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  1. PrincessLinzay....... Oh My Gosh Girl.......you hit it right on the money with all my thoughts! You must be in my brain!!! hahaha You must have been through exactly what I am going through....... I would love to sit down and have a cup of joe with you and exchange thoughts on how dirty this guy is! yes, you are right...there is NO way i'm confronting him at all...Like you said, he already told me he was going to "Work things out w/his EX because he has a 'history' with her"......And you are also COMPLETELY right in saying that he definitely was NOT going to tell me he had plans to get back with his ex anytime soon (Which I am SURE he was trying the whole time I was dating him!!!!!!!) HELLO>>She Called Him from HIS PHONE! I haven't seen him or talked to him since the stupid email coversation we had.......You have NO CLUE how much I want to see him and just see how he reacts...I know he doesn't know what to say to me cuz he prob feels like such an idiot! What I would reallllllly love to do: is to see him, act all nice and forgiving like I want him back, and then once he tries to apologize and make a move on me.......Tell him to F*** Off, Kick him really hard where it hurts, and spit in his face for being such a LIAR!...but that would be pretty harsh. Guess I still have pretty ill feelings about him.....and prob will for awhile..... Like you also said.....I wonder what else he was lying to me about! What hurts the most is that he was soooooooooooooo fricken good at making me believe he really wanted to pursue me......the day before his GIRLFRIEND called me.....he wrote me this really sweet email saying how much he was getting attached to me and how he wanted to take me on this really romantic weekend in New York City (carriage ride and all) and just start taking the "next step" into our relationship......he was even talking about eventually moving in together and all! What A Bullsh*tter! *(sorry bout the language).....but seriously! Who says all that and then the next day writes me an email stating he wants to try to work things out w/his ex. That is why i am so pissed off and confused?! What if she didn't call me? What if I would have still been seeing him to this day? In a way, I am so grateful to his G/F that she did call me and tell me what was going on......cuz I would have felt so much more crappier if the relationship would have went on for a long time like this..... I just want to say Thanks everyone for all your imput and advice.....it really helps...Honestly! P.S. PrincessLinzay - - If he even tries to get back w/me or call me up one day.....You have it sooooo right...I'll tell him where to put it! *(But first I will laugh at him telling him that it is the funniest thing in the world to even think i would give him the time of day again!) hahahahahaaaaa
  2. Thanks everyone for your support. This especially sucked because it was Thanksgiving Day that all this went down! UPDATE: He emailed me (yeah, guess he's too afraid to call and confront me or see me face to face).......He said that at the time him and I were "seeing each other" that him and his ex were not together (all though i believe this is a LIE because she said they were together and called me from HIS PHONE!).....anyways, he said he is sorry and does have feelings for me, but wants to work things out w/his ex. I feel so burned...right in the heart. I know it's stupid to shed any tears on someone like this, but boy was he good at making me feel special and that is what hurts. Bally...i am sorry you have gotten your heart recently broken as well. This REALLY SUcks HUH?! UGH!!! I just want to scream really hard into a pillow, but i'm at work and can't...haha Well, I am glad that some of you know what I am going through and can feel my pain - - -I don't mean that I am glad that you have all had your hearts broken, I do NOT wish that upon ANYONE, but it's nice to have someone to lean on that knows what im going through! thanks
  3. Sweetie, The same situation is happening with me right now. Except, I am the girl and my exboyfriend is the one that is still in love with me. I am going to school as well and see a future ahead of me involving getting my life organized - - even if this means that I have to move away. He thinks I got over him in like a week and don't care that he still is in agony and hating life right now without me in it. I tell him that if he really does love me, he would be happy for me. He needs to focus on his own life and getting things straight with what he wants in life too. Maybe this is what you need to do. If things are meant to be between you and him.....your love will find away back to each other. I know you said that there is no chance you two will ever get back together and you feel like you will not find another girl like her, but that is your heart talking. Your heart is very vulnerable right now and is in pain. Everything happens for a reason and maybe something good will come out of all this. I really don't know what you should do.....but I think that you should let her know every once in awhile that you still do think about her. It's nice for me to know that My ex is there for me and still cares about me. I try to tell him that we will be really good friends - but that is it and he won't agree to that because it will be too torturous for him.... But i think staying in contact via email is a nice gesture. Good luck sweetie with everything. - Happy Thanksgiving.
  4. I have known this guy for a year. I had a crush on him for awhile but didn't act on it, knowing he had a girlfriend and I was just getting out of a relationship. Well, one day he confesses he broke up with his girlfriend and he moved out of their place into his own, etc. Inside I was jumping for joy and finally he was single. At this point he didn't know I liked him. I called him up one day and was like "So, what are you doing tonite? Want to hang out"? and he was surprised and flattered that I liked him. He confessed he was into me as well, even when he had his girlfriend. The only sucky part of this whole thing was that he lived an hour away from me and it was a hike just to hang out. Well, after two months now of officially dating each other...he is the sweetest guy. He texts me on my cell every morning to tell me "Good Morning Beautiful".....he emails me all the time, etc. He tells me he really thinks I am the right girl for him to settle down with and sees a future with me. At this point, I am really falling hard for him and he is leading me to believe the same always asking me "What if you Fall madly in love with me....." etc. etc.. Well, on Thanksgiving Day (TODAY), I get a phone call from him. But, it wasn't him, it was his GIRLFRIEND! She leaves me a message and says "Just wanted to let you know that I am "so and so's" girlfriend of Two years. He has been messing w/me all this time when he's been messing with you"....etc. etc. My heart completely dropped because this guy was so perfect for me! I mean, i know in my heart it wasn't just about sex, because sometimes he wouldn't even want to have sex, he would just want to light the candles and cuddle and stoke my hair, etc....... I am so confused. How can guys be like this? Going into this relationship, he said to me "you are a heartbreaker, aren't you"? well, obviously, I'm not the heartbreaker - - - HE IS!!! I told him that i was so scared to get my heartbroken....... And another thing that doesn't make sense is that he was hesitant about dating me until all ties were cut with my ex-boyfriend. I just don't understand......what is in guys' heads? Why would they mess with girl's heads and hearts?
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