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Napoleon Bonaparte

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Everything posted by Napoleon Bonaparte

  1. Beach how long has it been since you had spoke with him before you spoke online recently?
  2. DN Is there something going on in your own life that makes you relate to this? She did and does love him. She didn't realize she loved him until he was gone. Love isn't something that is logical. However, can't you see, after the harm these two have caused each other, why a period of silence might be in order even if it hurts at first? Because in the long run it'll give them time to heal. And if he still loves her, he isn't gonna stop loving her if she quits talking for a few months. However at this point, they both are abusing each other and I am not sure either of them can preserve it (right now). They can also get back in touch some day.
  3. Dn I just looked up the word again. It was used correctly. I was saying besides reading books, I have my own experiences and the purely observational. Empirical actually is derivitive of a "purely observational" science that used to exist (I believe eighteenth century but it might have been farther back). That website is highly misleading. But we are getting off topic. My point is, if she wants to get him even more interested "no longer acting interested" and "making him interpret her behavior is no longer that into him" is exactly away to fuel his passion. People tend to get even more excited and infatuated about things they can no longer have. It makes them obsess over it in most cases as long as you make the comeback before they actually get over it, and then pursue things with tact. I am 95% sure she can get him back. I just don't think their relationship would be healthy or even last very long at this point. Hence I am suggesting she stay on NC until they have time to be less angry at each other. Otherwise they are both just gonna start being abusive to each other. And regret, I do admit you still might have emotional abusive problems after seeing the venom on here. Of course since he ain't actually reading it, maybe you are just venting cuz you are hurt. As far as my own experiences and what I have observed from others and read, what more do you need to base an opinion on? If I am wrong, I at least gave it quite a bit of consideration. And I am pretty confident I am right about this, but like anybody alive, of course I 'could' be wrong.
  4. I mispelled it, you are correct...I confess. Somebody get the rosemary. I didn't misuse it. You didn't get the entire definition. Empirical means it can be evidence you have experienced or observed. I said things I witnessed empirically, which means things I witnessed through experience.
  5. I already know what emperical evidence means... I agree with what you just said. My point was these tactics are all about playing the odds in what is common in individual psycology. I didn't say it would work, i said it has a very good chance of working. Any formula you use for anything is about math and odds.
  6. Dark I will open up a sex in graveyard topic and we will continue this later...
  7. Dark, beaches are also public places but that hardly constitutes controversy. Plus, come on, wouldn't you ever break a law? ever? I prefer the title malcontent to rebel
  8. Dark if you steal from a rich person you are hurting the rich person obviously. He has less resources and it hurts his self esteem. Who are you hurting by what I would do?
  9. Dark morals ain't as cut and dry as that. Ho0w would I be hurting somebody else for having sex in a graveyard? If nobody knows, who is it hurting?
  10. Dark you're right, I aint religious. And as long as the dead don't mind, I wont.
  11. Dark Majority opinion means very little, esp since most people are stupid. Why do you care what other people think? That being said, yeah I am willing to still have sex in a bed, but I am not gonna limit myself to that in itself. I like romance, but kinky and adventureous can be fun too.
  12. Dark The debate over incest I was challenging a more. I wasn't neccesarily disagreeing with you. Here I think you are being totally silly though.
  13. Well nowadays you can find people that wouldn't mind their parents watching .. Dark 1. You think having sex in a graveyard makes somebody of low moral character. 2. Well nowadays you can find people that wouldn't mind their parents watching .. You think having sex in a graveyard is THAT bad?
  14. Dark you a Brit? In truth I think if a murderer did his time he should probably be allowed to go through law school and practice. But that aside, somebody who got caught banging in a graveyard hardly constitutes morally unsound.
  15. If they let a guy who murdered somebody graduate law school in AZ I don't think I'll have a problem. Care about what? The dead wont mind. I'll ask em.
  16. Dn you really need to read my examples before you presume anything. It isn't about magic and I am anything but glib. I am simply saying by not being there in spurts you can make yourself seem less achievable and hence of higher value. Supply and demand is universal. But i have talked about this sooooooooooooo many times it is tiring. I would think my own experiences, what i have imperically witnessed, and read, is enough to base a sound opinion on whether I am right or wrong. In this case I am suggesting she use NC to stay away and heal anyway, not get him back.
  17. Dark It's quiet, unusual, the very opposite of the act of sex, sacred in a way, and sort of peaceful and spiritual. Plus it's just different and scenic.
  18. Dark strange = individuality. Everybody is strange about something. Who cares? If it isn't hurting anybody why do you care? Do you think banging a live girl in a graveyard means I am into dead things? lol. And it isn't as strange as you think. Jim Morison's body is gonna eventually be moved back to america cuz Parisians are tired of americans having sex on it.
  19. God everbody here is soooooooo boring. None of you would risk getting caught having sex in a public place at night when nobody is around?
  20. Having sex in a graveyard is worth getting arrested for as long as it woulddn't show up when I apply to practice law.
  21. Who cares whats illegial? The better question is, is it fun and worth the risk?
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