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Everything posted by Cadence308

  1. I wouldn't worry too much about it. She's trying to confide in you, maybe trying to get closer to you and feels like she can talk to you about this. That's very sweet. She may be pregnant and she may be a lesbian or it could be something else. If she said that it would upset someone in the family it doesn't sound too positive. You'll have to keep us posted on how your chat with her went!
  2. Hi, I'll answer your question the best that I can. I have never been in a lesbian relationship, but I'm in the process of getting my heart broken by a lesbian that I'm crazy about. I recently acknowledged my attraction to women and it's far more intense than any attraction that I've had for a man. I'm attracted to women more than men because women are just more sensual and sexy without even trying. I mean, think of all of the reasons why you like a woman and there you have your answer. Women talk about things and overtalk about things. There's a special bond between women that is different in a man-woman relationship, even in women friendships. Women care about pleasing their partners and are care-takers in their relationships. Women are interested in each other and other people and are more giving than men. Women are cultured to spend time on their relationships and to care about their partners. It's hard to explain attraction and what makes someone attracted to someone, but not someone else. I think that a lot of men are offended by lesbians because they don't desire or want to be in a relationship with a man. It threatens the status quo and men think because they have the package that means a woman wants them- Not so! This is what I came up with for now. Maybe someone else who has been in a lesbian relationship can elaborate more.
  3. You told her recently after our posts that you are attracted to her and she's cool with it? Does she like you back? Wow, that was fast!
  4. I agree with ticklebug. You can say something if it would make you feel better, but don't expect your friend to change or stick up for you because it sounds like it's not going to happen. Your friend is doing whatever her gf wants her to do. That is a very unhealthy relationship and at least you recognize this. Too bad your friend doesn't. So talk to her if you think it will make you feel better, but be prepared to walk away from this relationship.
  5. I agree completely with Shorty. First you need to figure out where this guy stands on the issues of homosexuality and same-sex relationships. Does he talk about girls a lot? Does he have a girlfriend? Does he seem really into girls? Usually we talk about what's on our minds. Also, Shorty is right in that if you do decide to tell this guy that you have feelings for him and he is a true friend then everything should work out and he should accept you for who you are. It may be hard for you if you find out he doesn't feel the same way and you may decide to do the no contact thing. But, instead of guessing and stressing yourself out over this you just need to start probing and asking him questions to get to what you really want to know. Good luck and keep us posted!
  6. I think that instead of dwelling on whether she likes you or not you should just come out and ask her. I think you should first find out her feelings about homosexuals. Once that's established, then you should get her face to face and tell her how you feel about her. That's only if she responds positively regarding homosexuals. It can be really ambiguous trying to figure out if a girl likes you or not because women touch more than men, we make more eye contact, are more flirtatious by nature, so the best way to find out is just to ask her. I found this out the hard way so trust me on this one!
  7. It sounds like you are pretty sure of your same-sex attraction to Georgia. First you need to find out a couple of things about her. For one, how does she feel about same-sex attractions? There's a couple of ways to ask her. You could ask her if she's ever kissed a girl or had a crush on a girl and see where the conversation takes you. You could talk about something in the news related to gay/lesbian marriage and bring up in general and then get more specific about it to find out her true feelings on the topic. Also, does she have boyfriends or talk about guys? You said she's a good friend so this would be something that you could pick up on. If she never has interest in men then she might be a lesbian. I think that you should tell her how you feel, but you need to proceed cautiously and find out how she could respond. Keep us posted.
  8. Can I ask you why are you still in a relationship with this guy? He gets mad at you for everything and it seems like the two of you can't talk about anything without him getting angry at you. If you two agreed that cybersex was cheating at the onset of your relationship then you shouldn't have done it, it was cheating and it went against the rules that you guys set for your relationship. Are you afraid of being alone and you would rather be in this unhealthy relationship? I think you should either separate or call it quits.
  9. Can I ask you why are you still in a relationship with this guy? He gets mad at you for everything and it seems like the two of you can't talk about anything without him getting angry at you. If you two agreed that cybersex was cheating at the onset of your relationship then you shouldn't have done it, it was cheating and it went against the rules that you guys set for your relationship. Are you afraid of being alone and you would rather be in this unhealthy relationship? I think you should either separate or call it quits.
  10. If the condom didn't leak and was wet on the outside it was probably from your vaginal secretions during sex. That would make the most common sense.
  11. It sounds like you may have made a mistake. Things have been rocky for a while it sounds like. I think it's hard for people to change because they have to change their way of thinking, which leads to changes in behavior. Is your boyfriend just the jealous type? Is it mostly about jealousy when you two bicker? Do you purposely do things to instigate his jealousy? Just some things for you to think about...
  12. Not Gay, Really, I just read your updated post. That is horrible and very sad. He must have felt hopeless and lonely. My heart goes out to you and your beloved. This was her ex husband so I'm sure she's feeling many things. I hope that you guys will be happy!
  13. Jimbo, I think that your opinion of other peoples' sexuality is very judgmental!! I think that when you tell someone that they are confused about their sexuality, unsure, or clueless about it you are invalidating their feelings and their sexuality and I am offended. giftfromthegods, that's cool that you are already so sure of your sexuality. I'm just now figuring mine out and I'm 26 yrs old. I wish I had been more in tuned a little sooner! It's hard to tell if she likes you. It sounds like it, but you need to get her in a one-on-one situation and just ask her. That is the best way. It sure beats playing mind games and keeps you from wondering and analyzing everything or overanalyzing everything.
  14. It's hard to tell if this guy likes you with the information that you've given us. We see posts like this one every day. Are you attracted to him? If so, you should just talk to him and if the conversation goes well ask him to get together some time. He might be a player and flirting with you and not really like you. Or he might like you and is trying to get your attention.
  15. I think that certain things about people can change like attitude and confidence, but ultimately some personality traits are encoded in our genes and we are instructed by those to act in certain ways. For example, someone with manic depression couldn't change without meds. I think with a lot of work and thought people can change their behaviors, but you have to think about it first.
  16. Who ended the relationship? If you ended it then she may still have feelings for you and is hoping the month of NC will rekindle those feelings from you that you had for her in the relationship. Why were your knees shaking? Do you miss her or want to get back together? Also, if you guys were together for a long time she may be calling you out of habit because she's used to seeing you, talking to you, etc. Or she may just want to keep tabs on you, which was suggested by someone else.
  17. There appears to be responders and non-responders to caffeine. The exact mechanism of action is unknown, but it is thought that caffeine acts on the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) by elevating levels of an enzyme called cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate).
  18. Yes, it's normal to think about an ex gf/bf or someone that you have been very attracted to and get butterflies in your stomache. I used to get butterflies all of the time thinking about my ex boyfriend or when I would see him driving around town or even when he would call me and I would hear his voice on the phone when we weren't together any more. Maybe it was wishful thinking or that sexual tension. I think it means that you probably still have feelings for this girl even though you are in a relationship with someone else. I think "butterflies in the stomache" thing is related to nervousness or anxiety. Maybe somehow you are hoping that down the road you will get your chance with this girl.
  19. I'm wondering why his parents and family are so against you? It takes two people to have a fight? Have you cheated on your bf or do you pick fights with him? From your story it sounds like it's mutual. What do the two of you fight about? I think it's very stressful to be in a stressful relationship. It's not good to be emotionally drained and worried about a relationship. Do you think that your relationship with your boyfriend should really be over and maybe 1 or both of you are co-dependent on the other? That's what it sounds like. It sounds like the relationship is over, but neither of you wants to admit it. Just something to think about...
  20. I think looks can help initiate physical chemistry between 2 people. I always used to say that you have to first be attracted to the way that someone looks before you care to talk to them any more or get to know them. However, in all honesty, I always fall harder for personality, attitude, and intelligence and the ability to carry on an intelligent conversation. After I love those things then I just find the person simply irresistible! \
  21. tiger_lilies knows what's up! You need to confront him on this. There is a slight possibility that his ex is a stalker and is trying to get back with him and is trying to mess up your relationship. Let's hope this is what it is. How long was he broken up with his gf before you two hooked up or claimed to be broken up with his gf? It really sounds like he's been trying to lead a double life. I'm sure that your heart is breaking. Mine already got broken this past Monday so I'm feeling down, too.
  22. She lied to you about everything, including her true gender. I would be so devastated. I don't think that I could continue on in the relationship unless my feelings for her were head over heels in love and gender wasn't important to me. But, then again, she lied to you for 2 yrs. That's pretty traumatic. I would also seek therapy. Keep us posted!
  23. It may be that you just haven't met a guy who has sparked your interest, yet. Boys are pretty immature at 16 and their hormones are kicking in so they only think about one thing at that age. Maybe that is a turn off for you. On the other hand, have you thought out whether or not you are really attracted to guys? Do you have any attractions to girls? It may be that you are just recognizing your own sexuality and maybe guys don't quite do it for you. Just a thought...
  24. I think the rules of monogamy, non-monogamy, or polyamory all depend on the players. If your husband is okay with what you are doing and the two of you have discussed this, it's okay. But, talk to your husband first before going out and having sex with another woman because that would be cheating. I would even say what you have done without his prior acknowledgement is cheating. However, I am a believer that the "friends with benefits" thing can't work and usually ends up hurting 1 or both people. The more partners that you have also puts you at risk for STDs and AIDS, so that's something to remember before having outside partners.
  25. Never tried penis enlargement pills because I'm a woman. But, it sounds like a fluke. Most of those things are just scams to try to get your money. If you really want to enlarge your penis there's always penile implants. Good luck!
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