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Everything posted by Serendipity1607307077

  1. Two words - GET OUT. You don't deserve to be treated like this. Whilst I must say that it is wrong to snoop, sometimes it is necessary, especially seeing that if you have suspicions about your partner cheating, and they won't admit it, at least investigation can confirm whether or not you are wrong or right. In my humble opinion... end this relationship. There are plenty of girls out there who don't cheat, and who are willing to give everything they have to make sure that you are happy.... It might hurt, but imagine the life of suffering that you are living now and will continue to live ifyou do not end this relationship!
  2. Someone who will just give up on you just because you are going to uni is not worth staying with. If he really loved you, he would stay with you no matter what. Get on with your education, and do something good for yourself. It may seem harsh, but in situations like this, you have to think about you.
  3. That is an excellent poem. Sad and depressing, yes, however very good.
  4. Perhaps you should try having her enter you in the on-top position... it might be easier to guide yourself in...
  5. Perhaps your boyfriend isnt' ready for that sort of committment. Marriage is more than just a word, it's almost like a promise to be with someone for the rest of their life... and while he probably does want to be with you for the rest of your life, he is a bit worried about the whole situation. My recommendation is that you should perhaps propose to him instead - there is nothing wrong with that.
  6. Actually, I am not sure if this has anything to do with it, but my doctor told me that I can safely skip the red section on my pill, which means that I don't have to have my period at all. As long as I let my period run every couple of months I should be fine, apparently. Perhaps the fact that I haven't been having my period has tricked my body into thinking that I am pregnant???
  7. It's hard to say... Whent I first got with my boyfriend, we didn't stop with the affectionate talk for about a week or two, I guess we didn't really know what to say to each other.. then after a while we started having real conversations again! It must be some sort of phase.... I guess it's because you like the person so much and you just need to "emphasise" how much you love them!! It should all settle down after a while..
  8. I understand exactly what you're feeling, I was like that with my boyfriend... he is 22 and I am 17 (and was a virgin). So naturally I was a bit upset about him having a "history", if you will.. But then I just had to think to myself, that all that is in the past, and if he still wanted to dwell in the past, that's what he would be doing, he wouldn't have moved on to me... Just take your time if you are not comfortable, remember that your girlfriend loves you and wants you to be as happy with your relationship as you are...
  9. The more you do it, the better it gets... As per what Jonny said!!
  10. I have been sexually active.... and have been on the pill for about eight months. The reason I am worried, is because I took one of my pills about 12 hours after the time I am supposed to take it.. And I have been having the systems that you described - like I am eating for two people, my breasts are sore and I am always tired. I took a pregnancy test the other day and it came up with nothing.. I don't know what to think - does this always happen when you are on the pill??
  11. Immense When I have nothing to do I sit around and think of you. I think I love you more each day With everything you do and say. When I am feeling really down One thought of you removes my frown. When something starts to fall apart You’re always there to heal my heart. We have already had eight months of bliss I look forward to each and every kiss. I want to be with you for the rest of my life And hopefully one day be your wife.
  12. I find that the worst that happens to me is if the bj takes longer than usual and then my jaw hurts a bit, but apart from that, I never have a problem...
  13. Love, to me, is something incredibly immense... it takes so many different forms. One form is the love you feel towards your family - it's a bonding type of love, a close-knit and warm type of feeling... Another type of love is the type that you feel towards your boyfriend or partner. It's a completely different type. It's a stronger type of bond than that with your family, it involves not only emotionally love, but it's also physical love. I love love!!
  14. If you forgive her, and stay with her, you will have to put up with always wondering if she is still cheating on you. It will drive you nuts! Just let her go, you don't deserve to be cheated on dude! Let her go and find someone you can love and who you can trust never to go behind her back...
  15. I think that the phrase "I Love You" shouldn't be used unless it is meant.... I mean, I say it an awful lot but every time I use it, I really mean it...
  16. It's hard to explain how you feel when the person you love does things like that to you... you kind of reach a state of incredible orgasm, I find that this is especially the case if my boyfriend uses not only his fingers, but also his tongue...it really gets me randy... so orgasmic!
  17. Hi all... I have been reading a lot of these posts here, but none of them have answers to my questions.. I have been on the pill for nearly eight months now. More recently, I have forgotten to take my pill twice, but end up taking them a few hours later than my scheduled time. Over these last couple of days, I have been eating a lot more food, even though I'm not hungry, and I seem to be producing about twice as much "lady juice" (LOL - mental blank!) than usual... I have also been rather nauseated as well on occasion. Another symptom is my breasts are more tender than they usually are. I am getting a bit concerned - is it possible that I could be pregnant? Any suggestions are very welcome..
  18. I like to give oral, however I like to receive just as much as I give.
  19. Puss, You don't have to shape yourself to suit what he wants. You are you and why should you change for him? You are who you are, and if he doesn't like it, then perhaps he might need to recognise you for you, instead of paying more attention to some blonde tart.
  20. Er, I must say that I am an overkisser... When I overkiss my boyfriend, it's because I have to show him in some way how much I love him... I just feel so attracted to him, and he is SO cute sometimes........he is almost like a magnet to me... The thing is, I just don't know how to stop! My boy has talked to me about it a number of times and it hasn't really worked... What should I be doing to stop!!
  21. Dude, I know how you feel... I am the same with my boyfriend... I have had a lot of loved ones in my life who have left me and never kept in contact, like my dad etc... My boyfriend is and has been the one certain thing in my life for eight months now, and I love him so much, I can't help but worry and not trust him when he goes out with his friends. I don't know how to stop myself from lashing out, he doesn't deserve it...
  22. It doesn't seem like he is serious about going out with you, I think you should try talking to him about it, or end it, because if it hurts you, and he doesn't stop doing it, then why should you stick around?
  23. I don't judge him by anything... when I look at my bf's penis, I appreciate it for what it is...
  24. Your parents don't seem to be very open minded. They have to see that despite the age gap that you are very happy with this guy. If they really want what's best for you, they will let you make your own decisions, if they don't then I think you need to tell them to go jump... they will see your point after a while!
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