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Everything posted by Cadence308

  1. Sounds like you wanted it to be with you. DBL is right, we live with the choices we make and life goes on! You will get over this.
  2. I would just tell your parents. I was in high school around your age when I told my parents I wanted to go into counseling. They knew I ha struggled with depression so they were okay with it. Let me know how it goes.
  3. Muneca has a point. She is being disrespectful to you by carrying on with her ex like this when she has you. You need to talk to her about your feelings and that email that you read. The love comment would bug me and her ex's comments about buying her the boobs and putting his hands on them. Techniquely, you should be the only one touching them! So far she hasn't given you a reason to think she's cheating on you. As far as you know she hasn't slept with her ex or kissed him. It does sound like she's way too tight with her ex, though. You need to talk to her.
  4. I think you might have an aversion to kissing because you are swapping body fluids with another person. If you think about it this way it is pretty disgusting. That's why I don't recommend swapping body fluids with just anybody!
  5. Caffeine is like a drug and it can be very addicting. It's also a diuretic, which means that it will make you dehydrated. You need to consume water and cut back on the caffeine.
  6. Yes, it's normal for guys, in general, to always compliment girl's on the way they look. Men tend to be very visual. I just don't like it when a guy tells a girl that they should look a certain way. When I cut my hair short there was this guy that I was sort of seeing and he told me that he only likes girls with long, blonde hair down to their waist, basically implying that he didn't find me attractive. I was like, "Well, good luck finding that girl with long, blonde hair down to her waist. I hope that her long hair doesn't get caught in the rope when you guys go rock climbing." I never saw him again. But, I think that if a specific guy is always complimenting a certain girl he could like her or be interested. It could also mean he's a player if he's complimenting a lot of girls, though.
  7. It's normal to be loud when you are smooching if you are really getting into it and sucking the other persons' tongue....if that's what you are asking. I wouldn't worry about it too much. One time I was outside smooching on the patio with a guy and his friend said he could hear us inside in the living room. So I think if you are a really passionate kisser then that's normal.
  8. There's school counselors that are free and confidential so your parents wouldn't have to know. I don't know how good they are or what their training is like. If your parents have health insurance, sometimes therapy can be covered under that. If so, then your parents would probably have to know. But, you can just tell your parents that you have been really depressed and would like to go into counseling to try to help you with that. Also, all counselors are required to keep all things confidential in order to keep their job so it's not like your parents have access to the things that you would talk about in counseling. Hope that helped.
  9. Call her again. The worst that can happen is that she says no. The best that can happen is that she will say yes and then you will get to go on a date with her.
  10. I agree that you described college number 1 as if it's your preference. Plus, you'll have the car so that means you can always drive to see your bro at college number 2. You need to make the decision and be happy with it because it's your life, not theirs. I'm sure your brother will understand.
  11. Trust me, you can't help who you are attracted to or who you fall for. You just can't and I don't know why. It sounds like it's a mutual thing between the two of you. Why don't you just allow things to happen? Are you afraid of getting hurt? Is it possible he doesn't feel the same way? Or do you just fear that you are too different and it would never work out? If it's that and that's what's holding you back then you will never have relationships because you will be too afraid to try.
  12. It sounds like you could really use a friend or someone to talk to. It may be a good idea to seek counseling. A counselor would keep things confidential and could help you sort things out. I'm sure you do have some social anxiety from your parents fighting. I have done counseling before. The first counselor wasn't a good match for me, but the second one was perfect so sometimes you have to search for the right one for you. It has to do with personality and different theories or approaches to therapy because there's like cognitive and feminist and some other ones. I prefer the feminist one!
  13. Does your gf just prefer to spend time with other friends than rather than with you and you would like her to spend time with you? Is that it? Do you two have mutual interests and things in common that you can do together? Are you at home sick with a brain tumor? How's your health now?
  14. nexus, that's pretty judgmental. Are you gay yourself? It's not uncommon for people to realize from a young age that they are gay. It just depends. If you think about it, almost everyone is brought up in a heterosexual family and those are the types of relationships that are modeled early in life. So it would make sense that it might take someone longer to realize their orientation. Also, you don't have to have sex to know what you prefer. It's not just about sex, it's about feelings and attractions. And believe me, you can't help who you are attracted to or fall for.
  15. I agree with the others. Sorry DBL, a little late for the condom lecture! You need to get tested. First, take the home pregnancy test or to save yourself the extra $10 go to a clinic. It is pertinent to the health of you and your baby.
  16. It sounds like he has feelings for a boy and wants to talk to someone about it. I think the idea of talking to a counselor or someone else that you can trust that will keep your confidence until you are ready to tell your family or mom is a good idea. Do you have someone like that at school that you can talk to? Do you know anyone who is gay? I was going to suggest maybe talking to them. Good luck and keep us posted!
  17. Wow, kids are doing things at a young age these days! I'm not sure the movies are the best place to make out. Women love it when we are kissed on our neck, collarbone, earlobes, and not deep throated. Start slowly, let the kisses be small and get more intense. Try to keep it G rated!
  18. I agree with Amethyst. This guy has the best of both worlds. Are you sure you want to continue on in this affair. Obviously, his wife has issues if she's telling you they are not married. And this guy is still married to her and playing with you on the side. I think you can do better by finding someone emotionally and physically available. I would break things off. This doesn't sound good.
  19. Go ahead and send the sweatshirt with a card and the pic. In the card I would tell her that you know that she liked that particular sweatshirt and you don't wear it any more, you hope she's doing well, and Merry Christmas, and leave it at that. You already said she's not talking to you, so what can happen that's worse than that at this point?
  20. It's not awkward. Women are more mature than guys at any age!
  21. I agree with DBL. He knows what's up and has good advice!
  22. No, I don't think it's possible for a man and a woman to be friends and not ever have something come of it if they both feel an energy or drive towards one another. I think it's because there's always that aspect of difference, which is the sex. Most guys I know usually have a relationship or sexual interest in a woman that they befriend. I don't recommend having an affair on your husband. Finish that relationship first before you move onto this new fling.
  23. Wow, I have to say that your story was very passionate and moved me! I'm not sure why your friend is now denying your passion and romance. Some people are attracted to and want those they feel are out of reach. Then when they can have them, they are no longer a challenge, and thus, these people become uninterested and distance themselves. I don't get it myself, but it sounds like that's what your friend is doing.
  24. Just suggest getting together with her some time. Ask her if she's seen a new movie that is in the theatre. Just say, "Do you like movies? Have you seen blah, blah, blah that is in the theatres now? We should meet some time and go see that movie." This is what I wrote above. Sometimes I feel it's awkward to say, "Do you want to go see _____ movie with me some time?" So sometimes if someone sounds enthusiastic I'll say, "We should go to see ____ some time" if they are into it and want to see it too.
  25. Her mom does sound psycho. Her mom isn't just joking around when she tells her she's grounded? Is she yelling at her when she tells her she's grounded? It sounds like her mom has some control issues and wants to know everything and where her daughter is at all times. Maybe the mom doesn't like the fact that her daughter has a boyfriend and she's grounding her to keep her away from you. Have you tried talking to your gf about this? It sounds like it's putting a damper on your relationship. I don't think there's much you can do about her mom grounding her, esp. if your gf lives under her roof and is supported by her mom.
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