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Napoleon Bonaparte

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Everything posted by Napoleon Bonaparte

  1. Yeah I can cut you slack on this one. The dope just lost you two months ago. Of course you are likely to be curious. Just don't turn that curiosity into a need to get back with him cuz he will probably cheat again. Cheers
  2. Sal if you were cheated on by somebody you trusted you probably have the right to be bitter. However you can't blame anybody but yourself on this instance.
  3. Cat someone isn't being controling by objecting to who their partner insists they not hang around (unless that person is a threat to themselves or their partner etc). There is no logic in that. This friend was around before the partner and he would be a disloyal friend to end such a friendship. Am I the only one on this thing who values friendship? Who thinks my closest friends are as important as the people we date? If he is being loyal then she has nothing to complain about. It's actually quite immature behavior on her part. The only thing being friends with a stripper says about him is that he has nothing against being friends with strippers.
  4. I wear glasses and can't get contacts cuz my eyes are too sensitive and I would probably forget to take them out. Sometimes I don't wear em. (usually when I am sick of looking at people) I wouldn't really wanna be with a girl though who thought I was geeky and unattractive looking because I was wearing glasses even if she was hot or funny. I would likely automatically presume she was unsophisticated.
  5. I don't agree with the above posters at all. If you dump him because he is friends with a stripper you aren't a very good girlfriend. He shouldn't have to bow to your wishes because of YOUR insecurity. That is waaaaaaaaay to controling and in the long run he would resent you for it anyway. No, she won't always be a sex obsessed stripper. Yes they might always be friends. No you don't have the right to take that away from him. Good relationships are hard to find. You gonna ruin this one without any evidence of cheating? If he is being a good boyfriend and not cheating then you have a gift in your life. If you lose it because of jealousy then he would be better off without you.
  6. Speak for yourself. I am a guy and I don't want to provide for anybody (except Lorraine, somebody very close to me.). My stuff is going in a swiss bank account otherwise where other greedy people can't touch it. That being said, anybody who would look down on you for making less money is worthless anyway and not worth being with. What does he do for a living anyway to be making so much money at that age?
  7. Easy it isn't creepy at all. As a guy I wouldn't do it but girls do it all the time. It's pretty normal. Not like sex in a graveyard or anything.
  8. That's why I said decent. Although a chick with Harry Potter glasses is sexy to me cuz she looks like a total nerd which to me is really hot.
  9. Here's a question for both genders. A lot of people are self-conscious of how they look when they wear glasses. I find glasses look very sexy on a woman. Do you find the opposite (or same if you're gay) sex more or less attractive wearing (a decent pair) of glasses?
  10. love this man sounds pretty selfish or at least totally ignorant about your own feelings. You need to take a breather from him and date other men who are emotionally available. I am studying the matter on how best to change the dynamics of a relationship (friendship in this case). The reason why is because there are a lot of people suffering and frustrated because they are stuck being "just friends." I am not in this position. But I see it happening and besides being painful for a lot of people, I think a good friendship is important for a relationship.
  11. Arrow it has been two years since I had sex and I was with my previous partner (who remains the closest person in the world to me) for five years before that. I am 27 not 37. My sex drive has resurfaced however I find frequent bouts of depression with the occasional feeling of impeding doom screws my desire for it up which is a common symptom.
  12. Cyn of course. But I am annalyzing dating books, personal exp, etc etc. Trying to come to a conclusion of how the best way to change it.
  13. I have a question for both genders regarding relationships. How many of you are frustrated, heart broken or worried because you have fallen in love or developed a very strong potential for love (crush or a spark of infatuation) for a friend of the opposite sex who only see's you as a friend? How many of you started off 'just friends" and suddenly you find yourself wanting more? I am doing a series of observations about the dating world in order to form a new opinion about the social dynamics between the sexes. If you would, tell me briefly about what is happening and how you are going about trying to let them know that you are interested (if you are even letting them know) etc.
  14. Arrow not this time it isn't. I am familair with the sexual side effects of medication. This is more psychological. I felt pretty uinspired by pretty much everything although not always.
  15. Buzz he is toying with your emotions. Do not listen to his messages. Stay out of contact. I really feel for you.
  16. What kinda things did he do to emotionally abuse you, just out of curiosity. How often was it?
  17. Clue make it clear it was just casual sex but that you don't want it to impede on your friendship and then leave it at that when next you contact each other. From there it's his choice or not whether he wants to be neurotic about it. Where you both from? where you both leaving too?
  18. Clue I agree that sex is more intimate than kissing however a lot of people don't feel that way. Did you know prostitutes wont usually kiss their clients? it is viewed as too romantic/intimate. He was obviously making a point that he considered this just sex and since he considered you a friend he didn't want to confuse you. He also is currently anxious because he is afraid you want a commitment from him.
  19. Sounds to me like you should have been paying him, not the otherway around. You after all did initiate it correct? Don't act like you were the one doing him the favor. That being said, it's only been one night. He might not know what you meant by that act. He might be under the presumption you suddenly want a relationship and not a friendship. As far as barely kissing -- kissing is one of the most intimate things you can do and he probably felt like by kissing he would be being too intimate. I don't see why what happened between you needs to affect the friendship in any way. Just don't presume anything.
  20. I was being honest. I don't think she is ready to let him go. It wasn't riddicule. I was simply stating what I observed. However usually when somebody disagrees with me and says "no you wont" rather than "yeah you can do it" it makes me irritated and more determined with my initial decision. That being said, as somebody who is bipolar, as much a pain in the butt as I can be, I never once treated Lorraine during my darkest days with the self-centered contempt he has shown this person.
  21. Great conversationalist. I would say confidence but confidence isn't something that can be easily faked so i'll break it down for you. 1. eye contact. This means they divide their eye contact between the different people listening or participating in the conversation. 2. They listen MORE than they speak. Or at least pretend to be listening and do a convincing job of it. 3. Memorize names. it gives a false impression of familairity. 4. Don't always agree. 5. Don't put down the people they are trying to connect with (this advice is esp helpful for amateurs). 6. Don't talk about themselves and their own accomplishments as much as they ask about other people and their own accomplishments. When you talk to much about your own accomplishments or abilities it can make you look insecure. 7. Can brush off (unconstructive) criticism. 8. Smile when you want to show somebody you approve of them. And smile AT the person. 9. Know a variety of topics and pay careful attention to the other person and their emotional state. (this doesn't mean you neccesarily care what the other person thinks of you.) 10. Humor helps. But that mean's lighten up. 11. Consider, and i mean REALLY consider other viewpoints. And that doesn't mean you HAVE to agree. But at least give an impression that you are considering what they have to say.
  22. Isn't this what I was trying to get accross to you last night, when you were calling her disloyal for not standing by her bipolar ex? Yes and I must confess I stand corrected. You were more informed on this instance. 2. When I say it isn't done yet I said it cuz she sounds like like she isn't serious. She's too convinced perhaps? Plus I was obliquely issuing a challenge for her to stand by what she is saying she is gonna do about him.
  23. Amore I don't remember everything from your original post and I am writing with a head ache. So you might have already mentioned this however if you haven't, I must say it sounds like he is jealous of you.
  24. Hope I have a different method of being supportive with people that I find's works more efficiently most the time. His problem has nothing do with being bipolar. His problem is he's let his depression give him reason to think he has the right to be a jerk to the people who care about him.
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