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Süsser Tod

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Everything posted by Süsser Tod

  1. No, not funny at all, it was more like hell-ish.
  2. 15, NICE! I did it also for my previous relationship, score = 1. Guess I was right in getting out of that relationship.
  3. Yes, it is possible to control it. I usually do it like that, ejaculate when my gf starts showing signs of getting tired However, sometimes you are so horny that you can't control it, and other times, even if you are horny, you can't get to that point. That kind of thing happens, its nothing wrong with you.
  4. Unfortunately, yes I did, with little success. My brother is a medicine doctor, and he made his specialty for acupunture (instead of something more traditional, like surgery, cardiology, etc)... Yes, it works just like the painkillers, pain goes away. However, the migraine is still there and not cured. It is good as it helps keep my stomach healthier than with the pills.
  5. I sure remember your post about this. However, what "affection" are you talking about??? I hardly believe there is any affection in a relationship where you have as much value as a piece of meat. I think you're still idealizing the FWB relationship.
  6. +1 Guess only a man, or a lesbian, can understand how beautifull a vulva is. And no, I didn't got used to the "shaved" look from porn. I decided to try shaving on myself way before I saw porn. Guess that when I saw porn it just confirmed what I knew all the time, it looks way better without hair.
  7. I've had migraine since Friday. That day I asked my boss permission to skip my lunch hour and get off one hour earlier. Went straight to the drugstore for painkillers, then went home straight to bed. Well, I've controlled it, but it hasn't gone since then. Yesterday it was specially bad, and today I've already called in sick because of it! I really hate it! It is not like if I had a broken arm, that can be easily seen, other than yourself feeling like crap there are no external indicaitons of a person suffering migraine. At this point things have been rough at work. Basically I work for an outsourcer, and the project I'm in hasn't had very good numbers this year, so we are at risk of having the project cancelled. As the management has been trying to improve the numbers, they have been firing lots of people, so I'm really in fear for my job. You know? I don't think it looks any good on my file to be calling in sick for "migraine", the sickness no one can have proof of! Today I'm going to the Social Security doctor, I have to. Because of the work laws in this country, only Social Security can give you days off for sickness, a private doctor can't, so eventhough I know what to do (take my pills, stay in bed with lights off, etc) I have to get a recipe from a social security doctor. Well, guess I'm just venting/ranting.
  8. HUH??? And how was that "relationship" supposed to make you feel better? I think you can have a better relationship with a BOB (battery operated boyfriend) than with that kind of person.
  9. Hahaha, no, trust me, you aren't the only one. I bet 90% of us have been in that situation, either we have told someone that we love them, or we have been told that by someone. If anything, she should be flattered. Sure, it will be ackward, and you'll be ashamed, but in some time you'll laugh about the whole thing.
  10. You are basically asking him to throw away what he has worked for the last 12 years. Imagine yourself throwing away 12 years of your life! And basically, all those 12 years have been all of his adult life! I can't really understand what kind of family troubles force you to move back to England, after all, if you were as commited as you say you are to your relationship, he would be your family.
  11. And why would she be so offended by that???
  12. Bwahahahaha!!! Dumb me! Its 7am, guess my brain needs more cafeine! Well, part of my post still stands, the other part, well, ignore it please
  13. You're in a hurry to get old or what? Fiancee and you have only seen her for 3 months??? Sorry, but that doesn't sound any right. Her debt? Sorry to break it on you, her problem. Or you're feeling like her sugar daddy? Aren't you setting yourself to be used by this girlfriend to ease her financial problems? Sorry, but fiancee/moving in after only knowing each other for 3 months does not sound right.
  14. Yeah, I know. Get over you ex, seems like Danielle likes you a lot, so take it slowly.
  15. Oh yes, I LOVE giving oral sex. I love hearing watching my gf moan from the pleasure I'm giving her with my mouth. Also, it is way easier for her to orgasm.
  16. Trust me, you dont ejaculate accidentaly, you know you are getting to the point of no return.
  17. Well, morning after pill is basically an overdose of birth control pills, if you are unable to get the real pill, look for information on the internet. At first, what was called "morning after pill" was just taking a higer dose than normal of birth controll pills (that is how I first got to know about it). Now they sell this nice pills, you don't have to figure out the dose anymore Now, on what day of your period are you? By the way, stop dating that jerk, if he disrespected you like that, I dont' want to think what a future with him could bring you.
  18. Of course he is jealous! He wanted to be with you, but you liked his friend better. Yep, he is jealous, feels rejected and betrayed by his friend. Don't even think about calling him to tell him you like Brent, he already figured out that one on his own. Let him cool down. At this point he won't be too happy to talk to you, as he dind't wanted to be only your friend. That being said, go on with your relationship with Brent. Don't let that incident stand in the way.
  19. Hehehe, it depends. If I'm single I may act like a complete stupid. If I'm with someone and I like a girl, I'll be indiferent to her, sometimes maybe even rude, as I don't want her close.
  20. Sounds to me like she was using you to get out of that rough spot. Now that she is doing better she doesn't care for you.
  21. Had to google the word, lol Guess you do as I do, alone and bored most of the day?
  22. YES Because you want the sex doesn't mean that he is not taking advantage of you. You want a relationship, including the sex, he is taking advantage of that, getting the sex, and not giving you the relationship makin up excuses like his friends, the age gap, etc. And yes, you are being naive, if you werent, you would have already seen it.
  23. Woha, this has disaster written all over it. I don't think at 16 someone can be truly mature about sex, even less to try something like a FWB "relationship".
  24. He is using you. Stop dating him, you already know he is not going to commit, so there is no chance for a relationship developing in there. If he truly wanted it, he could make adjustments, and heck, he would ignore his friends.
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