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Everything posted by Serendipity1607307077

  1. If she wears other rings, have a look in her jewellry box or something and pick one out.. take it to the jeweller, and he or she will be able to measure the size of the ring.
  2. "Score" to me doesn't sound like having sex with someone that a man loves. To me, it just means that they do it just for the hell of it and to get the numbers on the board.
  3. Hello All I am 17 and my boyfriend of six months is nearly 22. We love each other to bits and have no great problems (except my jealousy problem, but that's another story!!). We are planning on buying a house this month and things are just going from strength to strength. My Mum was also involved in a relationship with an age gap and actually married a guy twice her age. So basically I want to know - do you think that there are advantages and disadvantages about being with someone older or younger than you? Has it caused you any great problems or has it been a godsend? Let me know your thoughts!!
  4. If he doesn't tell you his age, what else won't he tell you in the future? Be careful. And don't trust him.
  5. I have had the same problem with my boyfriend. When I first started going out with him six months ago, I tolerated him looking at other women, and have a collection of porn and stuff, but last month I snapped. I told him how unhappy I was, he didn't take all of it too lightly, but I told him to delete his porn, which he did... But he still looks at pictures of women on the internet and stuff. Nearly every night I cry - it makes me feel like I don't have anything as good as they do. It's quite upsetting. I had a talk to him last night about it actually, it's like he understands, but is reluctant to change because he says it's something that all men do. Why is that? When I first started going out with him I stopped looking at other men completely, regardless of whether they were on the internet or in real life - I would have thought he would have the same courtesy towards me.
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