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Napoleon Bonaparte

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Everything posted by Napoleon Bonaparte

  1. How is a gorgeous girl different? She's hotter than the other girls. Do I go after gorgeous girls just cuz they are gorgeous? I don't chase after anybody but yeah I will take interest purely on looks. Will I take interest in a girl who isn't as good looking over the gorgeous girl. I don't find conventional looks that attractive a lot of times. And yeah, personality is a major factor in sex appeal and even physical attraction. Gorgeous girls expect men to fall all over em. And they usually do. They are more impressed when a man is unimpressed with them but (not neccesarily) obnoxious about it. Of course I don't mind being obnoxious. If their personality is a toliet bowl they aren't good for much more than sex anyway.
  2. asdf we are exactly of the same opinion. I think one of humankinds biggest virtures is loyalty, something most animals seem to have a better knack for. Dating another human being is very much like an indian snake charmer trying to make a cobra dance.
  3. I am of the belief that many animals are more evolved than we are in some ways in their primitive state of mind. And I don't agree about none of them ever feeling right or wrong. Nor do I believe something is wrong just cuz I am taught that it is. But that aside, the closest definate moral wrong is if it hurts somebody else who hasn't hurt you, it's wrong. This doesn't qualify. And I don't believe sex has to be totally sacred either. I believe one night stands can be okay, even cool. So this is consistent with my beliefs. And I don't believe in the Devil so I don't gotta worry about him.
  4. rotor if it bothers you so much there's one good way to avoid it. Not getting a lap dance.
  5. Brah people get away with not using a condom/. First. You need to have her do an enema first and scrub really well. Its gotta be spick and span. That being said, it is more fun doing it without a condom.
  6. I am a big fan of that movie. And yes what I was saying is satirizing that movie. And no, it isn't using the husband as a model. (if the model I was depicting was anything, it would be the son). The husband was the antagonist loser in that movie. Ummm however instead of asking me if I am talking about the husband think about this. Does the husband in that movie really sound like a Bogart or Ricky? Is the husband a guy who isn't overly macho just for show cuz of his insecurities? The villian in that movie is broken because he is no longer what he is supposed to be
  7. ONCE WE WERE WARRIORS (less an essay than a collection of muddled obfuscating feelings) You know scientists say the Y chromosome is shrinking and some day humans will be extinct. I know it is DNA. But a part of me, the superstitious part, somethings feels like it's more an epiocenus media. I just finished watching another old classic film today and reminisced on the death of man. He is indeed a dying species. A thinker. But tough. Men who liked to drink a scotch, talk tough & cool, and then have sex with women. Now we don't have equality but instead social homage. Men often rather be their friends, their tampons and shoulders, and courtsy to them rather than speaking their own minds. Now were divided into macho or sleezy rubes or effiminate p.c scholars. These days we have leaders who weep in front of their enemies rather than over the dead soldiers who serve them honorably. Academics who are constantly having to apologize for 'maybe' having a different opinion than the p.c majoirty like the President of Harvard (not a single one of his offended colleagues, neither male or female, had raised a voice when men as a whole were being bashed by these so called social and biological scientists in the last ten previous yrs). Our men are nepotists rather than Waltons. They'd prefer to watch women make out with each other rather than breathing heavily and making love to one like a stallion. They are adrogynous panderers rather than romantics. They are saps who whine about the nice guy who finishes last instead of toughening up and learning how to be suave. Yes the best of the old man is gone. Once we were epicureans and stoics. Now we are politically correct and Martha Stewart. Raymond has replaced Ricky. Cruise has killed Bogart. Friends have finished off The Honeymooners. And the only real man left on television is a philandering mobster. There's only one other thing I should say. T'ere's looking at you, man.
  8. Paying for sex is much less immoral than paying for love (financially motivated aspiring wife) anda heck of a lot more honest.
  9. Kam got your post. No prob. My fingers/lips are silent. And I would certainly agree that we need to becareful what advice we are taking. That was definitely not what I was sugggesting to anyone who might've misunderstood my post.
  10. Lonely most women who would judge you poorly for it are going to be females who can get sex anytime they want with most guys and are threatened of prostitution because what it would mean for them and their guy if he were to have that option. Remember that double standard here.
  11. Rhonda what precisely do you mean by not taking advice from a man's site unless he has an advanced degree in psychology? (I always found the lack of female counterpart for the word misogyny sightly sexist). Everything that's available in an a school you can find in books, documents, and libraries. Trial and error or experiences close to home can make some of the greatest teachers. Not to mention we aren't talking about a topic as concrete as science after all. Most of psychology, esp where relationships are concerned, seem's to be about hypothesis and what I would call 'light' theory (as opposed to more definate theory such as evolution). Many of the mental health professonials I am familair with are even worse in picking and wooing mates and communicating healthily than us 'normal people'. (I grew up around psychiatrists and other mental health professionals and love studying their backgrounds). I would think personal experience, familairity with the subject, inate observational and extrapolation skills, an open mind -- sound reasoning and results is more important. For example; I would be even less inclined to consider a PHD's advice than I would a masters degree if the latter cites their examples, sources, and articulates their position more logically despite the former's having much more schooling. Of course having a PHD is an advantage, but certainly not a prequisite to knowledge, esp in psychology. That being said, you don't think emotional unavailability is a strong point? What about those who are available and then less available? I have observed the positive results myself from a variety of social/economic backgrounds and diff types of people. Of course part of it is the more dettatched you are the less you are likely to fear rejections (and dating is in part a numbers game). However large quantities of women often see men who are emotionally detattched in the beginning as a challenge. And that doesn't of course mean to anybody who might agree with me, that having a personality like cardboard is effective. That isn't what I am insinuating. You need charm too. Finally, I know there is a great deal of politically correctness attached to the fields of psychology but when talking about good dating careful generalities are almost impossible not to get away with. We should also all probably remember that if you want to be successful in a relationship you probably wont get there unscathed. About men & women who have issues with women giving advice: I am inclined to think most (hetro) people at one point in time will have distrust and even resentment torwards the opposite sex whenever they have had bad experiences. The brain seems to have some tendency to look for patterns whenever we are let down. You can look past a persons resentments (such as with men's sites who have issues with women) and still see the quality of their arguments, experiences, and advice, and dissect the soundness of their reasoning from the more base prejuduices. Their issues doesn't neccesarily mean they are wrong with everything or even most of what they say. If you ask a happily married man (who got lucky) he is prone to speak with another type of prejudice -- the euphoria and good luck of his present circumstances. If something is said with a degree of anger it can still merrit truth. We often learn more from our failures than our triumphs. And I wouldn't knock somebody just cuz of their lack of advanced degree. I personally have had much more success taking advice from a few smart normal people than I have mental health professionals (not lying either). cheers
  12. I would never pay for sex and I certainly don't need too. That being said, if somebody does it, so be it. I think a large percentage of marriages are far more immoral. What is the difference between a woman who marries for money and a woman who rents her body out for money? Denial.
  13. Sea I am gonna be honest with you. Your girlfriend is one of those types who sounds like she is never happy, never content, never pleased with anything. She also sounds suffocating and controling. You might have already said but how old is she? What are her past relationships like?
  14. It's a summer fling. It happens. You'll both live. Neither of you seem to be in love. Cool thing though, how do you get important enough to be excommunicated? Man I wish I could be
  15. Sea perhaps you shouldn't say it constantly or it might be devalued in what is an unstable relationship. Say it less but with a lot of sincerity in unexpected times. Now let me point something out to you. Perhaps you are saying I love you so much not cuz you think she doesn't know it but because you don't think she loves you. it's insecurity -- possibly for good reasons.
  16. Alright, first, I am not sure why you put your post on gay and lesbian when you are a girl and he is a guy unless you had a sex change operation but I guess all that is besides the point. A. Your love is sincere otherwise you wouldn't hate him. The opposite of love when dealing with romantic relationships isn't hate it is ambivalence (or an ambivalent contempt). B. They probably aren't as happy as you think. That is all in your imagination. esp if he has the kinda character you claim he has. C. Before I say more I want you to tell me more about what happened and how this girl came into the picture. How long ago did all this happen?
  17. What good are parents if not to hate for bringing you into such a cesspool of a world?
  18. whacked do both you and the other couple have kids?
  19. This sounds like a very sick situation. It sounds like four of you are hung up on unrealistic expectations and euphoria and immature infatuation. This often happens when people ate alienated and bored with each other. I am not going to give advice cuz...well it won't be listened to anyway. What I am gonna say is I predict much pain here. cheers
  20. I disagree. Love by its very nature is a weakness and dependency. The person becomes a need the more you love them. Nice pretty words. But they mean nothing.
  21. Dont there is no point in bashing yourself at this point. There's a very good chance you just have herpes or mono. Which although they are both Stds, one is controlable and the other is temporary. What I am concerned about is HIV infection, which although highly unlikely, is something you need to get immediately tested for.
  22. Dont you need to calm down on the sex. You are only seventeen. Have you had unprotected sex?
  23. What is your sexual history and why are you telling all of this to your coe-workers?
  24. 19 I had scarcely imagined or thought much about sex before then.
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