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Süsser Tod

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Everything posted by Süsser Tod

  1. That is how it should be. It really serves no purpose other than getting in the way, in your lovers mouth and make it smelly.
  2. I love giving oral, so shaven makes it a lot easier and more comfortable. However, I don't really like hair, specially body hair, as it seems dirty to me. So I really like her to be shaved down there, I keep myself well trimmed as I don't like it on me either. I have tried shaving, but my skin is too sensitive, and a couple days after shaving, my skin will literaly cover with small pimples (I can't even describe how painfull that was, the two times I tried it) so I have settled with keeping it well trimmed (beard trimmers are excelent for that).
  3. Well, I know the feeling, I'm waiting for my gf to be ready. She is 22 and virgin, been waiting for 2 and a half months, and probably I'll have to wait a long time. That being said, yes, it can be awfully frustrating at times. And to be honest, if I'm not going to ejaculate, I rather do nothing. Not ejaculating can even be painfull at times (have you heard of blue balls?). Happily we do oral, and I'm fine with that. (No, I don't have to ejaculate everytime, but after a some heavy makeout sessions the frustration builds up to the point of not wanting to know anything about it.) However, truth be told, it is not the same. There is an intimacy to intercourse that anything else can't give, maybe it is about being accepted by the other person. I'd say that there are two parts of that feeling of satisfaction, the fisical one, that can be easily taken care of (oral/masturbation), and the psychological one, that is not easily taken care of. But well, I know the time will come, so I'll keep waiting. I have to accept, it scares the hell out of me being her first. If it happens, it may be wonderfull, but at the same time, it seems to me like a responsibility I didn't wanted/asked for, don't even think I deserve that privilege.
  4. This is like being standing watching an accident about to happen. I won't even say the good old "re-think why you are getting married to her", as you seem to already know you shouldn't. But well, it is easier to be with someone, even if it is not really good, than to be alone, right? No, in fact it isn't. You may be able to do it, until one day, years after you got married, you wake up wondering why/how you wasted your life. Seriously, whatever happens with your ex, get your ducks in a row and do what is best for YOU. Forget the ex, forget the fiance, do what is best for yourself.
  5. Are you sure you were in love with him? Sounds more like an infatuation, or a broken obsession. Love usually does not end like that. Obsessions may end with relief, and finally, allowing you to be happy.
  6. Yeah, I can't understand that, "one thing lead to another" and "how could this happen". A kiss, I can understand, but having sex and staying overnight plus the next day until the afternoon, that is no simple innocent mistake. Anyway, you weren't truly happy with the relationship. Though, I do consider it cheating, I don't need a set of words to get my commitment.
  7. Well, I will dare to say this. The guide linked: link removed Basically, sucks. There are too many behaviours listed in there that are symptoms of several disorders, that do not mean the person is abusive. It is too general, too broad, and left to interpretation, can make anyone look as an abuser.
  8. Sell the tickets, don't go with her. I know there is a lot more to this story than your short post, but it doesn't look any good.
  9. I'm not feeling well. Lately the feelings for her have turned into apathy, maybe too much stress/frustration have got the best out of me. Then yesterday I had a terrible day @ work, and I was supposedly going to the course in the afternoon. Well, I got there after dealing with tons of traffic, only to find that there were 300 people attending! Damn! I hate crowds, so basically I blew it, didn't registered and I was left out. Yes, I'm known to do stupid stuff when I'm frustrated. Next one is on July 12, guess I'll sign for that one, and hope I don't screw it up again. Right now I don't feel sad/angry/mad, I just feel indiferent to everything. I feel I've failed to myself, I've failed to her, etc. To top it off, she is going to Edimburg this weekend, so I wont talk to her until next week, great... At this pace I'm even doubting I'll have any feelings left for her once she comes back, don't know why I'm reacting like this, or if I'm blocking myself again, or if it is just a couple bad days. It is really hard for me to understand how I'm feeling, I feel overwhelmed by everything that is happening, I'm too stressed, don't know...
  10. Yeah, pretty much that's it. If you have sex with him, forget about him, you'll be just one more of the girls that he has had sex with.
  11. Hmmm, where are pocodiablo or helloladies? There are friendships that can turn into relationships, and there are others that can't (the dreaded friendzone). It sounds to me that you are stuck in the later. For many years you ignored her, maybe back then she would have given it a shot, now you are more like her brother that she can't have any non-brotherly love for.
  12. I think you are missing the point. What I meant, sex is not going to get you a boyfriend. Build a relationship, and if everything looks fine, then have sex. What some girls seem to think "If I have sex with him, he'll fall in love with me", when this is what the guy is thinking "Oooh, sex without compromises, I can hit it, no need to hold her/cudle after it so then I can go out with my friends for a beer, and she'll be there when I need more". No, waiting is not going to guarantee you a good relationship, but it does increase the chances of the relationship working and of you not becoming a sex object.
  13. Well, I haven't talked to her yet, I'll do. And no, I'm not letting this one slip. She has to get down to earth and realize that what she did is wrong. I did talked to my dad, and he tried to back her up, I just said "you're crazy, screw you" and left. Yeah, I know it sounds awfull, but I said it in a laughing/mad tone that maybe toned down the "screw you". I'm laughing at her attitude. The situation seriously has me tired. I'm not mad, nor angry at this point, as I've accepted it and I'm used to it, not that I'm willing to put up with this for too long.
  14. I'm 100% sure she was snooping through my garbage, it is not the first time I've caught her doing that. The cards were at the bottom of the trash can (I made sure they were at the bottom, as I know she does that). However, it is the first time I've confronted her about that. I also know she sneaks in my drawers, closet, etc. For example, everytime I go to a convenience store similar to a Seven Eleven I ask for a bag to carry whatever I bought, as it fits perfectly my trash can. I used to "store" them in a drawer, she would take the old bag with the garbage, take one "new" from the drawer and put it on the can. Stuff like that, that leaves no doubt that she goes through my stuff.
  15. Why do you feel terrible??? Haven't you realized he is the one that should be ashamed of himself? Standing up for your dignity is worth a lot, a lot more than what can be said about a man that thinks like that about a woman.
  16. Why do you girls think that by having sex you'll get intimacy? In fact, quite the contrary, being an easy lay will give you anything but intimacy, it is the absolute WORSE way to get a man. You want a man to use you? Well, let him have sex without compromises with you, then you'll be nothing but an object to him.
  17. HUH??? RE-READ what you just typed. You want intimacy? Well, hate to break it on you, but the whole point of a FWB is not to have any intimacy/attachment/compromise. You just get at it, finish, say goodbye. You'll have as much intimacy with this guy as the intimacy he has with the disposable tissue he'll use to clean himself after masturbating. In fact, you'll have the same value to him as said disposable tissue. So let me try to understand, you want to get intimacy from that? Make no mistake, the beauty of sex within a loving relationship is the intimacy, not the other way.
  18. Yesterday night I was boiling some water for an instant soup and my mom walked into the kitchen. Note: First of all, lets get this out of the way. Yes, I live with my parents, and it is perfectly normal in my culture to do so until you get married. She asked me "So, have you liked the X brand long distance prepaid cards? You said they were quite bad" I was like, you gave me one the day my GF left for Europe, how do you know I got more? Ahhh, I know how she knew... Obviously, she had been sneaking in my garbage and found a couple of used cards... They have never respected my privacy, so it is quite easy to tell why the trunk of my car is full of stuff, stuff I don't want them to find, but come on, sneaking on my garbage??? So I confronted her about that, as it really made me angry. Today in the morning she was acting weird, I didn't gave it importance, and when I came home she kept acting weird, so I went to my room. Then I went to the kitchen for some water to make myself a cup of cofee and my dad was there. I asked him if there was something wrong with my mom, and he told me she was sad because I had been rude to her about that!!! Can you believe that!!!??? Now my dad is watching TV and my mom is locked in her room!!! Talk about being childish! They don't give a damn about my privacy, and now, she is mad at me and won't talk to me? Don't take me wrong, I don't like her being mad at me, but this time I can't help but laugh! Yes, I'm working hard to get to a point on my career when I can move out to my own place. I'm sick and tired of them not respecting my privacy nor giving me any space, but there is not like I can afford a lot making $12,000 USD a year (I'm an IT engineer, beautiful 3rd world country economy), so, in the meantime, I have to put up with this.
  19. Seriously, you know it won't work for you, and you know you are not ok with the idea. Don't come looking for a justification. If it is not fine for you, then don't do it. You know, ina FWB relationship you'll only keep his hands from doing the job. IMHO, he has two, so he can take of himself, so can you of yourself. Oh, and whatever kind of friendship you have, it will certainly change. Even worse, if you are good friends, it will be like being in a true relationship, without any commitment at all, are you ok with that?
  20. jejeje, then it will take time! As I was told in here a long time ago, I need a "nice boring girl" as I'm a "nice boring guy". Problem is, it took me quite a bit of time to find her, as nice boring girl does not usually goes out, so... Stop trying to find a date that is like the usual guy that goes to parties and all that, it won't work. Look more into people like you.
  21. Hmmm, I had my first kiss at 23, wait, the time will come.
  22. In the big picture, entire world? Pretty much the same. Smaller picture, from people that actually know me, quite different.
  23. If you are not ready for that kind of relationship, then you aren't. End of story.
  24. You've been frienzoned BIG TIME! So even if you develop feelings for her, she is not going to correspond them.
  25. I think I've accepted she is on business, that was key on getting my fears to go away. Today I'm feeling much better, apathy seems to be going away. Though, I still think of her a lot, even future things like living together.
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