to suddenly change and turn into a fairy tale! You've given the guy a very good chance to get his act together in 9 months. Seriously, what are you waiting for? God is not going to come down and bless you to leave.
  6. Oh crap, I'm feeling really down today. I chose not to take a shift today, and now that I think about it, it was a dumb desicion. Why would I want a "day for myself" if I've got nothing to do??? Lets see, I woke up, took a bath, went to buy oil for my motorcycle, came back home, called my gf (and the conversation was not that good), and I've spent the day bored, feeling lonely and down. On the bright side I realized something about me, I always fee like everything is going to turn for the worse, and I always feel like a failure. I have this feeling that everything I do is wrong, thanks mom & dad, again. See, when I was a kid, I was in a school that was not the best for me. So I got tons of reports, and I spent most of the time being punished by my parents. I got to the point where if my dad or my mom called me I would reply "what did I do wrong?", expecting to be punished or something like that. So now I'm always looking for approval of some sort, from other people. I've been trying to keep up talking and greeting people @ work. Now it feels somewhat pointless. I've been unable to make friends, maybe because the perception they already have about me, don't know. Today when I talked to my gf I realized we had nothign to talk about, not that she helped a lot (she went to liverpool today, and all she said was "we went to the beeltes museum, then to the schools where they went, their houses and a bar where they played two hundred and something times). Asked her if she was going to bed after we were done talking (12 am there), she said no, she wanted to spend time with her roomates/friends as this time they werent drinking and just playing a silly table game. Then it hit me. I've got nothing to talk about as I did nothing. She is looking forward to spend time with the people over there. Guess I bored the hell out of her. How can she look forward to being with me once she comes back if I'm such a boring person? When we started dating we both knew that both of us are somewhat boring people, but she at least have some friends, I don't! I'm depressed, sad, lonely and somewhat angry. Right now I don't look forward to talking to her tomorrow. And I'm doubting we will make it. This night I can't really say I feel I love her. Maybe it is just the frustration and depression talking, again. Maybe I'm just reflecting my frustration and anger in her, blocking the love. Don't know, I'm also feeling a little bit suicidal tonight. Ah, hope tomorrow it better.
  7. With respect, as any other human being should be.
  8. 5 years!!?? You have something that I really lack! My gf has been abroad for 21 days, 24 days more to go, and today on the phone I didn't knew what to talk about. Needless to say, the conversation wasn't that good. I'm really doubting we'll make it, and it is only 45 days.
  9. I'm here lonely in a Saturday night, missing my gf that is on the other side of the ocean, feeling depressed and lonely, sad and mad at myself for my lack of social life, and feeling she is not looking forward to being with me because of how boring I must be... Reading that just made me thing of the rum bottle in my closet. If I weren't going to work tomorrow, I would crack it open. Ahh, nameless clown avatar is back, I missed him.
  10. Yes, and she is my girlfriend now. Everyone in here thought I was wasting my time and that she didn't cared about me. Well, she did, and I wasn't wasting my time, it is only that she had a lot of fear about getting into a relationship, and she, well, sucks at the dating game.
  11. Honestly, no I don't believe it is true. I have no clue why he would come up with somethign like that.
  12. No one doubts you can do it. What everybody in here is telling you is to relax, and not to pressure both of you into having an orgasm! If something can make sex awfull, is pressure, as you've already found out.
  13. Uh? It is quite simple to understand why. Lets see, you pee and bleed from there, also your anus (poop) is quite close. Also, no matter how clean you are, it has a very particular smell/odor and taste. Now if it weren't related to sex, would you happily put your face and lick something that meets the criteria above? No, I wouldn't, but I enjoy way too much pleasuring my gf to even care about those slight details.
  14. I look at porn, my gf also looks porn, and we look it together. No problem with porn with my gf nor my ex-gf. However, porn is like any other thing out there, with moderation it can be good, if it becomes an adiction, then you have a problem. Guess he could have an adiction to videogames, would you be so upset about it? I think not, because it would not be hurting your self steem in the looks area, only on the appreciation area. However, it is the same problem whether it be myspace pictures, porn, videogames, etc. and he should be aware of that and work on that, even conseling if he needs it.
  15. Ugh, what a shame! I don't know what I would do if my gf didn't liked receiving oral, it eases up things, it is very intimate, and can be fullfiling for those times you don't feel like having a pregnancy scare. Not being given oral, that I can stand, happily she loves to do it!
  16. Forget about him and move on. 4 years is way too much time. Go figure, you'll be 29 by the time that you'll come back, and that is, if he is still there. If you truly want to be with him, go back home, sacrifice what you are currently working on. But don't put your life on hold for the next 4 years! Going back home at this point would mean a sacrificed oportunity, waiting for four years would mean wasting 4 years of your life, a worse mistake. If you go back home, and things don't work, you would still have those years ahead of you to recover. Remember, time does not forgive.
  17. Well, you'll have to figure out a way to relax about it, because the stress is the reason why you are not being able to orgasm.
  18. From your screen name I can tell you are latin. Sal de ahi, no lo hagas por nadie, hazlo por ti. No es huir, ni es ser cobarde, aceptar que fue un error requiere de coraje.
  19. Who knows? Ask HIM Up and down may be more pleasurable for him, back and forth, specially if you lean a little bit to the front, may be better for you (your clitoris rubbing against his pubic bone). As for the speed, ask him to place his hands on your hips and guide you, that way he will be able to set the speed to how he likes it and help you keep the rythm. By the way, it is not just about getting off faster.
  20. Does she have hands and a mouth??? Do you have hands and a mouth??? I believe so, so... USE THEM! I think you may be pressuring yourself way to much into orgasming, and the added pressure from her doesn't make things easier for you. Stop focusing on having orgams with intercourse only, have her try to get you to orgasm by masturbating you or oral sex. Relax, enjoy, there are other ways to orgasm, and as you become more relaxed and used to each other as a couple, you may have orgasms through intercourse. But at this point, stop focusing on having an orgasm through intercourse!
  21. I think she may like you, that is why she had such a strong reaction, however, she may not be single or may have something else going in her life that is taking her mind away of you.
  22. "If there the potential of a divorce action"??? WOW, I would never take back a woman that moved in with another man. I would have hired a lawyer and started the divorce at this point. But well, that is only my opinion.
  23. Jejeje: 1. Sexual Behaviour - heterosexual 2. Sexual Preference - females 3. Sexual Identity - lesbian in a male body! Truly, I hate the male body, I find it close to disgusting.
  24. You're quite young, focus on growing up and maturing, relationships will come later. Reminder, take a look at what kind of guys you 've been dating, avoid them, otherwise you'll get yourself into the same situation again and again.
  25. Well, whatever happens with them, not of your bussines. Be thankfull you got rid of that scum.
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