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  1. Doesn't your secret question only allow you to change the password, not access the old one? She probably hasn't been reading your emails all along if that's the case, because your password never previously changed. Incidentally, I always make my secret question "What is my password for this site?" Then pick a hard password and don't change it, because that causes forgetfulness and if hte password is a good one, it own't be guessed anyway. Make it a mnemonic password and it's hard to forget.
  2. Thanks, dude. You can get around the censors by inserting empty bold tags in the middle of the word, like hoarse.
  3. A chick friend of mine wanted to know if a woman's voice gets hoarse and her throat hurts after giving a guy a blow job. A web search turned up nothing. Anyone know?
  4. I asked a girl out once, and she said no. TOP THAT, BEEOTCHES!
  5. The reason females evolved to like square jaws is because it's a sign of high testosterone, so anabolic steroids would help. I don't recommend them though, there're too many horrible effects (like growing breasts).
  6. It should be noted that men with huge penises are not likely to be surfing web sites about penis size as much as those with titchy ones, so that could also skew the results a bit.
  7. What a shame, I guess you're just going to have to stop fornicating. Shucks, phooey, darn.
  8. The Morrigan: That statistic isn't just something that was noticed in an unrelated study, it can be explained. Within a few days after pregnancy, the corpus luteum, which is in a woman's ovary, begins to secrete large quantities of a number of hormones. One of those chemicals, estrogen, makes the breasts grow in preparation for nursing. In the early months of a first pregnancy, the breasts may be adult size, but the tissue is rather primitive. In other words, it's not specialized for producing milk. It's mostly able just to grow, to proliferate. Later in the pregnancy, the growth switch clicks off, and those cells differentiate into mature, milk-producing cells. Primitive cells, because they're programmed to grow, are more likely to be sensitive to carcinogenic stimuli. If a woman has an abortion, she's left with a large number of these immature cells lining her breast ducts, and she is thereforeeee more vulnerable to cancer down the road—30 percent more vulnerable. White[icE]: Why would you keep a child? You already made the choice when you had sex. You're not supposed to choose whether to "keep the child" (read: let it retain its life) partway through its development.
  9. Please DON'T ABORT. That's a child you're killing. If you're not Christian and have no qualms about murder, remember the 30% higher breast cancer rate among women who have abortions.
  10. Please don't abort! That's an innocent child! I can't give advice about it though, having negative anounts of experience in such matters.
  11. I don't think dry sex is considered losing your virginity, because sex is supposed to be for making babies and dry sex doesn't. However, I'd still consider it wrong because that's not how sex is supposed to work, and sex out of marriage isn't right anyway.
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