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Napoleon Bonaparte

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Everything posted by Napoleon Bonaparte

  1. Qt would you do a guy with 11 inches? It seems like anything over 8 would start to hurt.
  2. Whatever strategy you use, don't cry and beg. Give him an alternative.
  3. Mec I'm afraid to say your bf is probably gonna leave you. I don't think there is anything you can do except step away and give him room until he rethinks his position.
  4. congrats isle on your studies. By the way, I finally found out where you got that cartoon pic of the black haired girl from. Randomly ran accross it in a book store.
  5. I find the most beautiful woman on television is Jamie Di Scalia.
  6. Considering how dumb I find that show (and the fact that regular tv sucks now period) and that it often places more emphasis on looks than talent, no, I don't know who she is. Nor do I know anything about a single cast member of Desperate Housewives or Will & Grace. I quit watching anything that wasn't on cable years ago, and know next to nothing about everyday pop culture except for a few specifics. So far my IQ has only improved.
  7. Buzz it's about control and cuz he hasn't perhaps gotten over you completely OR cuz he is to self-absorbed and selfish to give a rats ssa. And them again maybe it's just because, like a lot of people, he's just ignorant and doesn't realize the consequences breaking NC has on you. Please, in the future, do not pick up the phone. I see your suffering and frustration and realize you are indeed a sweet person, perhaps not the jerk he thought you were, and that you truly did love him. For him to act this way is disheartening. But you got to be tough now and stay on NC for another five months or more.
  8. Who the hell is Jasmine Trias? Any relation to Jasmine St Claire?
  9. Kskm I wouldn't tolerate a girl who did that. I was simply commenting.
  10. Buzz that's his way of breaking no contact. Do not answer the phone.
  11. Kskm I have seen some girls that go out of their way to make guys jealous by going on about an ex or how hot some other guy around them is while rarely if ever complimenting you. I can understand why they would be jealous when the girl is indulging in that kinda behavior.
  12. Of course he shouldn't have messed with any girl in front of his gf. It is certainly revolting behavior. I was just pondering the philosophical taboos of cousin relationships in our society.
  13. I think this post is a joke which is why I didn't even respond seriously.
  14. Anne....dead...you think it's creepy because you were raised to think it's creepy. It's no different than faith really.
  15. Always alone however you tell him there are a few rules you need to follow. 1. Be brutally honest but don't be condescending or say anything that is meant to hurt him. 2. Do it as soon as you both have the time. 3. Say I Feel or acting like or should but never you ARE. It's better to distinguish between his behavior and him as a person when arguing or fighting. 4. Try to find out the source of his weird behavior.
  16. lol if it was that big it would look like a slinky just when it's flacid. And any girl riding that all the way isn't gonna have to worry about the discomfort of a sock.
  17. I think you two should just stay friends for now or you need to communicate the problem right away and nip it in the bud. He sounds sorta immature. Good luck
  18. It was a JOKE. Do NOT try using a sock.
  19. 1. Something great that lasts forever. 2. Great relationships with the people i care about: love/romance/friendship 3. creative achievement 4. adventure 5. justice 6. fame 7. power (no I am not looking to rule the world, but you need power to get positive things done.) 8. an epiphany that's real 9. immortality (or at least to rejuvinate my stem cells so I look thirty when I am sixty). Although I'll eventually wanna die cuz quite frankly this world is annoying. 10. To be remembered forever
  20. I think it's sorta sexy. A lot of Americans over fifty years ago married their cousins. (Edgar Allen Poe, Jerry Lewis, --->Charlie Chaplin?). Is she cute?
  21. Oh don't worry about it guy. I'm around fifteen inches long and six and a half inches wide. Just put a sock over it and tie it around near the testacles and you should be just fine.
  22. Jan the idea of soul mates is a silly meaningless concept unless your out to sell hallmark cards. and even if they did exist, I would think you'd still be together if he was the one. Nevertheless, if the two of you still have such strong feelings for each other perhaps you two should get back together.
  23. Start watching porn and reading sexy books (literature not porn magazines). I think this probably has something to do with feeling embarrased, guilty or in someway less accepting/confident of yourself as sexual human being with sexual needs. This can be beaten and you can become a tiger.
  24. Kary that's lame of them. If both me and a buddy like the same girl, no woman I haven't been in a relationship with is worth so much that I won't give a buddy an opportunity with her if she would be interested in him. But i value loyalty and friendship and expect the same from the buddy. Besides, in seducing a woman, you usually get farther not being jealous than in panting after them.
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