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Everything posted by Bjourne

  1. Since you just wont give up: Go sensual on her. Like further than just hugging and so on... You probably won't be a couple but maybe you can become f-buddies... Girls treat their male friends as genderless, you must show her you have balls.
  2. Not quite. It began in the 19th century during the Victorian Age in Europe and America when people thought that sex was very shameful. They regarded masturbation as a physchological disorder. But even with all the social pressure to keep people from masturbation many boys just couldn't keep their hands of their weenies. So they invented different methods to curb the masturbation problem so that their masturbating youth would not be destroyed. Everything from electric shocks, ice baths, special masturbation-safe cloths to castration was tried. But no procedure was adequate. Well, castration stopped the masturbation but eh, that they thought was a little to inhumane. So some brilliant doctor came to think about the Jews. They removed the boys foreskin shortly after birth and it seemed to reduce the amount of masturbation. Awesome! he thought, and so was the method introduced all over the western world. But the Victorian Era was about to end and the tradition only rooted in North America where today most boys are circumsized at birth. However, at some time shortly before or after the World War 2 people stopped thinking masturbation was psychological disorder. And so they made studies showing that circumsizion had many medical benefits, completely disregarding the fact that only Americans, Muslims and Jews circumsize, the rest of the worlds population manage to live and procreate WITH a foreskin. The old myth was replaced with a new one. My opinion? Barbaric...
  3. It's a common myth that a circumsized penis is more sanitary than an intact one, but it is not true. Countless of studies have shown there to be no medical benefits of circumsizion. In fact studies have shown the oppsite which is not strange since the foreskin has the same purpouse as the females vaginal lips - to protect the glands. Other effects of circumsizion includes: reduced ability to masturbate, reduced sensitivity in the glands etc.. So please do not be worried. Most men in the world are not circumsized.
  4. Is two times a week really that low? Because that's all I'm getting. Should I leave my gf too? Or maybe you should try to learn the fine art of masturbation?
  5. Judging from your story it seems you have taken it very cool. Thats good, but almost too cool. Because what happened to you is what I believe every guy is afraid will happen to them. Maybe that indicates that your feelings for her also dropped in the final months of the relationship? And yeah, you showed her to little affection, unless you can explain it with a very busy working life. The other guy seem to have been obviously playing her. And they say men doesn't play games. There is a line somewhere that a girlfriend and an other male friend cannot pass without setting the alarm off. I don't know where that line is, but I believe they did it. Your ex may or may not have known about it though. But I don't think you could have done anything about it, sorry.
  6. I always thought breast size was proportional to body weight. I believe this guy has no secret motives, but is just saying that he wants to have sex much more than you wants to have sex and thereforeeee is breaking up.
  7. You are more likely to win $50 m on the lottery then getting pregnant in those circumstances. Or much more likely to die in a traffic accident. You are basically using three different birth control methods simultaneously: condom*spermicide*pull out. Very low odds.
  8. She is nice to you of the exact same reason that rock artists are nice to their fans. She knows that you like her and thereforeeee she wants to have you around, because her knowledge of your feelings make herself feel good. She is not flirting with you, only teasing you so that you will reveal that you are interested in her and she will feel appreciated. Guys do it too.
  9. Why does good girls like bad guys? Cause bad guys tell mad lies.
  10. Yes I go at it with a scissor when I feel that my pubic hair is to long. Otherwise I would be a hypocrite. No I didn't ask her to shave completely. But thanks for the replies.
  11. .. my womans, that is. So I'm trying to convince her that some shaving or atleast a little trimming would do her (I probably mean me) good. It really is a jungle down there, all over the cleft and continuing out on the inner thighs. Very much imprenetateable to oral sex for instance. She skillfully resists my attempts to persuade her by referring to the fact that almost no other women shaves. Unfortunately, I have only seen a very limited number of bushes in my life so I have to take her word for it. She concludes that my brain has been damaged from watching porn and that I should be content that she is shaving her armpits, because if I where dating a German, she probably wouldn't. So my question is, am I a pervert for begging her to do this? I wasn't asking for a clear-cut forest, just for some thinning. Who is right, me or her? Obviously it is her decision... but..
  12. Judging from this thread: All girls shave or atleast trim. Almost all guys prefer shaved (or less). Is that how it is in the real world or are just those who have replied here unusual?
  13. 1. lesbians/threesomes 2. doing it in public places
  14. What you are feeling are roughly the same as any other rape victim. You did absolutely nothing wrong and I hope you will be able to stop accusing yourself. I urge you to not drop charges, these guys are scum and deserve to rot in jail. If I were your brother they would be dead.
  15. You must have been very drunk or something since you don't remember so many details at all. And if you were both virgins at the time, there is also the possibility that you weren't even fscked - it usually takes two virgins a few times to get the technique right since sex isn't the easiest thing in the world... or so I've heard.
  16. I have noticed that many girls seem to want to spend all their free time with their partner and many boys seem to want to have some amount of time for themselves. Maybe it's a gender issue or it is just that people are different. If you do not like it you have to work out a compromise. Maybe you could try to do things that you know he wants when you are together?
  17. What is it that she may or may not have done that makes you nervous? Is she a criminal or a drug addict or ...? It is very hard to understand why you are hesitating.
  18. I need to talk to someone about this. Can't call anyone at this hour so I let the nice guys and gals here analyze it. Here goes: Today was my girlfriends birthday. It was nice, I have her present, we ate diner, saw a movie. Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind to be precise. During the movie I slept for about 10 mins or so. After the movie we discussed some stuff in the movie and so on. The movie was very interesting but hard to understand. But we contended that the movie wasn't as good as the critics said. Many of them gave it 5 out of 5. I claimed that it was a weak 4 while she was only prepared to give it a 3. What may be important that I was the one who selected this movie. We go to the cinema alot and it is usually she who choses which movie we should watch. I've wanted to see Eternal Sunshine for a long time, but instead we have seen other movies. SPOILER WARNING: don't read the next two paragraphs if you plan to see the movie. We were at the bus stop discussing. I claimed that Joel and Clementine must have been "erased" multiple times. Probably atleast once more before the movie began. Why else did Joel spontaneously decide to take the train to that beach and meet Clementine? And then when she told him her name, she said something like "Don't make fun of my name or else.". Joel replies "Uuh? What is so funny about your name?". And she says "Oh my darling clementine." And some reference to a hound thingy I don't understand what it has to do with Clementine. But the reason why he didn't get it was that they had erased his memory which contained his mother singing "Oh my darling Clementine!" On the other hand, when he is in coma you see him clearly having the mother singing memory left. My gf didn't agree and claimed that the movie went like this: It begins when they both clear their memory, then they meet on the beach and then they discover their tapes. Kinda like Pulp Fiction. So to put it short, the movie is complicated. That we had this disagreement obviously made her upset. She reasoned that as I had slept during the movie I had missed essential parts and that my interpretation of the story was wrong. That's OK. The movie was no big deal (and definitely overrated), but what I didn't understand was why she got angry because of it. Then we get on the bus and she goes first and takes a window seat. I ofcourse sit next to her. However she is reading a newspaper so she has her elbows kinda bent outwards. That makes it so my right arm has to be in a quite uncomfortable position. I reason that I can fix it by pushing her left arm with my right arm gently so that both our arms can share the space between the seats. She doesn't like that and doesn't want to move her arm the slightest and asks me what I'm doing. So I try to explain to her; I: "Can you please move your arm a little?" She: "why?" I: "Because my arm is in an uncomfortable position." She: "But why should you have the space? Then my arm will be in an uncomfortable position." I (who is getting a little frustrated at this point): "Well, I'm sure we put our arms in such a way that we both sit comfortably." She: "No. Only one person can have their arm in between the seats. I sat here first, you should adapt to me." I: "You can't claim the bus. It is not your bus." She kinda moves her arm away comletely and lets me "win" but that is not the end of it. She: "Do you act like this when you sit next to other persons too?" I: "Usually, when I sit next to strangers in the bus, we can both sit comfortably." She says a few more remarks but I try to not reply to much or escalate the conflict since the is a few passengers in the bus who is "enjoying our conversation" Her last comment is "Can't be easy for someone with no social skills like you. Stuff doesn't seem to get into your brain..." It is true that I have zero social skills and is probably suffering from Aspeber Syndrome and she knows it, which kinda puts the comment in context. I then move to the double seat behind the one she is sitting at. Yes it is very petty for us to fight over small things like that. I should have just let her have the seat space and adjusted. However, the above situation isn't that uncommon. To me, it sometimes seem like she thinks our relationship is some kind of cease-fire in which you can't budge the slightest or your "enemy" will win. Often she is the one making the decisions and that is ok. Even if that means a slight "concession" from me. But when it is the other way around and it is me trying to get a "concession" from her, it very often seem to lead to a conflict. Like when we were cuddling and watching TV. There was Sopranos on, I like that program and watch it whenever I can. On the other channel there was a reality show. Something about one princess and 20 horny males trying to mate with her. I hate that show but she wanted to watch it. However, in the previous hour we had watched stuff she wanted to see even though there was programs I wanted to see too. So I said something like "Lets see Sopranos." and I switch over to it. She then takes the remote and says "I want to see this." and switches to the reality-show. For a few rounds it goes like that; Sopranos-reality show-Sopranos-reality show.. Until I switch to Sopranos and takes out the batteries of the remote. So I "won". Also I think she realised that *I* actually was *RIGHT* and that it objectively was my turn to decide the program. Nevertheless she is getting a little angry over it. Or like the time we was on the bus. I have a favourite seat that is next to the doors in the middle. It is very good because you have a good oversight of what is happening in the bus and you just get the smoothest ride there. She goes on in front of me and takes the seat in front of my favourite seat. Of some reason I decide to "resist her decision" or something cause I really wanted to sit in the favourite seat that time. So I tell her "lets sit here instead" and sit in the other seat. We argue a little that time. But eventually I "win the battle" and she moves over to my seat. It makes her *very* angry. Or like all the times we sleep in the same bed. It goes like this: She takes enough of the blanket to conver her body. However, that makes some part of my body become uncovered of the blanket. So I take it back which leaves her uncovered. She in turn takes it back. And so it goes until we both fall asleep. Not that the sleep lasts for long - sooner or later one of us wakes up and it is very cold without a blanket on you. That's some examples of what happens when I try to assert my needs that may require a "concession" from her. Or when I try to decide something she doesn't like. Often I just give up because I do not want to cause a fight. Like when I asked her to *please* not eat in my bed because I was afraid she would spill. She said I shouldn't worry cause she wouldn't spill in my bed and then went on to eat there even though she knew I didn't like it. If the situation is reversed, and it is she who needs something that requires a "concession" from me, I usually comply. I carry the bags, her bicycle and buys her stuff even if she also has money. It is small things like that. They don't happen everyday. But they all add up and it is frustrating. Also note (if you haven't already that I'm strange. I have a very hard time to understand social rules and what things that are not said with words do mean. This whole story is from my own perspective and may not be entierly neutral either. But I've tried to make it so. Maybe if I let her set all the rules and decide everything our relationship would be really smooth. I know some guys do that, but that is not how I want it to be. I don't want my gf to be my new mother and I want to decide atleast 50% of all things. thereforeeee it is very hard for me to just let it slip when I (think I) know I'm right. So what should I do? Am I being rediculous or oversensitive? Should I talk to her and tell her that I think she needs to compromise more? I almost have my speech planned. But I'm not at all sure I'm right and how would such a "talk" affect our relationship? We've only been together for two months but we've been together almost constantly and done all things you should do etc.
  19. If you pay for all the dates, the girl will get used to it. That is probably not good cause you probably dont want to and cant afford to pay for all her meals. thereforeeee you should ONLY pay 50%. Why? Cause I think on dates, you should ASSERT that she enjoys it as much (if not more than) you. And if you pay, she will think that you think she's a hobo who cant afford to date. I think BB = assertive and NG = submissive. And girls like assertive guys.. In general.. Some DO enjoy boys they can boss around. But would you want such a chick ... ?
  20. Sorry dude, at 15 you are not a pedophile. Most people doesn't know what a pedophile is and I guess that is why you feel so guilty and will get so many hostile replies here. A pedophile is an ADULT that is sexually attracted to CHILDREN. Now what I will write next, will get me millions of flames and probably make me banned too: It is not illegal to be a pedophile. .... However, it is illegal to sexually assault and to have sex with children. That is, unless you are also a child. Well, sexual assault is a crime anyway you look at it. It is ok to fantasise about anything cause your fantasies are not anyone elses business. It is not ok to act on those fantasies. But you are only 15, a kid yourself, so your fantasies are not pedophilia. Because when you are 15, it is pretty damn normal to be attracted to other 15 year old children. Even 13 year olds and maybe 12 year olds too. When you get older, if you still like "undeveloped" girls, then you are a pedophile, but not now.
  21. You are playing a very dangerous game. Girls remember EVERYTHING out of line that you do, and eventually, it will all bounce back and stick in your face. Then you will be very sorry that you acted dumb on her cause now she will be able to act dumb on you.
  22. She just wants you as a friend. The reason why she has talked about cheating on her boyfriend with you is because she wants to make him jealous. Just treat her as your friend and nothing more. Props for the nice track reference.
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