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Süsser Tod

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Everything posted by Süsser Tod

  1. Ocus pocus, crystall ball, wooo... Forget about it, no one in here will be able to help you in this situation, you've to go visit the gyn. It may be nothing serious, by now, so go ASAP to the doctor, don't waste your time and mind thinking about this issue, act, do something to help you.
  2. Well, eventually I got over it, and accepted I'm a male. However, I've never liked the male body, I've never really liked being a male, but I've always liked females, so yes, at some point I was convinced I should had been a female, and lesbian Eventually I accepted that I'm male, and, eh, try not to think a lot about it.
  3. agree, yuck! Well, maybe if you REALLY like cheese it may not be that bad?
  4. Ugh, feeling... indiferent today. My mind is convinced she'll come back, though, I seem to freak out over anything. So, well, I decided not to worry anymore, we'll see if she comes back. In the meantime I'll enjoy the phonecalls, that will be less in the upcoming days. If she comes back, it will be like a dream come true, if she doesnt, I'll have a lot of crying to do. I can see people being more friendly to me, today I got to the office and peole that usualy wouldnt talk to me, greeted me! That is good.
  5. Call me old fashioned, but I don't think a BOB can replace me, nor a BOG will replace my GF.
  6. Well, I know my gf's e-mail account password. I was with her and she was going to check it, and typed the password where the username should have been. I have never went in there, nor I plan to. As much as I would have liked to sometimes, it is just not right, its her privacy, and she deserves me to respect it. If I don't have enough respect for her, as not to check her e-mail and trust her, then we are not worth anything as a couple.
  7. No, I wouldn't say you are a bad person for doing it. You're a worried girl that is losing her head. I don't know how I would react in that exac same situation, but I can bet you, not lightly. Once my ex and I made a profile, "looking for a third person for a threesome", it was for fun. One day she got a message from someone, she saw it on my computer, I was besides her, and she closet the scree and dind't wanted me to read it. ??? Obviously that got me mad and thinking any kind of thing. Later I logged into her e-mail, just to find that it was nothign important! So I ended up being more upset about her hiding it from me, when it was nothign important! Well, so I do know how I would react. Only thing I can tell you is to try to forgive him and trust in him, or to move on. Give it a thought, if you can't live with that trust issue, then move on, but at the same time, would it be worth dropping away 5 years of your life for fear, that may not even have a reason to be? Edit: Confused OP's gender.
  8. Well, it doesn't work like that for me, and more than once I've fallen asleep with my gf after sex.
  9. After reading that, I can see your hand coming out of my screen and punching me in the face.
  10. So you are willing to put up with his constant cheating, while he has been psychologically abusing you for 6 months!!?? Do yourself a favor, get out of there!
  11. You can make more money than him, just try to be understanding of how he might feel if you shove it on his face all day long.
  12. WOW, had an interesting dream/nighmare last night. Can't remember all the details, but I do remember what I thought was the most important part of it. She somehow came back for only one weekend, for her dads birthday (what I thought on my dream, isn't this the second bday this year?), anyway, she was in here. We had to go to a restaurant, and she was quite upset, distant, she didn't talked to me. However, she talked to this other person that I believe was my brother, and told him that she was feeling really sad. In the meantime I got more and more upset, to the point that I was so mad at her for ignoring me, that I went out of the restaurant. In front of the place, there was a garden with a stoneway, and I found her shoes. Yes, her shoes, and they were porcelain, not regular shoes. I grabbed them and broke them, threw one against the wall, the other one into the floor, then jumped on top of one, they were nothing but small pieces. After that, my gf came out of the place, with the group of people we were with. Her head shattered into pieces, she turned into porcelain, and then her feet broke. She fell down torwards me, and I moved to the side, instead of trying to catch her. She fell to the floor and turned into small pieces. The person that was at my right side, cried, not because of her, but because of my selfishness and for letting her go down, instead of helping her. Then I could see her face in the floor, she was mad, I kneed down, kissed her while I thought on my mind "I love you". Then I picked her up, the real her, flesh and bone, and I said, "lets go, we have little time left" (I guess referring to the fact that she had only came back for a weekend) I woke up after that, had a very hard time getting to sleep after that. Weird dream, huh?
  13. What is the point of this "virtual" scenario? Yes, it would be hard, because I wouldn't be able to keep up with her expenses, not even if we're doning a 50/50 thing, making me feel as a failed provider and not needed.
  14. It would be the same, if not worse (depending on how much you mean by a lot)
  15. Yes, you are right, Life isn't always what you make it, but it is easier to think it is. It is harder to face the truth and realize that, well, you're screwd over and you won't be able to acomplish your dreams. It is easier to think that eventually, with enough work, you'll get there. As they say, ignorance is bliss.
  16. Makes sense, kinda knew it all along. 4 years ago I managed to lose 40 pounds, and according to the traditional weight charts, I was right on target. However, I still looked as if I were overweight, too large.
  17. A lesbian can take two roles if you want to put it on perspective, the male-ish role or the female role. There was this couple where my dad worked, one of them was nicknamed "cowboy". When I saw her, I knew she was the cowboy, no question about it. She was about 6 feet high, and weighted around 250 pounds, wearing jeans, boots, a wide belt, and well, the outfit ended there, she was wearing a sweatshirt =P Her girlfriend was entirely oposite, she would fit the description of a girly girl, 100% femenine (very good looking) That is not the only couple of lesbians that I've met that work like that, but it is the most extreme example. So what role would you like to play? Why don't you look those qualities for your partner while you play the femenine role, that used to fit you just fine?
  18. Well, most of us are told that our role in life is to be the provider, so you figure it out from there. Plus what Annie said (well, in fact, it is more or less on the same line)
  19. Yes, I know. You know, it is easy to preach... Anyway, I know I wouldn't be able to put up with so much poop.
  20. friscodj, If I could only get my gf to read that letter...
  21. The endorphins went away a long time ago, they don't last that long. Now, I didn't said it was over, just said it was time to take a serious look at it. One normally does not get upsed about "silly" things, most of the time there is an underlying issue, getting upset about those "silly/small" things just shows that there is something else that is not right.
  22. Forget about her and move on, this line is all you need to know I don’t know, they just can’t be right now. Don’t get me wrong, I love Andrew and all but I’m really confused right now. She is having her cake and getting away with it, she is not dumping him for you, you're just giving her what she does not get from her boyfriend. You are not friendzoned, but she doesn't think of you enough to dump her boyfriend. Move on.
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