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  1. that sounds like it could make sense. But her brothers girlfriend always said she was so excited when i cma eover and that her family all liked me. Her brother was very protective of her. and he hated all the other guys she dated. but he liked me because i was down to earth and she liked me alot. She doesn;t really fet guys that easily either..
  2. Well i was with this girl for awhile. We took things very slow and i knew that she had really really strong feelings for me. We would hang out like 5 times a week u kno we held each othe ri kissed her goodnight all that stuff. We went to prom together and then When summer came. i only saw her like once or twice a week for like 3 weeks. Then i got invited up to her fmailys cmap for the 4th. she was pretty much all over me that weekend. Everyone ther eknew alot about me i guess. But we were so close and had alot going for each other. her parents loved me. She told them so much about me and always talked about me with them. Then the week after i went to her cmap. she said she wanted to stay friends. I asked her why and she said she was bad with relationships and would get scared and said i was too good to her and that she didn't want to hurt me. But she did all this online. About 3 or 4 days ago i told her i wanted ot tlka to her straight up and not online. She kinda got a little angry becaus ei said id idn't believe her. But then she said that she been stuck on somsone for a while and doesn;t want to only be 99% percent in a relationship and me b in 100%. So i finally talked to her face to face. She was pretty quiet and when i started talking to her she started to cry. She was abosoulutely hysterical. She said some things and i told her stuff like. i liked u since the day i saw you. I thought u were special and that day u split up with me it broke my heart. At this point she was hysterical and i gave her a big hug and told her i woudl always be there for her. And thne i walked back to my car and grabbed her a sweatshirt because she looked cold. So i sat about 20 feet away fomr her and then she cried and cried and then came over to where i was sititng and said a couple things and then mumbled out i can we still be friends. and i said what i said above to her. and then i kinda sat with her i told her i hope she would be hapy and then i left. she waqtche me leave and went back to crying. She called me about 15 minutes later and she was hysterical and she apoligized for hurting me and wanted to kno if we could be friends. I told her she had hurt me, and that we could be friends and that id always be there for her and i hope she be happy. Anyways i was just wondering what u guys thoght about this. When we split up about 45 people wer elike.. What you guys boke up.... you guys were perfect for each other. another weird thing is her broher didn't even know. and she shares everything with him and his girlfriend didn't kno either. Her parents were confused too and they usually kno more things about me then i do. What do u guys think of all this?
  3. Can anyone shed some more light on this?
  4. Well recently the girl who i was going to start a relationship with, decided that we should remains friends. She didn't want to " hurt" me if she got scared or broke away form me but we obviously have strong feelings for her. What should i ask her? what should i tell her? Ive already said alot i just want to make sure i got everything i could say said. She also said she snot ready not a relationship now but she would later on?
  5. alright thanks, i was guessing there was gonna be a time and a place for it.
  6. well, ive been seeing this girl alot, weve been hanging out alot and she really comfortable being aorund me and stuff. We both like each other alot. Pretty much whenver we leave now i give her a kiss on the cheek or forehead or something.were pretty touchy feely, nothing like sexual tho. I went up to her camp for the whole 4th of july weekend and met her whole family and stayed with her for 2 days. Now i really like her, and she likes me. But I don't exactly kno how to just say " I love you " any good ways to bring it out like " what would u say if i said i loved you?" Or just straight out tell her or whisper it in her ear. this all sounds pretty lame thats why i need a little help
  7. this may sound weird, but she kinda just stopped texting me and tlkaing to me aon the ent as much as before, but whenver i see her shes jsut as excited ot see me... i dunno it just seems weird
  8. k, how should i go about this, i don;t wanna ruin anything weve got going. should i take it slow?
  9. well ive known this girl for about a year, when we first met, i knew i had to get her. I have liked this girl since then. So anyways over the summer we hung out a couple times, not alot but we hung out, then as school started we started hanging around more and more, and we would talk online whenver we could and text each other and stuff. We have been hanging out usually 4-5 times a motnth now. She texts messages me alot, and one night she invited me over to watch a scary movie with her, it was just me n her. wheneeve rit was going to get scary she would warm right up to me and cuddle kinda. After this night, we started hanging out even more, until one night before vacation got over she invited me over to drink with one of her friends. they drank then because i planned ot drink later that night. i don;t think she even had that much to drink, but we ledft her house and i drove to a place to get osme food. while we were there she was all over me. about an hour later we left, and i was dropping her off at her house when she walked over to my door opened it and gave me a kiss right on the cheek, then she looked at me and said good night. About 5 minutes later i get a call form her and she said she would have kissed me on the lip but i was chewing on a straw. this is the 2nd time something liek this has hapepned, thi sis just the first itme shes kissed me. Both times she had very very little to drink. Anyways, this week our scheldules weere changed os i had study hall last period and os did she, i told her she should get dismissed. And she did. But the catch here was she convinced Someone to write her a pass. I don;t think she would normally do this. so we hung out and just talked and flirted for awhile we got to her house around 12ish and i didn;t leave that night till 7. anyways what do u poeple think of this?
  10. I really like this girl, and was wondering what kinda body laguage she would show if she wa sinterested in me, im pretty sure she is but i want to be sure
  11. well, how did u drink? enough to both get wasted and not remember anything?
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