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Everything posted by Bjourne

  1. Go to a dermatologist and ask them. They know all about acne and knows exactly what to do. Since you are only 17 it is also possible that you yourself doesn't yet realise how "bad it really looks". Many times the acne is not fully developed at 17 so it is possible that it will get worse in a year or two. Atleast I wish I had gotten good acne treatment at 17 cause then I would have much less scars left now.
  2. I hope I don't make anyone anorectic now. IMHO = In My Humble (but honest) Opinion so I don't want any overweight chicks to take it too seriously. But it seems to me that fat persons in general exercise less than normal weight people. Take for example my mom and her husband. They are both overweight and eat about the same amount of unhealthy food since my mom cooks for both of them. But her husband is quite a bit less overweight. Why? She takes the car to her job every day and never moves herself more than what is absolutely necessary. While he takes long walks regularily and takes the bus to his job. So if you are overweight, live in a city, and still drives a car to your job/school/wherever no pity from me. Cause you are not only not taking care about yourself as well as you could, you are also NEEDLESSLY POLLUTING THE ENVIRONMENT which almost is a sin. And also, it's the big corporations to blame. They feed us with images of thread slim models that drink coca-cola, of happy kids that eat at McDonald's every day and in general tries their hardest to force feed us their unhealthy food. Sugar, fat and salt is addictive and they try their hardest to get us addicted to it. The guilty ones should be thrown in jail and their products outlawed. Maybe some has less resistance to the sweet stuff and thereforeeee they get fat? Still, you can't blame your own problems wholly on someone else. It's the same but different with acne. People usually tells you it's your own fault for having zits. Like "why don't you wash your face?" or more direct "Eww! Buy some clearsil!". It doesn't work like that, washing doesn't help acne and if it did, then obviously noone would have acne. But the thing is people view it as extremely distateful because they think it is self-inflicted. Same thing with obesity, people think it is self-inflicted (whether it actually is or not). IMHO
  3. B. You can be ugly cause God gave you an ugly face or because your mom and dad was ugly or whatever. And then I feel sorry for you. But if you are fat, you ate yourself fat which means you can (try to) eat less and stop being overweight or exercise more. So to me, it seems like fat people are neglecting their appearance while ugly ones are just unlucky. IMHO
  4. It sounds like she just want to have you as a friend. Otherwise, if she was attracted to you in the good way, it seems strange that she would cry about her old boyfriend. Because she would have you (a new bf) within reach. Etc.. It smells friend a long way... But since you love her so much you have to tell her about your feelings otherwise you will never know. Like try to make some body contact, hugs, hand-holding etc. Do NOT start with "I love you" because that is to blunt and she will be surprised.
  5. Thanks for the advice folks! The remove the bra thing was the most complicated part then everything went almost automagic... To bad she had sore on her lips so we couldn't kiss. But fingering her was quite interesting.. although she was way to tight for intercourse. Hopefully that will solve itself but it was hard even getting one finger in the honeypot. Thanks again.
  6. OK this will make we sound like a perv but whatever... I've been with a gf (who is as old as me) for roughly a month. We have seen each other almost every day and "cuddle" alot. However I have no idea how you pass through the making out stage (long sweet kisses with tongues in each others mouths - very nice), to the even nicer stuff below... I do believe she is atleast almost as horny as I am since she always compliments my looks and tells me how I look like Ronan Keating. She has also nagged me to buy condoms twice.. hm I wonder why? But I don't wanna pressure her cause she's a virgin and I think she don't wanna pressure me cause I'm a virgin. We both agree that waiting until marriage before sex is a completely moronic idea so no problem there. So I guess all is well. But if nothing happens soon I'm afraid she will start to think I'm not interested in her in that way (which I definitely am). And I will start to think she is not interested in me in that way. There is also the possibility that she is not interested in me in that way but then I really think she's sending very confusing signals. Or maybe she sees sex as a way to pay for a man's attention. Like the old couples when the husband buys a new vacuum cleaner for his lady and she repays with sex. But eh... please tell me I'm wrong? Quite embarrassing but I'm just not a natural. Thanks in advance, I could really use some help.
  7. Men and women both hunted and did whatever they had to do to survive. There was no immdiate split, though some job functions were performed more so by one sex than the other. Wrong. This is the misconception i tried to put straight. Both men and females hunted and both men and females gathered berries. There were probably gender differences in those societies too, but not as significant as "men hunted, women breast-feed children". Then I guess I'm very feminine male. I always ponder long and hard before I buy anything costly and I can spend 10 minutes deciding what kind of pizza I want. Your theory is wrong. Many, many species away you might have had a point. Yes, it makes sense for the boy fly to find and screw as many girl flies as possible. And it makes sense for the girl fly to only screw with the best boy fly. However, for primates many more variables become significant. For a male gorilla it doesn't matter how many children he gets if they all die before they can reproduce. thereforeeee it makes sense for him to protect the baby gorillas so that they too can reproduce and give him grandchildren. thereforeeee it is biologically favourable if both males and females are equipped with the "female" trait of caring for their children. And so on. I'm NOT saying there aren't any biological differences between males and females, but I believe that in our society they are grossly overstated. Like are girls weaker because they are girls or is it because they never go to the gym to pump their muscles? Look at female body-builders and you'll see what I mean. Yup the male bodybuilders would probably beat them but the differences aren't that big. And also remember that body-building is mostly about who can eat the most drugs and not get caught. The best male sprinter run 100 m at 9.9, the best female something like 11. Then something about females attraction to manlyness... Do females like guys with pimples? The more pimples the better? Or the opposite? Well, acne is in part caused by an overproduction of the MALE sex hormone testosterone. Doesn't make sense does it? Well, females aren't at all attracted to what is manlyness. They are attracted to what they unconsiously BELIEVE are manlyness. Just like anorexia isn't a femalyness but many males are attracted to underweight females anyway... Another example. Women do not like beardy men. Well, some do but I believe most like males that shave. Why??? Beard is CERTAINLY a manly feature! The reason: MEL GIBSON DOES SHAVE!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaah!!! Damn him! The reason for every womans attraction to Mel Gibson is tautological: Every woman loves Mel Gibson thereforeeee every woman loves Mel Gibson! Woman seem to have realised that there is no certain way to determine who will be their best partner so thereforeeee they just go for who everyone else thinks is their best partner. However, Hero_99's advice might still be good, but not for the reason he gives. Instead being somewhat arrogant and dominating towards women is attractive because that is how all the Hollywood hotties act (in their movies).
  8. The thing about the hunter gathering society Godness mentioned is false. During that time both males and females took equal part in hunting and gathering. There was no division of labour between the genders. It is funny that in our gender-based society we have so very hard to believe that it was like that.
  9. You go girl! Just remember to always use condoms, only do it when you feel like it, never force him to do it, never get forced to do it, never to get yourself confirmed etc And don't drink TOO MUCH. Otherwise have fun experimenting with your new bf! But don't be pissed if/when he dumps you cause he wont stay with you forever just because he got your virginity (and you prob got his). But your sig tells me you're able to figure this out on your own.
  10. No, but they will try to stop you from using drugs in the future.
  11. Men seems to have been getting very sloppy lately then. Cause it doesnt seem they had a problem cleaning their genitals 200 years ago when only Moslems and Jews knew what circumcision was. And yes I believe it is a matter of personal taste. However, it is not a matter of the mother and father's personal tastes.
  12. This is how you do it: Beg your parents to pay for your dates. Cause if they don't pay tell them you cant afford any dates and thereforeeee wont get any girls and then become a depressed looner with no life. They can't argue with that so they will have to give you the money. Then tell the girl you can't afford to pay for her. If she dumps you because of that she didn't deserve the date in the first place and wasn't at all interested in you. Most girls wont do that. So there ya go, totally FREE dates! The best part is that if you make an issue of paying for your stuff with coins instead of bills and she is a really nice girl she might even pay for you too! So you EARN money by dating! How awesome!
  13. Imho, it is something very frightening and depressing with boys and girls that tries to stay virgin til they get married. Because why do they wait? Because then their sex will be so much better? Nope, it wont. It will be awful cause none of them has any experience. Because pre-martial sex is shameful? Get real... Because they want to feel very horny for a very long time without getting satisfied? Sounds like torture.. Or is it because some girls still think, in this enlightened age, that loosing their virginity means they are loosing some of their "sexaul value"? Becoming more likes prostitutes by proving that, they like everyone else, gets horny? I don't get it just like I don't get the idea some has that masturbation is sinful. These ideas aren't compatible with a modern society. I do believe that many boys would not stay with such a girl because they wouldn't get any. But many more would leave because they wouldn't want to spend the rest of their life with a girl that thinks sex is shameful. Sex should be mutual thing, not like "the woman lays down when she has to because the man got horny again" But if you want to live that life. *shrug* good luck it's yer choice.
  14. I'm not very sucessfull with the girls, but I DO have a girlfriend .. Just wanted to add one thing I firmly believe in to all the boys like me and just can't seem to meet anyone: When you learn all Noggy27's advice, especially the confidence thing, and similar dating advice, you WILL become VERY sucessfull with the girls. I mean not sucessfull as in marrige/divorce/cheating/psycho (PROFANITY DELETED BY MODERATOR)/jealousy etc like the good looking and the jerks get. No I mean the girls will ADORE you and you will be able to pick and choose and hopefully find your soulmate... The reason? Shy boys and late bloomers are so much more pleasant, mature, caring and intelligent than most other guys. And THAT coupled with confidence is KILLER! And I don't mean any offense to non-shy's, good lookings or jerks. You can change too.
  15. Don't make her lose your cool! Girls do not like guys that seem to obsessed in them and you really seem to obsessed in her. I'm sorry but if you've been looking at her alot without saying anything it is very possible she will think you are just creepy. Your letter seemed kinda depressing "found a reason to be alive..", "a poor baffled looser".. That's the thing you gotta get right first. Learn to love yourself or atleast respect yourself, otherwise the girls will feel that you are not comfortable with yourself and will not feel comfortable with you. Then get some friends, friends are good and gettings friends is like getting girls but a little bit easier. Then talk to your momma (seriously!) she will help.
  16. Hello. I'm a 21 year old male and the girl I'm dating is 27. My problem, and as she has told me is her problem too, is that we haven't started doing things that you want to do when you are a couple. We go out alot and spend alot of time in each others company, sometimes with other friends, or on movies, restaurants etc. But we never kiss, hug, hold hand or touch each other in any way. We have very little eye-contact too.I think the reason for that is that I'm very shy and she is almost as shy. Myself I have never done those moves on any girl in that way and is also a virgin. So I would like to know how you do these things. We spend alot of time alone in each others apartments so we both have alot of opportunities. I guess I fear rejection or something.... So what is the proper procedure? And will there be any hope for us to do this stuff in a way that normal people do it? To be spontaneous? If I invite her in for wine and cheese won't she just know I'm just doing it cause I've seen that move done in sitcoms and suspect me for having suspicious motives and run a kilometer? And um.. what is better for kissing, beardy, bristles or clean-shaved? I appreciate all advice. I really don't want to screw up. Thanks!
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