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Everything posted by Serendipity1607307077

  1. Sounds like you really are wanting to get back together with your girlfriend.... I am not sure what her intentions are, she seems to care about you a great deal... it's hard to tell what her intentions are.... Perhaps make clear your feelings about her... so that she knows that you don't want to lose her again.. Let me know how things are going!!!
  2. I am not sure what the problem is dude, perhaps I think that you might also be worried about stuff when you are having sex with your girlfriend and thereforeeee are not able to cum...
  3. I like it.. It means that the guy is interesting and attracted to you...
  4. My virginity was lost in my first serious boyfriend's bedroom about a month after we started going out.. It took a while to lose actually, we were trying for WEEKS!!
  5. There isn't a time frame on falling in love.. I always used to think about falling in love, and then it would never happen, it was only when I decided to forget about my crazy idea that I met my boyfriend of nearly seven months... I want to spend the rest of my life with him...
  6. Whilst we are in the topic of anal... How many of youse have actually tried it?? Is it better or worse than vaginal sex?? Is it worth giving it a try???
  7. Personally I like the names Luke and Xavier...
  8. Thanks for providing me with some useful comments guys, much appreciated!!
  9. I actually learned to go down on him by actually going down on him... And also, to answer someone else's question, it's difficult to tell a girl that she is crap at giving head... instead, perhaps just guide her to tailor the blowjob to suit your own preferences...
  10. Nah, twist his penis a bit, not like too much... it's kinda hard to describe how to!! When you are moving your hand up and down, just add a bit of twisting action... make sure it's gentle, and keep in going whilst still moving your hand...
  11. Circumcision keeps the penis a lot cleaner..... I can't really say whether it is unattractive or not, seeing I have only ever seen one....
  12. Hello people... A BREAKTHROUGH!! My boyfriend ordered me a colour printer that can scan and copy and do all sorts of things today - the second and most expensive present from him in SIX months!!! (the first was a $20 gift voucher)... Cool eh!!
  13. I am very sorry to hear that you have experienced something similar to this before... It's a very sticky situation to be in, but I think you should go on your gut feeling... obviously you are doubtful whether you should stay by her, or whether you should leave before the problem happens again... Perhaps if I were you I would sit her down and find out where she is going with this, and whether she plans to stick around or run off with this other guy.. not very useful advice, I know, but hopefully she will tell you her intentions...
  14. I don't believe that you have to be old to be in love. I am young and my boyfriend is four years older than me, but we share a special connection.... that's basically what love is - when you bond with a person in more ways than one...
  15. I used to flirt a lot before I got together with my boyfriend of six months. I stopped immediately when we were together (apart from flirting with him, of course!). I think that she might be a fake... either try talking to her again, or find someone better... Or try a bit of reverse psychology.. flirt with other women and see what she says..
  16. Maybe he feels that he might not be able to satisfy you?? Or yeah, maybe he is gay... So have you tried not wearing lingerie?? Does it make any difference??
  17. 1) Do you like giving head (do you swallow?)? Yeah, I do... and yes I swallow... 2) Do you like it when your guy gives you head (if he doesn't, then just write "Skip")? Yup 3) What's your favorite way to get sexual pleasure from your guy (yes, fingering also counts)? Certain positions... and him going down on me.. 4) What do you think is the most intimate way to have sex? Vaginal, Oral, Anal.. 5) This one is specific, b/c I don't know about it very much: Do you like, dislike but would do if your guy asked you or under special conditions (like a lot of lubrication + your guy doing something for you that he doesn't really like, but pleases you), or hate anal sex (I know some girls think it's too painful)? What would you think if a guy you feel confortable with wanted to try having anal sex before trying regular sex with you? (If you have never tried it, just write what you think, or what you have heard, or just write "Skip") Well, I don't think I would mind if he asked me if I wanted it anal, but I think I would be rather nervous about it for a while first, to give some thought to it. I think that regular sex should come before anal, for sure. It's more intimate...
  18. Just get her to give you a blow job!! Wouldn't that be preferrable to doing someone in the clacker??
  19. The only way to get over the worry you have about asking people out, is by asking them out!! I don't think there is any way around it..
  20. I used to get crushes all the time, the only way to stop them is to find ways to occupy your mind... Get yourself a new hobby and stuff... and focus on it as best you can!!! It's difficult but eventually you get over the crush, believe me!
  21. Even if you didn't cum while you were inside her, the penis can still ejaculate little amounts, which I think can cause pregnancy.. Before having unprotected sex, she should have been on the pill.... It could be the symptoms of pregnancy, yes... generally around menstruation the woman can feel stomach pains and headaches, but never three weeks before.. Let us know what happens, if you want..
  22. I had a similar problem, though it was a lot simpler to fix. I just had to sit him down and told him what his actions made me feel. Make sure he listens to you. Be honest. If you need to cry, then do it. Relationships are built on trust, as well as everything mentioned in the previous post by Mahlina. I think you should try talking to him again. Let him know that you are serious. If you have asked him to stop looking before, and then caught him looking at it behind your back, then he is lying to you.
  23. If your man would just go off and do something like that after a fight, without actually talking things over with you, then I don't think that he is being very fair. I am angered for you that he would have done such a thing... IMHO, I don't think that he really appreciates who you are, and I don't think you should have to put up with it. Remember that you could always go and do something similar, and see what he has to say about that. See how it makes him feel if YOU sleep around.... (crazy I know...)
  24. Hi People I am 17 and I sometimes find that I am clucky.... If I see pictures of babies and stuff, I feel like it would be lovely to have my own kid.. I am not ready to have one at this stage, but I am just wondering whether other people have also had the same feelings, and how do I make them go away???
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