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Everything posted by Serendipity1607307077

  1. Doggie.. for sure... But I like to be on top... What the hell, I enjoy it all!!
  2. If you twist it whilst going up and down (gently!!!) I find that's pretty nifty for getting your guy off...
  3. I think you might just need to talk with him and see what's going on in his mind, a lot of guys don't like talking about stuff like that, but I think that if you can convince him, you will get a better understanding of the situation..
  4. If it was a separation, as it seems that you have, I don't think I would be able to handle it. Sure, if you both went your separate ways without any intentions to get back together, I think that's fine, but if you are intending to hook up again, then no, I don't see it as very fair.
  5. Well, I dunno... The only time I was kissed in a movie was in Lord Of The Rings... hehehe... I don't think there is a real time, you just need to find one.. in my opinion it doesn't matter what scene it's in or anything....
  6. I RECKON!!! I don't like the idea of getting jizz all over my face.... haha Once when I was giving my boyfriend a hummer, he happened to have his hand on the back of my head, but when it came close to climaxing, he was lifting his pelvis in the air, and accidentally pushing my head down, so I didn't have anywhere to go!!! I don't think that's a good thing, especially if you don't know how to deepthroat!!
  7. I am not sure... I guess it's the woman being mislead... finding someone she really likes/loves, and then finding out later that her boyfriend/partner is abusive. But because she hopes for the man she fell in love with to return to how he was when she first met him, she sticks by him. Sometimes she may also stay with her man because of her children, if any.... A lot of the time, they will stay with their man because of security... well, he might not offer any to her most of the time, but she doesn't want to have to leave because she isn't sure what to do... or maybe she stays with him because he threatens that if she doesn't, he will hunt her down and kill her... a lot of men make threats like that to their partners.. This is my opinion, anyways.
  8. It's hard to say... usually when you are attracted to someone, you will just know... You think about them all the time, you fantasise, you just can't remember the last time you were so happy... it's hard to explain.. it's almost like you are the happiest you have ever been in your life!!! It's an immense and overwhelming feeling...
  9. Make sure you alternate positions... I like it when my boyfriend and I use the very edge of the bed.. he stands and I am on the very edge of the bed, so my back is about on the corner, he holds my legs up... GUARANTEED to give the right stimulation..
  10. Be gentle to start with, gentle kissing and caressing... touching touching touching everywhere!! I like it when my boyfriend does this to me... when he is gentle and sensual... make all your moves flow...
  11. Doesn't hurt to do a bit of licking too...
  12. Er, getting back to the topic.... 33%?? Yeah, I could do that.. I don't think I have ever NOT swallowed... (sorry, a bit too much information there...)
  13. You need to tell her. It's better to have honesty than not. Perhaps you should think more carefully about how your actions are going to hurt someone, before you do something like this that will damage someone else.
  14. Save yourself before you get too hurt.. You don't deserve to be treated like that.
  15. Hey there... I have an older guy also. I too have been considered older and more mature than I am (I am 17) so I know where you're coming from. There is nothing wrong with going out with an older guy, age has nothing to do with the bond that you share. If you love each other, then go for it. If your Mum wants your happiness (as mothers do) then she shouldn't have a problem with this. Perhaps for her it might take a bit of getting used to, but just make sure that she gets "exposure" to him to get an idea of what sort of a guy he is. This will probably make her feel more comfortable with your relationship with him... Good on you for finding someone special in your life!!
  16. Yeah, I think you will know when it's the right time to say it... Hope it all goes well for you - let us know!!
  17. Those three words are important. Make sure you tell her. You have been going out with her for two months, I think it's time to tell her how you feel about her. Otherwise, things won't progress.
  18. I don't care about money. Although it's important to have some money to survive, I am not with my boyfriend for money reasons. I am with him because I love him. I think all relationships should be about love, not money.
  19. Hahahaha, yeah, I mean, I have never had a problem with age differences... seeing my stepdad was twice as old as my mum, it was never really an issue for me until people started asking me if he was my grandfather... I know that buying a house is a really big step to be making, especially after only six months, but I think everything will work itself out. I have had advice from a number of people about it, like going into the purchasing of the house as a business venture... Jealousy?? Well, look on the jealousy forum... I think I have made a post about my problem on there....Under the subject "Looking at Other Women."
  20. While a lot of women are cheaters, there are still plenty who don't. You will probably find that ones that have been cheated on by their boyfriends won't cheat on you because they know what it feels like.
  21. Every anniversary my boyfriend and I have (monthly anniversary, that is!), I like to show him that I care.. even if it's just a card. For our six month anniversary I bought him some swords. For our fourth I bought him a bluetooth keyboard and mouse, and a cordless joystick so he could play Battlefield. Yet, he never seems to do anything like that for me. I don't have much money, but I ALWAYS make sure I get him something. Most of the time he shrugs it off as "Only being our sixth month anniversary". But isn't every month important in a relationship? I really love him, and I know he feels the same way, but it's nice to feel appreciated.
  22. Obviously something is bothering her. You just need to find a way to get her to tell you what's going on... and that can be tricky sometimes.. or so I have been told. Once she tells you what's going on, you might be able to suggest things to help her sort things out. Either way, whether you do something or not... if I were you, I wouldn't stand for it, because the moment your partner starts taking you for granted, is the time that you should stop putting up with it.
  23. This kind of situation is the WORST.. I have been in it a couple of times.. I don't know how I dealt with it... I just kinda had to ignore it or get over it. It's either that, or confess.. sometimes that can change things though, but it helps get rid of the weight off your chest.. Sorry I can't be of more help...
  24. 1) Crush - well, my first was when I was 8 or 9, this kid in my class was cute as!! 2) Date - Can't really say I have ever been on a date as such... probably when I was 13-ish... 3) Kiss - When I was 13 or 14... 4) Lost Virginity - 17.. a couple of months ago, actually...
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