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Süsser Tod

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Everything posted by Süsser Tod

  1. I dont' think you can count pain as an early pregnancy symptom. First of all, are you already late? If not, wait until you are (if you are) and take a pregnancy test. Don't get your mind overworking on that issue, it won't help, and only a pregnancy test will tell you for sure. As for the pain, well, go to your doctor. You may have a different kind of problem, maybe gastritis or even inflamation of the colon, that often manifests with a strong pain in the lower region of the abdomen (and feels in front of your body, not in the back, dunno why).
  2. Live and learn. You're entitled to make mistakes, but you must learn from them, if you don't, shame on you.
  3. There are some people that will tolerate that kind of abuse no matter what. Be thankfull you are not one of them. There was this girl in the University, her boyfriend cheated on her. One day I found he left his e-mail open on a computer. Found an e-mail he sent to a friend telling how great the relationship was with the second girl and how dumb, boring, etc this girl was. I forwarded it to her. She broke down, only to get back with him one week later. I haven't seen her in 5 years, but last I knew, they were still together, go figure.
  4. The marines thing is just an excuse, if he wanted to be in a relationship with her, even if it were for only a couple of months, and then find out if a LDR would work, he would do things differently.
  5. No, he is trying to put you down and hurt you because he is mad at you. However, why do you even care? Do you seriously want to keep dating someone that can lie to you like that, and lie to the other girl like that???
  6. Ugh, you gave it to him too fast and now he has no interest. I would not be surprised at all if next time you met he tries to have sex with you. May be too late, don't know what he thinks, but try to slow things down. If you want to build a relationship with him, no sex for a while, if you give it to him again, it will end up being a booty call (he is already making excuses not to hang out with you plus excuses not to commit into a relationship with you, big bright blinking red flag).
  7. Maybe she was only trying to get you jealous? Seeing how confident you are, and thinking that you're with someone else, maybe she made up that story to try to get you to tell "the truth".
  8. Hmmm, have you had unprotected sex and are worried about pregnancy? If you are late, then you are already in time for a pregnancy test to work, so instead of worrying, go to the drugstore and get one. Anyway, if you dind't had sex, there is a chance for bc to alter your cycle, after all, you're changing your hormone levels, give your body some time, it is not a swiss clock
  9. Karma is a female dog, isn't it? I'm really glad to know you're doing well, you had left us with no updates for a while! By the way, I'm proud of you. Just take a look at all what you've done for yourself, you just needed a little bit of motivation.
  10. IMHO, in my past relationship we had sex like bunnies, until... I started losing feelings for her. At the end I felt like Al Bundy (married with children), hating to be with her, and having sex as a chore to keep her happy.
  11. Some fantasies should remain as fantasies. I've met couples that have done it. How many of them do you think are still toghether? Not one, all of them had trouble after that. From jealousy from one partner enjoying more with the 3rd person, to actually getting involved in another relationship. You're letting the door open for many things to happen here.
  12. What is what you can't do to her, avoid moving and doing things right, or rush into a relationship? Communication is the key, talk to her, explain her carefully how you feel, why you want to move with her in the future and why you are not quite ready at this point. Think very well the car selling thing, how much you owe on the loan? Also, can you do without the car or will you have to buy something cheap and old to get by? Sometimes people unload a newish car with warranty to get rid of the payments, and then get an older car, what they don't know is that instead of the monthly payments to the bank, now they have monthly payments to the shop to keep the junker running. Also if you sell the car, consider the real market value and think how much you've lost because of depreciation and interests (interests are lost money), consider how much time you've left to pay. Paying the credit card debt is good, and you should do it ASAP. However, I would think twice about selling the car. If you're short on money, think of other ways you can cut your budget to increase your CC payments, cut on unecesary expenses, as I see it, a car is almost a necesity on some cities where you can't get by with public transport.
  13. Well, why don't you get into a real relationship first, where both are exclusive, boyfriend/girlfriend, see how it goes for a while, and then have sex? If someone truly loves you, then he'll wait until you feel secure about the relationship and ready to have sex. That is an easy way to get rid of that kind of guy, as they are only after sex, and most of the time the wait is not worth it, nor getting into a commited relationship only for sex.
  14. Hasn't it already destroyed the previous relationship???
  15. You can forgive, you should never forget. Life is a learning experience, if you try to forget the lessons, you are not living.
  16. From your previous post. So he is not getting any from you, and now he won't hang out with you. Can't you see that the only motive for him to be "friend" with you, was to get laid, not because he cared about you? He just gave you what you "needed/wanted" to get you to bed.
  17. Hate to break it on you, but you got played, and very well at that. Just tell me this. How can you say he could see you as the "sexiest person alive", but only settle with you for sex, without any commitment and no real relationship? You had more feelings for that guy than just a FWB, he used that to try to get you into his game, giving you what you wanted to get what he wanted. I consider affection to cuddle with someone, not expecting to have sex. I consider affection to be with someone, without hidden interests.
  18. How old are you??? I hardly believe that she can get to live with you, if anything, she will be sent to a foster home, as she has to have an adult taking care of her (from your post is obvious you are minors). Also, how do you think you would manage to live together, do you have a job? Are you ready to drop school to get a fulltime job to support a house? (Think of all services, bills, etc, ready for that?)
  19. Aren't you basically asking how to convince her to want to be with you? First of all, the purpose of NC is not to get your "ex" back, is to heal yourself. Second, you've already given that relationship a chance, and it didn't worked, what makes you think the second chance will be any different? If anything, from your post, the relationship went downhill after the first breakup, so based on previous experience, it would only be worse. It does sound like she has moved on with her life and is looking torwards a different future. Honestly, if a relationship is not working, it is better to cut your loses and give yourself the chance to find a better relationship than to get yourself stuck in a downward spiral. Annie24 posted a link to a relationship health quizz: I got myself stuck in a relationship that scored "1" for four years. Finally I maned up and got out of there, now I'm in a relationship that scored "15", way different, isn't it? All that just to say, give yourself a chance. Even if you cant believe it, there is something better for you out there, there is no need to waste your life stuck in an unhealthy relationship.
  20. There is no way not to feel like that. That is usually what is left after cheating, if you truly want to go on with that relationship, learn to live with those feelings and how to handle them. Now, be aware that by you taking him back so easily, you are only reinforcing him the feeling that he can get away with it.
  21. Well, truth is, the drugs were what got you together, drugs kept you together. You had a relationship built over an addiction. She has got rid of them, so the base of the relationship is gone for her. That is not true, you have yourself, and as much as you don't want to acknowledge it, the only one that can get you out of the addiction is you. No one will be able to help you unless you help yourself. You can be recluded into an institution, get cleaned, but if you dont' really want it, you'll get back to the same addiction once you get out. You know it. Help yourself, get cleaned up, and once you're there, you'll know why she does not want to come back, and you'll finally have a chance to experience a true healthy relationship, not the kind of destructive relationship you had. See where that relationship got you, do you really want that again?
  22. Well, ask your boyfriend if that kiss was worth losing the relationship you had. Seriously, he was there to have fun with you and your friends, right? Well, that is not what happened, and if he will cheat on you if he drinks, you are setting up yourself for a world of pain. Do you really want that?
  23. Read the entire thread, he was actually his boyfriend, but she is calling him "ex" because she does not feel like being with him anymore.
  24. And here we go with how everyone is different. Only a couple of times an ex-gf tried to give me a handjob using lube, it felt too much, good, but not too good, never again. SO, the point is, talk to him, let him show you how he does it himself, how to touch him, etc. Because, truth is, he is the one that knows what he likes. Now, it will also have to be that way, the other way around. You'll have to be open and explain/guide him on how you like it.
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