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  1. what do you do when one person wants to work on the relationship, but the other wants out??? How do you compromise in a situation like such? One wants to work on the relationship because so much time (3years) was spent in it to just throw it away and because alot was put into the relationship on their part, but the other wants out because he/she wants to do what he/she feels like doing without answering to anyone. what do you do???
  2. I was just in a situation to where my boyfriend cheated and claimed to be in love with two WOMEN. One was me, the girlfriend of two years and the other was "The Other Woman" who he knew for two months and probably spent a good week and a half worth of time with (thats 336 hours worth of time. . . i'll give a maximum of 500 hours spent). . . I'm just wondering is that even possible?? Can a person really fall in love with a person in 1 month?? Or is it just infatuation??? How exactly does Love work for men? Is it possible to even fully know a person in 1 month or even two months? I'm confused and need help! I think that some men honestly have no idea what LOVE means. . . Ladies feel free to comment as well. . .
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