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Everything posted by Serendipity1607307077

  1. Most arguments are due to a disagreement whereby neither of the couple in the relationship wants to "give up" their opinion in favour of the other..
  2. This is pretty normal - there are a lot of times during the month where is a normal thing to be wet. If it's happening all the time though, I am not sure what it means!!!
  3. When I was first having sex, my bf was wearing a condom, though I must say that it feels so much better without it...
  4. The first time I had sex, it didn't do much for me at all.... after a couple more tries, it started becoming MUCH MUCH better...
  5. Explain the situation to him. Tell him not to interrupt you at all when you are talking to him. If he still doesn't believe you, get one of your friends to talk to him about it and back you up.
  6. I find cheating hard to define in my case... Though I believe that it is when your partner touches another woman sexually, kisses her or otherwise... I also feel sometimes that him "Checking out" other women is cheating... but that could be my jealous streak running rampage again..
  7. He looks at celebs and stuff.... he got rid of his porn when I asked him to, it's not like he watched it anways.. But yeah, I decided when I started going out with him that I would stop looking at other men... but he didn't do the same for me with regards to women, he says it's natural to perve, and "healthy"... it might be healthy for him but it just makes me depressed... I don't want this to keep going!!
  8. Hi guys I find it very hard lately to be happy with the way I look. I am skinny but I am not very well endowed, and it sure doesn't help that my boyfriend looks at pictures etc of women with the same looks as I want. He thinks I am getting angry at him for looking at them, but it's just because I am unhappy that him looking at them will make him wonder about what he could have had in a girl, rather than what I offered... I also feel down at the moment because in the next two weeks, I don't have a job. No one will consider me for a position because of my age, but I need one to gain more experience. It also doesn't help that the person who has just arrived in my job, is getting paid twice as much money for the same amount of work that I have been doing (including large amounts of overtime) for about three months. Both of these factors are making me really unhappy about myself at the moment and I was wondering whether you guys could provide me with some insight to make me feel better about myself..
  9. I feel like that when I don't see my boyfriend for a day.... But I know what you mean about missing someone when you haven't seen them for ages, it's almost like you never imagined what life would be like without them, and when it finally happens, you just find it hard to deal with...
  10. It's strange, but when my boyfriend and I have sex it's almost like I have an epilipic fit for a while, for about 10 minutes afterwards (not one lasing 10 minutes, I mean more like many for a total duration of 10)...
  11. I did when I first started actually, but not anymore..
  12. Well, my boyfriend had obviously had sex before me, seeing that I am 17 and he is 21. I was a virgin when we first met... it kind of upsets me sometimes though, that this is the case... cause sometimes I wonder what his previous girlfriends did to pleasure him and stuff, kinda makes me upset... ahwell...
  13. Was she talking about her having someone on the side or you having someone on the side?? Regardless of this, your gf shouldn't be thinking of only herself in this situation. She has to remember that she has you to think about as well.. My bf doesn't have a very good sex drive either as he has been on medication that restricts him from being randy... However, he doesn't completely shut me out of everything. I think you need to sit down and have a talk with her about this. Tell her that you understand what she needs, but in return, she also has to understand what you need...
  14. Personally I think that a better relationship would grow if you use your husband as a person to talk to and discuss things with. Your husband should be your lover and your best friend.. So while I am not saying that it is wrong to have a male friend, so long as there is no sexual "happenings" , I still think that perhaps if there are issues that you feel you can't discuss with your hubby, you should at least try....
  15. What the hey??? You live half an hour away from each other - for now. So what?? Plenty of people can deal with those kinds of distances. It's not like you are on the other side of the country or anything! So it kinda has to make me wonder what he is going on about. Have you noticed couples that live about five hours away from each other??? It doesn't really make a difference. You might want to ask him what he is trying to get at here.... half an hour is nothing so I don't understand why it would be such an issue, especially if you will be moving closer to him in the next few months..
  16. I used to think it was gross too... but now... image removed sorry... just like that pic...
  17. Dude.... RELAX..... I was all tight too... Perhaps try having sex with you on top, so you can control how far he goes in... when you move down his shaft, breathe out and relax your body...
  18. I lost mine being on top, this was because my bf suggested that this way I could become used to it in my own time...
  19. My first time took AGES.... we tried for about 2 weeks or something, on and off.. but the main reason why he couldn't get inside me was because I was scared, and clenched up my muscles and stuff... My boyfriend suggested that I sit on top of him and use my own weight etc. to get him inside me, this way I could ease myself on... it worked!! It didn't hurt much at all, there was a bit more friction... but it turned out good... I did bleed a little, but I think it was related to troubles I had getting used to the hormone levels in the pill...
  20. Hey guys I am 17 years old and at the moment I am doing an administrative traineeship with a large mining company. During this time, I have gained Certificates II and III in Business and at present I am studying my Diploma in Business.. Employers select me for interviews and whatever because they see that for my age, I have quite a lot of theoretical and practical experience in administration. But I always get a letter saying that I am unsuccessful with my application, and most times it's because of my age. This is disciminatory in Australia, it's supposed to be a equal opportunity country. So what do you think that I am doing wrong? Should I keep applying for jobs in admin, should I go back to working in a supermarket for a while, or what?? I just don't know what is wrong.
  21. The first time I gave my boy head, it was kinda a "lesson" - he was telling me what I should be doing... The thing is, I didn't know how rough I should be.. I didn't really make him orgasm, but he "took over" and finished himself off, all over me... heh.. But after that I knew what I had to do..
  22. Sorry, but that's cheating.
  23. I think you need to sit down with her and ask her what's wrong.. it could be a number of reasons, such as menstruation, tiredness, or just her feeling really comfortable or settled and just not in the mood. So just ask her what is up, if you listen to her, she will talk!
  24. I believe that there is nothing wrong with moving in with your boyfriend, as long as both of you are happy with the arrangement. I have been living with my boyfriend for about three months or so now, and we have been going out for seven... in some ways it was a bit soon to be moving in together, but we were both ready for it..
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